a little something i call "for my baby"

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a little something i call "for my baby"

Post by HelloKitty » July 21st, 2007, 5:25 am

our return to our beloved photoblog finds one hellokitty slightly outraged that the scrabble bought this evening has yet to be cracked open and used to serve one yabyum a piece of his own literary ass with craftily placed wooden letter tiles. he's watching gettysburg right now so i can talk all the smack i want. HAHA! i know, i know, we've got all of forever to play scrabble. i can't wait.

so we haven't been able to take many cute pictures and write cute crap about them because ronnie's been bringing home some bacon!

exhibit a:
he works at a cabinet manufacturing plant. it's thrilling. you can tell by the look on his face. :)

exhibit b:
see, they let him into the factory right up next to the machines and cabinets and everything. he's going through the process of getting hired full time, and hopefully moving into the actual manufacturing sector of the factory.

beginning of the day:

end of the day:

and in the middle of his day, i usually bring him a fantastic dinner. because it's summer, all my friends have graduated or are pretending to be way more responsible-adult-types than i am, and i have nothing better to do than cook up some sexy housewife dinners. yesterday i made shepherd's pie. should have taken a picture. it was super sexy.

in other news,

last summer i sanded, painted, decoupaged, lacquered, and glittered my childhood dresser. perhaps i'll show you that later. this summer i'm giving a recycled bookshelf the same treatment, and evidently the process is picture-worthy:
despite my overjoyed expression, it really is exhilarating. this is step seventy bajillion out of eleventy-twelve schtickstrillion. i had to scrape and sand about a million years of shoddily-applied, uneven magazine decoupage off the damn thing. good thing all that's left is another layer of paint and the decoupage process! {please excuse the gratuitous breasticle angle, if you are indeed offended by that. blame [or thank?] the photographer. they offend me sometimes. maybe we could form a support group!}

in other other news, in addition to our first grownup board game purchase together, we have acquired a television and video game system. i wonder how soon we'll get to make more posts like this...or will my darling love spend most of his time with his new girlfriend, playstation 2?
these shoes pinch my feet, but I love them.

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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » July 21st, 2007, 10:09 am

The Yubyummer at work!!!! He must be liking it cause you two are living off the fats of his labor. Angle what angle???? Interesting mood effect though. I hope the dresser comes out the way for an eternity it took to get the way you wanted to be. Here's a movie you and he should check out,"Factotum".
Honda CBF500
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Post by Arcadia » July 23rd, 2007, 5:47 pm

the first photo is yab smiling..??? that´s great!!!

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Post by hester_prynne » July 26th, 2007, 7:05 pm

Damn, that pic of yab just plain makes me happy. The other ones make me happy too, but I'm so glad for yab that he has found this work. I think it will suit him very much!
Hey Ronnie, I need a bookshelf!
H 8)
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Post by Doreen Peri » July 26th, 2007, 7:31 pm

you both thrill me... beyond words...

i'm overjoyed for you... and as my uncle dave told me once, "enjoy it now! these are your happiest days." ... I coulda killed him for that when years later i figured out the joke... LOL! but he died of cancer so god did it for me.

but anyway, seriously... you both are a treasure and please excuse my sardonic sense of humor... I am so pleased to see such beautiful young people on this board. Most of us are old and cranky, yanno?

yab is a handsome guy and you are just beautiful, denese!

oh and if you love scrabble like i do and he's busy on play station or doing whatever else, meet me on the scrabble site.. i'm an addict ... http://scrabulous.com .... my screen name is guess what? studioeight ... ;) ... some of those people call me "stud"... rofl


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Post by HelloKitty » July 27th, 2007, 4:16 am

dave AKA my newest myspace friend :) ::: he is indeed enjoying his work, today marking his first day "on the floor" as they call it in the cabinet biz. haha angle...and i finished my bookshelf yesterday, i'll include a picture in our next post! thanks for the well wishes! also i think i saw a preview for factotum or something...looked pretty interesting to me. maybe we'll check it out, although we both have an uncanny and inexplicable aversion to matt dillon. eh. and can i state for the record that i DID NOT dislike "the last time i committed suicide," i simply did not LOVE it as much as someone else.

arcadia: i know! i do my best to get him to smile all day and SOMEONE ELSE captures the biggest fattest shiteating grin in yabyum history on film. i give up.

hester: it makes everyone happy! maybe we should all print it onto t-shirts and wear them around. :D

doreen: i think i'm in love with you. not even kidding. thank you so much for all your kind words and inspiration! i know, we're such super hotties. our children will be so beautiful they'll have to live alone somewhere so they don't disintegrate people with their gorgeousness. ;) haha yeah i mean this in the best way possible but i get reminded a lot about how young i am. 22...but it feels like 22 plus a million. or ten. ok at least five. hmm i think i will be checking out scrabulous very soon! btw: first hellokitty v. yabyum scrabble game score: hellokitty 300, yabyum 100 something let's not even go there his pride has been wounded enough which should roughly translate into please tell everyone you and he mutually know that i grossly dominated his scrabble world once. oh LOL you ARE a stud!!! and kick that contractor guy's ass extra hard for me, please.
these shoes pinch my feet, but I love them.

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Post by Arcadia » July 28th, 2007, 4:59 pm

no... don´t give up kitty!!! those things are not linear all the time!!

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