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The Field And The Lake!!!!

Posted: July 7th, 2008, 5:39 pm
by Dave The Dov
A view of Indian Lake. Over to the right just out of the pic is a trail. That leads over to that part of the lake. After I had taken this pic. I then proceeded to walk on the trail so as to head over to the lake. A deer had run just in front me. I stopped in my tracks and watched it. It went bounding through the brush and emerged out into the open several feet from me. I was going to try and get a shot it. But deer move fast and I wouldn't have gotten it. So I raised up my arms and started to make noises at it. The deer stopped turned around and watch at was I was doing. It then ran off after it was done watching me. That was the first time in my life that I had seen a deer up close in the wild.

1950 recession

Posted: July 16th, 2008, 1:18 pm
by Arcadia
beautiful photo!!! it looks quiet!!!! I like nature specially without too much people (I guess the deer too!! :lol: )