I follow the flight of a seagull.....

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Doreen Peri
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I follow the flight of a seagull.....

Post by Doreen Peri » June 23rd, 2007, 10:44 pm

just today, i was the only one who showed up for a meeting regarding following the flight of the seagull...


so because i was the only one there, i had no choice but to take off into the airways of a mid-flight traffic jam


and when i found myself handicapped without suitable landing gear, i stupidly turned around to do the exact same thing again,


took off up and out, down and back again, continually flying in circles, handicapped by the disconnection of an electrical circuit


until i got smart


and jumped out of the silly little door next to where the pilot sits! – luckily was able to pull the ripcord on the parachute, landed in a vacant field, only somewhat damaged, bruised


climbed up to a warehouse rooftop but when nothing miraculous happened as i expected for some stupid reason, screamed at myself for the lack of transformation, questioned chasm energy, then jumped head first into a trampoline where i bounced back up to attempt another downhill competition with myself – the first one to land on my feet, the winner!


i have discovered the luxuries of meaning and disinterest, both in a continuum, side by side in the two left fast lanes directly in each other's blind spots, blocking each other in


proving finally

that trying to pass too fast is often futile or deadly, but since there is the possibility of neither, doing so can be the quickest route to the toll booth since you can't get to the exit without paying first.


to fly wingless into exposed doubt is similar to walking without crutches despite being lame. impermanence lasts much longer than superficial praise.


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Post by Arcadia » June 24th, 2007, 11:06 am

I followed
the black & white flight of a seagull
without knowing the sea yet
(and I wanted exactly to find it
in the shore years later!)
until I saw & listen to them!!

beautiful secuencia, doreen!!!!

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panta rhei
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Post by panta rhei » June 25th, 2007, 5:15 am

sitting on our floe
we smoothe our iced place
among the crystals of snow
upholster it with moss
and cant our song

until one day we grow wings
and leave that lichen nest

singing out loud

those pinions

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Post by jimboloco » June 25th, 2007, 1:26 pm

jonathin livingston seagull
got the spirit
if only i could fly to oshkosh
and barnstorm
in my homebuilt fantasy
into uncertain euphoria
once again
heading west
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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