Coyote Trails


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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by silent woman » March 23rd, 2014, 11:20 am

If they [C] buried all the trucker's [F] lost in them woods
There'd be a [C] tombstone [G7] ev'ry [C] mile
Don't think I can ride today, that another northern come barging through in the night and it is here to stay for a while, the wind is howling, if it lays down I will try this afternoon, still going to be in the sixties. but now that wind is chilling me to the core, just the sound of it. I can not bring myself to open a door, it might blow me away.
but it could be worse I could be in Aroostook County Maine hauling potatoes on a ribbon of ice.

Smoke did you write something about smoke, are you smoking.
I am on a diet, I am a quantified self, the devil is in the numbers, If I can measure something I feel like I am in control I am on a roll swing high sweet Chariot

if you are smoking
I am too
you can't heal a saint mingo wrote
okay but I am
no saint
so maybe there is still hope
If you can't give me love and peace, Then give me bitter fame. — Akhmatova.

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 23rd, 2014, 12:23 pm

don't remember saying anything about smoking - i never went back to tobacco since I began vaping - still vaping - it's been long enough since I had a cigarette that I no longer remember how long it has been - cold here too, Jack - I been waiting for the weather to turn like there would be an audible pop! or something - snow is disappearing and the river is ice-free but the temps are still arctic - too cold to ride for sure - seems like it's been forever & a day - when I'm finally able to roll down the road on a bike it's gonna have a dream like quality I'm sure - been looking at some options for a new bike - several options - and maybe it's a good thing the cold ain't gone off yet because I can't come to a decision - God gives ya this thing called a brain & don't get me wrong it's a wondrous thing but...then he went and packed in emotions too - recipe for trouble right there - and make no mistake we pass most of our decisions more on emotion than anything else - so I'm stuck tween this & that - all the usual suspects -
anyways - got me spending my days weighing pros & cons - I think endless choice in anything should be classed as a crime say right up there with treason - trouble is among all my choices that I really need one option off of one bike & another option off another bike and a third option of a third bike and throw all those options together to get the bike I really want and of course they don't build that ... love it to death
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 23rd, 2014, 12:36 pm

I must have misread you about the smoke sorry

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 25th, 2014, 10:14 pm

deleted a long ramble about bikes, stuff you probably already know.

thinking baby-fuckers,
and Bukowski's tight pussies
was Jack a baby-fucker
was Neal,

I guess if a young girl is going to fall into the hands of a baby fucker they could do worse, at least they were beautiful cats and kind men.

My blood sugar was 74 this morning, my studio eight diet is working

I feel normal for the first time in years, I have not died in my sleep for a couple of weeks.

Kesey and Jack, strange interludes
watching the bus movie now, well listening to it while I type

I have heard the universe is 14 billion years old
and it is going to end in the year of four blood moons during passover

that may not be true
duh me
"Every couple of thousand years a littie genie comes along and pisses on the pillars of science."

14 billion years is all we can see in our rear view mirror, I used to think it never began and it will never end. but people will come and go
That was when I was a stoned cold Jew atheist like my father before me, before I started looking for G d. Before the lsd
"I used to be messed up on drugs
now I am messed up on the lord"
firesign theater

thinking and noticing
distracted abstracted
hungry for a metaphor
a thousand calories a day
and five miles on my bike
I going to be light when they haul my dead ass away
I going to learn to dance before they do
going to feel like gravity is not smashing me down

running with the big dogs
fast shiny trucks
with a million watts of chicken lights

I wish I had some lights on my bike
everything is easy in the spring
I can ride late in the day
Summer the temperatures are insane hee, got a narrow window ot time to ride
I been thinking about riding at night
I always used to prefer the night
always tried to drive as much as I could in the night
except for winter
when it was helpful to see where the sun was hitting the ice

coyotes in NYC now, I have heard
Gary Snyder would say that is progress
Our empire becomes a wilderness again

pardon the mess
just got to write

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 26th, 2014, 12:36 am

hell, got messes of my own - ya know how that goes ...

i figure the world got a beginning & an end because people do - my father would have killed a pedophile and maybe turned himself in - my grandfather would have killed the same pedophile
and left the body for the coyotes & the crows & never would of told anybody - call it de-volution

we are too comfortable - we will follow anybody as long as we get to be comfortable -

was thinkin' 'bout the Book of Job today - out of all the books in Scripture it's the one I have the devil's own time getting my mind around - folks say that book is about patience - "the patience of Job" is a byword - but for me every third sentence makes no sense - read somewhere once that it is Mesopotamian in nature and most likely the story predates the setting down of the book of Genesis - but that isn't what disturbs my calm - the biggest thing there is that God makes a bet with the Accuser, the Devil himself - not the first thing i haven't understood & surely not the last

the snow is melting here but not fast - 27 degrees - got the electric heater on and more than three quarters of the house shut off - i'm told it will be fifty by this weekend - bout time if it happens - it's almost April
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 26th, 2014, 6:47 am

... forgot - bought a set of lights for the Coyote last year - front & rear - the rear light can be run steady & has a flash feature - found that traffic approaching from the rear slows down when they see that blinking rear light at night because they can't identify what's going on which is a good thing - it gets their attention - the front light is more useful than I thought it would be - bright and you can see ahead quite aways - LED lights - way to go and these were cheap too - want to get a more expensive set this year - you can go San Francisco with lights on your bike - they got lights for your wheels your seat & seat tube - top tube - down tube you name it - I like riding at night too Jack - after I got lights on the Coyote I took more than one night ride last year - one night headed for the river - crossed the bridge which slopes down then goes into a sharp U curve as you reach the west bank - picked up more speed than I thought crossing that bridge and was grabbing for some serious brake as I entered that curve - took a left at the moon - i'd say hell yeah get ya some lights especially where you're at - got to be more comfortable riding at night there -
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 27th, 2014, 9:39 am

messy lives here steve
messy lives
people with children and messy lives

after a stormy night of adult humans having vodka fueled tantrums
I'm walking on egg shells today
so as not to make it worse by anything I say
I got to rise above it shine it on, maybe it could be an opportunity for growing up if I play my hand right. My little rock and roller, my guitar gently weeps for his karma with women. Starting with my sister.

but fuck it for now not going to worry just try to rise above it not get sucked into that whirlpool theirs

sixty degrees wet and misty after the storms
sunshine and eighty today but it sure don;t look like it yet
no patience for typos now fix them later

yeah so you were saying Job, thirty years ago I thought I was sitting on the top of the world and everything crashed and burned and I started feeling sorry for myself and thought I was Job, I tried to keep my faith such as it was at the time, but over the years I realized I was not a righteous man and it was not the world I thought I was sitting on.

I can hardly remember much about it but I did read it, one of my road books I carried with me for years, An Answer To Job, Carl Jung, as I remember it the answer was Jesus,

BTW, personal opinion on the Hebrew Bible, Some of the problems is in the translations to English from the Greek to the Hebrew. Have you tried reading it in the Jewish bible not the King James?
Hebrews and Greeks had many subtle differences that got glossed over when the middle east became Hellenized, but they come back to bite us in the ass.
I had another book at the same time as the Job/Jung something about the different constructs of Time in Greek and Hebrew. Filters, what the hell do I really know that has not been filtered through my culture. Only my instincts and emotions, and they are manipulated by that exo-biological womb of culture we are born into.
Last edited by stilltrucking on March 27th, 2014, 11:01 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 27th, 2014, 9:49 am

sorry must be my morning to pontificate :oops:

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 27th, 2014, 10:07 am

I know it when I see it steve
that is why I always felt safe with those combat veterans I drove with

I felt it coming off him when I opened the door he was trying to kick in, just for a split second it was going to come at me, I stepped back and told him to get a grip on himself.

the part of the old book that jacks my jaws is about the sins of the fathers coming down on the sons, don't say nothin about the sins of the mothers.

I don't want much to do with any of it any more, but the commentaries interest me more than the book. I worry for for the fate of my kinsmen sometimes, but I guess we are the cockroaches of human descent, we got hell of a back story, everybody held onto their land but us, the teeming refuse of eastern Europe, Nietzsche died for my sins forewarned me about self loathing. We, we who I wonder, a numerous as stars with generations going back three thousand years ago, who are the Jews any more. Who has more descendants Abraham or Genghis Khan.

We could each father nations if we had the time and opportunity, we could probably father planets too, maybe the Mormons are right we each have a planet of our own somewhere,
The Sea Wolf Jack London
In our loins are the possibilities of millions of lives. Could we but find time and opportunity and utilize the last bit and every bit of the unborn life that is in us, we could become the fathers of nations and populate continents.
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 27th, 2014, 11:20 am

that's certainly a concern - about the translations that is - but I have learned that the Jewish scribal tradition deserves our respect & trust - at least as far as Scripture is concerned - that copy of the Book of Isaiah that was found with the Dead Sea Scrolls was a thousand years older than any existing copies we had and proved that in those thousand years there was not enough difference in the text to merit a say-so - when it came to the Hebrew scribes they were very aware that they were handling & dealing with the Word of God, a responsibility they took very seriously - when it came time to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek the same care was taken and even more so as the chance of error was made greater from one language to another - those scribes that gathered in Alexandria to work on the Septuagint were the Top Guns of the Jewish scholars & the cream of Jewish scribes of that time - I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall of that gathering - anyways...the translation was completed and so solid was it that it has been the touchstone of any further translations from the Hebrew -
the New Testament can be trusted in the same way - it is not only attested to by faith but by textual analysis & comparison - granted, there have been Christian groups all down through history who published their own versions of Scripture to fit their own agenda - but the test of time has proven them out to be lacking - big subject - the problems of translation from Greek to English or any other language are always the same - i ain't to have an answer to that - sorry - as a believer myself I trust that the Bible I use, the NIV, has enough support from history, scribes, & scholars & tradition as a translation from the original Greek manuscripts that it's transmission of the Word of God to me, to my eyes & mind & heart & soul, coupled with faith, is as close as any of us want to get to the mountain.
the sins of the fathers - that is certainly a huge can of worms you want to grasp there - the only thing I can say to that after much thought is I cannot, as a mortal man, raise an accusing finger to God as Adam did in the Garden in the first act of hypocrisy in history, over this issue - what I do see however from my reading of Scripture, is that God has, down through the ages, taken pains & with much patience, (and probably mercy too, my opinion)
pointed out to man the nature of sin - God does, even though it does not get much face time these days, respect the intelligence of his creations -

best I can do at this point, Jack - time for coffee
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by stilltrucking » March 27th, 2014, 11:54 am

I think the sins of the church fathers been coming down on the children long enough.

Still waiting on the sun.

I left my bike in the rain, dang me they ought to take a rope and hang me

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 28th, 2014, 12:43 am

glad to know you too, Jack
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by short timer » March 28th, 2014, 11:34 am

Transcendental Blues
I believe too bro, but my faith is heretical, I don't trust that book the Catholic Church wrote
Men have died to bring me the words of the Christ Jesus
and it is up to me to carry his cross in my own way.

(Steve Earle)

In the darkest hour of the longest night
If it was in my power I'd step into the light
Candles on the alter, penny in your shoe
Walk upon the water — transcendental blues

Happy ever after 'til the day you die
Careful what you ask for, you don't know 'til you try
Hands are in your pockets, starin' at your shoes
Wishin' you could stop it — transcendental blues

If I had it my way, everything would change
Out here on this highway the rules are still the same
Back roads never carry you where you want 'em to
They leave you standin' there with them ol' transcendental blues
"I want to create wilderness out of empire."
-Gary Snyder

Free Rice
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 28th, 2014, 7:19 pm

& enlarged -

pulled the trigger on a new bike the other day - take delivery sometime next week - in the words of one dead poet -
ya gotta roll roll roll
ya gotta thrill my soul
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Re: Coyote Trails

Post by the mingo » March 28th, 2014, 7:56 pm

i have been successfully logged in
so mother up
the Book says "and Judas went out & it was night"
i've had the days that felt just like that
power on
power up
objects in space
Abraham leaving his father's house
in response to a Voice
Lazarus coming from the tomb
in response to the same Voice
power down
power off
successfully logged out
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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