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Posted: July 8th, 2008, 8:05 pm
by Doreen Peri
;) .. it's ok.. i already saw it.. i was just letting you know i did :)

I'm no woman of steel. You should have seen me today. I was like Clark Kent in drag having been exposed to a ton of kryptonite. I'm trying to recover by eating junk food. McDonalds. I figure if I get sick on the food, the kryptonite won't bother me as much.

My eyes are brown with green streaks... sometimes gold streaks... mostly brown. Depends on the light. I think that's a combination they call hazel. I always called them hazel but maybe I'm wrong.

But since Deb's pic is a cartoon, I get to experience what it's like to have blue eyes. Wheeeeeee! I like it! Next, I'm dying my hair blonde. Then I'll have a face lift and a tummy tuck and come on here incognito. It's gonna be great! ;) I have the feeling blondes DO have more fun.

Posted: July 8th, 2008, 8:09 pm
by Dave The Dov
Always stay the way that you are because that's how we all love you!!!! :D
Honda VFR750R

Posted: July 8th, 2008, 8:14 pm
by Doreen Peri
Dave The Dov wrote:Always stay the way that you are because that's how we all love you!!!! :D
What? You mean I can't get the face lift, the tummy tuck, dye my hair blonde and come here incognito?


You sure?

It would be FUN!

Posted: July 8th, 2008, 10:05 pm
by westcoast
i LOVE the new avatar and all these vision of you dear doreen. you are one special lady :D


Posted: July 9th, 2008, 1:47 pm
by jimboloco
what happened to th schnozzola?
ah sMile giRl has it for posterity

buit i agree wid th avatar
dori as a jedi!\\

kudos on th charcoal drawing, terri
or is it in ink brush?
it has that sort of fluid quality
real nice!

bees an beers
ah well
mebbe a summer ale
an a shot o irish whiskey
or should i try scotch?

i been workin real hard
got got a 6% pay raise an
a nice

gon buy some more patio deck bricks
an pave th place

found a growing tree in my brush pile
it was just sitting on the ground down
at th bottom of th alley fence
i transplanted it to th other corner, full of light,
well seated
it will bloom out tropical flowers

miricles of backyard nature
gon buy me some ale an whiskey an grill hamburgers
rock on!
i ain't workin til saturday
i need a buzz

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 7:24 pm
by Arcadia
cascading questions
pulsating core
vastness & limits
emerald scales
twirling in LĀ“Isle joyeuse