i hate chili, by the way

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i hate chili, by the way

Post by HelloKitty » August 7th, 2007, 5:21 am

tonight i inadvertently brought my love one of his least-favorite foods for dinner. it was AWESOME. after i got all worked up like a sexy housewife making this hearty wonderful dinner of chili with hot dogs and bacon with a baked potato and bread & butter and cake AND EVERYTHING, he informs me that he HATES chili. well shit. no big deal, i'm glad i know now and it'll never happen again.

this is what he had for dinner one night last week:
stroganoff noodles (pasta roni, i'm not ashamed) with peas (i opened the can myself and everything!) with italian sausage meatballs. it was pretty good. he was really proud of that and needed to take a picture to show his friends what he gets to come home to. he doesn't come home to that every night, but you know, i guess most nights, when i get the impulse.

similar to this impulse:
this was about two weeks ago, i think. my darling yabyum decided on a whim that we NEEDED to go to this fish market downtown and get some crab and some i forget what kind of fish we had. i think it was salmon. it was a tasty impulse.

our children are growing and becoming more comfortable in our home!

yeah i know. precious. my 2 baby kitties on my hello kitty sheets. oy. vey. i think ronnie took this. so far i haven't been able to get them both to look at me at the same time.

sally now allows me to pet her without shying away; she actually approaches me for sweet loving! and does ridiculously adorable things like this:

jack has found a new favorite napping spot-- my bosom:
he spent an entire evening snuggled up sleeping on my chest. smart.

i mean, how could i resist this?
this face, somehow, makes me forget the danger of letting a young jumpy furry bag of claws and teeth cuddling my delicate milk pillows.

yesterday i washed my hair, straightened it, and SOMEONE felt it necessary to document the process. i know he'd want to include this but he's not here so here you go:

also last night we went bowling:
i worked on my approach, he worked on teaching this group of idiotic high schoolers some courtesy & respect. i was successful and achieved my first spare EVER although nobody witnessed it IT HAPPENED I SWEAR! he was unsuccessful and those ugly hipster holier-than-thou hooligans will probably go on to walk all over their neighbor-bowler's peripheral vision just galumphing up and chucking their ball down the lane then high-fiving their fellow ridiculously-clothed slutbag friends while semi-enthusiastically, wholly-pompously talking of incessantly petty things. i mean i figure bowling is all in your head so you should be able to block everything out but they were just loud and rude and had no idea that other people were sharing their living space. and that's the best true description of an event i'll ever give.

i've got some great pictures of the kitties taken with my camera phone; i'll share those as soon as i find the motivation and energy to figure out the photobucket mobile upload thing.

and one of these weekends we're going to take a trip to the coast, and maybe another weekend we'll go to crater lake, and maybe another weekend we'll go to mt. st. helens, and next week is the lane county fair, and oregon has so many other interesting fun weekend-trip-destinations...i can't wait. i start a nannying job the first week of september that i am just thrilled about, and school starts the first week of october, and football season's starting and you know yabyum's excited about that so...life is good here.
these shoes pinch my feet, but I love them.

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » August 7th, 2007, 12:41 pm

wonderful photo essay, HellKat

here is our kitty (neighborhood terrorist and serial killer)

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Post by HelloKitty » August 8th, 2007, 1:53 am

hahaha serial killer kitty. i think my cats are starting to adopt murderous skillz...they've attacked 3 of my plants, every aspect of my current knitting project, every part of my body, every part of my outfit, and everything i've eaten. all these things happened within the past 2 days. ridiculous as well as recockulous.
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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » August 12th, 2007, 6:47 am

How did you and the YAB do on bowling???? Score okay???? Oh by the way I like chili maybe with a little crab thrown in perhaps. Thanks for the pics. You guys are having a great summer for sure!!!!
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Post by HelloKitty » August 13th, 2007, 12:14 am

he did pretty well...he is REALLY into bowling, he even won the league tournament when he lived in astoria. that time was my 3rd time bowling so...i'll just say i'm getting better and leave it at that ;)
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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » August 13th, 2007, 3:01 pm

Good at bowling
Bad at chili
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Post by Arcadia » August 13th, 2007, 6:40 pm

Good at bowling!!! that´s important, friend!!

Beautiful kitty photo with kitty background (yesterday my sobrina Emilia got a hellokitty! purse from her grandmother for the kid´s day, it reminded me directly about you..!!)

that´s a big crab!! the only crabs I saw were the brazilian ones, they look as shiny moving sand, and dissapear suddenly when you get closer. But I guess the ones in the beach were baby ones. Never ate them.
and about chili... I´m suspicious about argentine mexican food, really. I guess that if they serve here the real chili-chili we wouldn´t survive the experience...!!!

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