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Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 11:50 am
by jackofnightmares
they are
Fortunate sons. 8)

I been thinking about Medusa's daughter. A friend of mine said of another friend of mine when her child was born..."I am glad she had a boy and not a daughter"

I been thinking about that for thirty-one years.
I still wonder what she meant. I guess that sons are easier than daughters?
I mean we are talking about a woman with many 'issures'

pardon the ramble
old men dream dreams
and the young see visions

and the childless love about other peoples children

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 12:15 pm
by jackofnightmares
'i feel like i'm sitting on a turning world -"
imagine that :!:
I tip my sombrero to mingo's lingo

I feel like I'm dancing
to the music of the wobble. 8)

like one of those old 45's

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 1:36 pm
by creativesoul
In the mission district having dinner with the " beautiful people" - it was pâté.
I said" it tastes like glorified spam"
My eldest said" high end spam"

I see a whole city swirling smelling and tasting wine
Not so sure if I will ever look
Like the women I see
My age

Thor is on pay per view
Bike ride s f / beach and golden gate park

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 5:33 pm
by the mingo
a bike ride - now wouldn't that be sweet

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 10:32 pm
by creativesoul
it would have been- but - we did other stuff- gads- my sons can shop- for high fashion stuff- i remember that well- my eldest is more humble and interesting than many many people- i am impressed- my youngest is such a entrpuneur= i cant even spell it-i like pate - but i prefer mint tea- and honey==san francisco s ham chowder was awesome- and the BREAD- it s fish is cool- but really - i wanted exotic vegetables- i will have them tommorow- if i have to go to farmer s market in portland- im going to have it-
anyway- i slept like the high priestess last night = i took four baths- in the fancy hotel- i walked around union square- trolley car bells= and people just walk into you- geez-
i got to joke with my son about jp morgon having a convention- and all the great hookers were taken for the night - so why not sleep son-

i know my sons are very honest with me-but sometimes it is a bit 'over the top' but we had just seen wolf of wall street- in a huge theatre= i can see that i am going to have to tell mr scorsceses to fuck right off- how dare you make anyone watch endless drug bullshit and then actor boy says' i hate being sober i want to kill myself' 'plaugerizing kurt cobain aga----
i say fuck you martin- your cocaine shit from scar face to now - dude it is 20 years later= wake up and smell the coffee'
recovery is fucking hard enuf- k?>

so anyways - there is a birthday party and a give away of a friend of mine here at the house tommorow night- my stomach is all messed up still from all that hottie tottie food in san fran- but was i warm in the sunlight of my son s love?you betcha!!!

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 18th, 2014, 8:22 am
by the mingo
went on a journey
& found a meal -
sounds good to me

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 12:41 am
by creativesoul
8) gotta go to hawaii soon- i need that salt water- and that green always green- smiling faces----

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 12:56 am
by the mingo
peanut butter on club crackers here at 20 degrees above zero - you tied to the wind ain't ya?

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 1:07 am
by creativesoul
Like a sailboat

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 1:20 am
by the mingo
Mz. Sailboat

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 1:26 am
by the mingo
january 19/2014
12:14 a.m.
20 degrees
upstate yew nork -

I love typo's.
I love killer typo's most of all.

that's it - time for bed
I love lotsa balnkets too -
live for blankets

a man can't have enough blankets -

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 9:21 am
by the mingo
sitting here with
cold extremities - fingers toes - body right on the edge of a shiver all the time

poor in january means you are never warm or even close - you always think world war one is further off than it really is - look right around the corner and there it is - rats in the trenches crawling right over you as you try to sleep & all

cheery, right?
telegraphic response from my fantasies - i'm not a big fan of retreads but i have been known to use them - could be worse as is often said -

i can't think of much would be worse than world war one
jack daniels & koala bears maybe -
old boys & their thoughts when it's cold -

like the Cheyenne on the run in the middle of winter - hot chocolate ain't gonna help -
I saw a frozen stiff american flag once - it had rained then the temperature dropped sharply - flag froze in place all stretched out on the flagpole - one of the strangest things i have ever seen - even stranger than the lopped off head of a water snake that hours later was still opening & closing its jaws - just the head no body attached - don't tread on me - yay valley forge -

if i ever won a lottery I wouldn't move to warmer climes right away - i would spend one winter at least right here with three 500 gallon propane tanks full to the gills & i'd run that whore furnace at 90 degrees day and night - i'd stand at the big window with sweat poring off me and look out at the frozen landscape HELL YEAH MONGOLIA written large across my forehead warp fucking speed all winter long - now that's the mother of all fantasies right there

old boys & their thoughts when its cold -

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 10:08 am
by creativesoul
COLD - is not something i am good at- i get pissed- even with the gear i have recently purchased= i feel pretty 'bound' in all those clothes- magnolia- i swear- it is none of my business what anyone else does-
but it has been proven that people are more peaceful in warmer climates-and happier- culture that left behind beautiful palaces and rode bulls for fun- they were not in conflict with anyone because they were warm, had eaten and swam and everything kind to the human body
ms winter is the harshest of all teachers- attendence is mandatory- and tardiness disapproved of-and the homework is endless-

she is stern and serious-long icy fingers-and one look has you concerned-- i have an electric heater that saves me- and a wood burning stove= and firewood-
but what keeps me warm is not all of those things-
it is the good that i know i have done- and the risk factor- going out on a limb and trusting another human being-
letting other people get to know me- see all parts of me- so really what is cold?

i know that as a young girl i slept in my car one night in a snowstorm -an got some frostbite in my hands and feet-and although i wish i could claim some real promise about how to deal with the harshness of the winter- but last night during a give away my elder said 'she heard i was complaining about the cold'
i was gifted a wolf hat- it is one of those kids kind= with lil animal ears-by a man that is her husband- he is dying-he brings his tanks to the birthday party and breathes like each one is his last- we have all been witness to his fire going out - SLOWLY-
blankets- i think are honorable- and beautiful- but i am never sure that is what is keeping me warm- i think it is breathe-
i am still alive-
and that is a gift-
i drink my coffee- it is still dark out- my friend that just had her foot repaired with nuts and bolts has been at our house forever-she wakes up talking- and yesterday with all my mother engines flaring- she started to do some emotional crap that is not tolerated by mothers like me- it is in the ears- it is like a bullshit censor- the shit we tell ourselves- the excuses forwhy we do what we do- and why we dont treat ourselves better-
i could hear the red flags and the excuses lining up at the school cafeteria- and i could stand it no more- i let her see the stepping stones and where her footprints were tracking in all the pebbles of things she had clung onto that no longer served her- but she used them to circle around the center like a tropical storm about to become a hurricane- let her know in no uncertain terms that much of her emotional stuff could in fact no longer drag her into the dirt- that she knew better and to 'quit it' -
she seemed better afterwards- but let me tell you- it is a strange thing- that mom radar- because they never really hid anything from me- because i found out anyways or had a feeling- this also decomposes the lies of love and marriage-
hot or cold my friend-
no rodent crossing on my bed

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 7:35 pm
by creativesoul
In my crew - a blanket is to honor you- hope you can feel the heart warmth I am sending you- got sick- airplanes- wearing a wolf hat around the house- wish I felt better- met willow ( baby)

Re: Bandit Notions

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 8:07 pm
by the mingo
I just figured you were still on your travels - hope you feel better soon - -1.5 degrees above zero here - can use all the blankets I can get - i have a fantasy about a Hudson's bay blanket -
yeah - two of them even - maybe three 8)