baby's drinking her beer!

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baby's drinking her beer!

Post by HelloKitty » July 8th, 2007, 12:09 am

disclaimer, achtung baby: as aforementioned in one of my posts, we really seriously are going to do this every day. no kidding. there are only so many days in the summer and we hope to spend each of them falling deeper in love and ending our summer with a witty, glorious photoblog as evidence that it really happened, we aren't dreaming, we had the best funniest prettiest creative summer ever. we look forward to it, and we hope you share our enthusiasm. learn it, live it, love it.

on to today's post:

as crossword enthusiasts (one of us, myself, more than the other), we were very excited to find word play at our local blockbuster store.

this movie rocked balls.

as did the rest of our day.

being the luckiest and most blessed day in recent memory (7.7.07), today was FANTASTIC!

we had a lovely morning preempted by a semi-lovely evening, capped off when an "inspired" yabyum decided to express his feelings thusly:
beering, smoking, writing, candling. all he needed was coffee to complete a perfect night. ok well i guess he had some sweet cuddle time but not for long, we watched gus van sant's last days way too late into the night and i retired to bed earlier than ronnie.

after finally getting out of bed at around 3, yeah yeah shut up i flippin LOVE summer too, we ventured to the labor ready building to get yabyum's money from the hellish backbreaking stinky cabinet-manufacturing job he worked last night:

i allowed an un-drivers'-licensed yabyum to helm my trusty cherished vessel, my '92 geo metro ghetto-christened shanaynay. if you could hear the (busted) muffler and peep the missing drivers' side mirror and smashed right front entire corner, you'd be forced to wholeheartedly call ghetto too. whatever, that bitchface car gets me where i need to go and gets around 50 miles to the gallon. yeah. eat that. i love her. and him:
i have to admit, i was only afraid for my life once, when we stopped at a light right next to a eugene city police officer. now i don't know if you know the yabyum like i do, but if you do then you know this occurrence could have led to interesting events. but alas, the cop decided to pursue some drunk dude bicycling all over our lane, so we were safe.

with his newfound wealth, yabyum had decided to thoughtfully splurge and take me to the most romantic place in the world, 7-11, where he proclaimed he was feeling lucky and allowed me, the light of his life, to choose a scratch-off lottery ticket. continuing (but really beginning) the word play theme of the day, i chose the crossword puzzle one. i scratched it as yabyum drove and found his way around eugene.
WE WON $18!
and this is how we spent it:
a pint of newcastle for me; cherry coke; cigarettes for yabyum (cause this homegirl don't play that game); tasty pizza; a free trial to the blockbuster total access program with which we rented word play, the n word, and for your consideration and we somehow skeeved a free movie rental; the other light of yabyum's life--the GOD of all beers pabst blue ribbon; and the winning lottery ticket.

after a few beers and the exhilaration that was word play, yabyum simply could not contain his glee any longer and decided to water my fence:

on to the n word, more beer, more bats, and the promise of another day and another blog.

quote of the day:
r: "look! a bat!"
d: "where'd he go?"
r: "he don't fuckin know, he's blind!"
these shoes pinch my feet, but I love them.

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Post by mnaz » July 11th, 2007, 3:06 am

Damn, I'm a hopeless Leo.

I love the summer and those ungodly light hours.

And I love Pabst Blue Ribbon.

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Post by mtmynd » July 11th, 2007, 9:16 am

newcastle... ale yeah! gotta love ale. now pbr... can't find that in my area... probably a non-seller around these parts. haven't had one of those in many a moon. (i'm a mgd kinda guy myself, when i can afford it... mostly buy there lower class high life (gotta like the girl on the moon!)

beer/ale and pizza... an american staple. add in some flicks and you gotta party.

you guys are havin' a good time in eugene. i spent the day there once... so many years ago all i remember is the green and tall grass where we were at. being stoned didn't have anything to do with that, you reckon? :wink:

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Post by HelloKitty » July 12th, 2007, 12:27 am

pbr, not my fave...i mean i'll drink it but as i weigh about the same as the average 12 year old, i therefore require small to moderate amounts of alcohol to achieve a happy purpose. plus being a hella indulgent libra, it usually makes more sense to me to go for a small number of the much tastier, albeit usually more expensive, beers. more bang for my buck, you know, it's economical for me. newcastle, luckily, is cheap and tasty. if only guinness cost as much as newcastle...well then i'd probably get a guinness IV inserted into my arm and die a happy girl.

out of my 4 years of school here, this is my first summer. tall green grass...yep. and i have heard that the weed around these parts is pretty premium, although i wouldn't know myself. i'll take your word for it :D
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Post by Arcadia » July 12th, 2007, 11:46 am

great that you´re having a good time!!!
and about´s really a lucky thing that they seems to go somewhere most of the time!, if they stay stuck next you instead it´s quite possible you have a problem...

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Post by jimboloco » July 12th, 2007, 4:45 pm

may as well take a piss
when you are doing time out
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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