conversation in english

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conversation in english

Post by Arcadia » January 24th, 2008, 10:43 am

D: (doing strange faces to me while looking to my friend´s salamander tatoo)
A: uhh!!! are you afraid of them?
D: do you speak english?
A: mmm... yeah
D: first time in Rio?
A: yes
D: It´s my fifth!!
A: good!! where are you from?
D: I´m from Denmark. I´m a free-lance tourist guide (he points to a group of oh so white people...!). I´m a retired farmer that became tourist guide (smiles). I was here with a group last October. Five days of rain. We did this travel anyway. You could see only clouds. I had to raise the moral and use my imagination and tell the turists what they could see in a sunny day.
A: oh... sad
D: how long do you will stay in Rio?
A: We leave tomorrow afternoon
D: and where will you go?
A: where?! home
D: are you chilean? where´s home?
A: I´m going to my city, Rosario in Argentina.
D: Oh!!! Argentina!!! We´re going to Iguazu, next to Manaos and then to Bahia!!!
A: wow, long trip!!!
(a couple and a woman from USA start talking too)
W1: we´re going to Iguazu too!!! And I was in Buenos Aires!!! so beautiful!!!!
A: yes, it´s beautiful. And where are you from?
W2: United States... I´m from California and they are from the east coast.
(to the denmark tourist-guide): you talked about Manaos. Why going to Manaos?. We thought about the possibility but we are not sure yet.
D: well, it´s primitive! not electric light in all the places, vegetation, monkeys...
W2: oh....!!!! primitiveeeee!!!! good!!!!
A: :roll: Bye!!

(we reach the Sugar Loaf :) )


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Post by jimboloco » January 26th, 2008, 11:17 am

now this is a good shot
in the air
slow flying
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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