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Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 6:03 pm
bandolier carryall...coolness...gots google dat....yeah keep that lil notebook n pen at all times for when inspiration strikes...i loves mine on the train....shit comes to me whilst in movement.... 8)

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 12:52 am
by the mingo
use "hands free carry all" for your search terms - will take you right to the home site or to amazon - ordered mine from amazon

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 3:51 pm
by the mingo
biked down into the village this afternoon - old mill site down there - couple of buildings still standing, one of them made into expensive apartments - important thing is the old dam is still there across the stream, millrace too & at the moment the spring runoff is pounding through there - place must have been jumping in its day, probably around 1912 or so - but commercial interests have long since moved on and the place is left to graffiti artists and poets - like to watch the whitewater and listen to it - but today someone else had taken up a position, they were reading or watching something on the pad or phone - so i stood on the bridge for just a moment then took the mill road out of town - turned west into the wind & rolled on 'til i got to this old farmhouse - no one lives there - i pull off under the old maples and lay the bike in the grass - retrieve my coffee and sit on the bank in the afternoon sun - i find no end to this kind of employment these days, think i was appointed to it actually - sat there listening to the wind, no leaves on the trees yet - so just the wind in the branches - can't say the dead were talking to me but they certainly were standing around watching ...

... the time had gone by - i stood up, stretched, put my coffee back secure in its bottle cage, reached for my bike put my foot on the pedal and mounted - off down the hill slipping into high gear quick and pumping those cranks, have to gather your speed while you may because at the house on the bottom of this hill lives a damn lively dog and he will rush you - i was up to game speed approaching fast & heard the dog begin barking and start his sprint across the lawn - just then the wind picked up some of last year's leaves out of the ditch and blew them over the road ahead of me with that dry scratching sound and i thought this is a hell of a time i don't have for a revelation but i had to keep my focus and my jam on straight & narrow because ...

here comes the dog

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 7:06 pm
courts in comes the dog.....i figurin ya beat him..... 8)

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 11:38 am
by the mingo
yeah we mixed it up - one of these days the dog is gonna get too excited of it all and take a bite outta me - so far that ain't happened but it's the potential -

mystery zoomers ...

and what the hell is up with youtube? can't pick out to post just one vid anymore, you get a whole playlist wtf? that pisses me off - is it just in my head - hell i don't even know for sure if there is such a place as my head and can't get to the bottom of it and that pisses me off too -

funny i can think of my grandmother same time as i'm typing this - i've heard kerouac was an ace typer - mr. speedy gonzales on the keyboard -

chasing a 'ku yesterday after me & the dog parted ways, him to home and me to the road - caught a glimpse of it from the corner of my eye & circled back but it was gone - another just one more mystery zoomer ...

don't know if i'll get to the bike today - 20 degrees cooler than yesterday, air damp with mist, rain on & off - see my landlord all over the place - 82 yrs old and a survivor of korea -
he wants to sell me a van - told me i could pay by the month - told him what i could afford - he said he was looking for more than that - kind of relieved actually, didn't really want the thing except as a backup -

ain't seen any snakes yet - even with the cool nights they should be out & about by now - frogs are going nuts in the swamps - got news for the snakes, even if they ate frogs from sunup to sundown & all through the night they ain't got a hope in hell of making even the smallest dent in that horde of amphibian flesh - always liked where Ikkyu said in one of his poems: "nature's a killer, I won't sing to it" - he got that shit straight - it's why we live behind walls, to keep nature the fuck out - plus those walls allow us to indulge in a fantasy island kind of existence - which we do, endlessly -

shelter is a cool thing but also double-edged -

damn youtube -

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 18th, 2015, 9:42 am
by the mingo
Unlike dirt
cement is really hard -

still thinking about shelter - the psychological side of it - there is a head play or head edge to the concept of shelter - if something happens to us outside somewhere, no matter how terrible, it's not as gut-level horrifying as it is if the same thing were to happen inside our homes -
- for the Indians the arrival of immigrants from unseen unguessed places was a double whammy
because the the continents affected were their homes -

bubbles - a bubble exists by surface tension - should that surface tension give way or be breached in even the smallest part the bubble ceases to exist -

... the sun is not not going to win out against the clouds today.

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 8:51 am
by the mingo
my dog has a prairie
and three indian tribes who live on that prairie inside his ears - this causes his ears to itch constantly -

he has these fits where he shakes his head so fiercely in the attempt to scratch that itch that his long ear flaps set up this rhythm flap flap flap flap flap -

this goes on throughout each day -

i can always tell when the Indians go on a buffalo hunt because my dog goes nuts in the fruitless quest for interior peace - i've called both the president & the UN but they didn't understand what i was telling them - useless the whole lot of them

in the north
a crow flies over forest & field
then disappears from sight
where the eye can't follow
i sing hoopy-do songs
i don't call it mystery
or wonder what it's all about
at the crossroads imponderables & inevitables meet
they conduct their business
then take separate routes
to the horizon
ghosts interrupt by presence alone
but there is nothing else they can do
they can't even go
to get groceries anymore

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 9:39 am
by the mingo
wrapped up in moments of life

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 8:59 pm
by the mingo

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 24th, 2015, 9:05 pm
by the mingo
and then there are the boys from indianapolis, who never question prophecy & ride as wolves

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 25th, 2015, 1:17 am
i keep watchin zorba's (dog i raised) face getting whiter and whiter on FB...carole jeans friend margie has him and posts pics daily....dogs life 7 to 1 years, right....this keeps us straight....feels like he was just a pup....he replaced zaar, after cj cried for a month when he died....then she cried no more....same with websites....we'll move on after this...waiting for the axe to fall, in fact....

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 25th, 2015, 9:04 pm
by the mingo
this one going down too? ... well hell, i'll hang til it does

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 25th, 2015, 10:01 pm
i dunno....doreen keeps mentioning it....i'll just hang too...i save nothing though....rarely do i go back...its more bout whats next....if u write enuff its all in there, in us somewhere anywaze.....guess im gonna do a performance monday...poet friend died last month in oregon....troubled talent.....i didnt know what to do to help him.....some people arent meant for this existence.....lifes a bitch for all of us....hell ive lost damn near every love i ever had, now my sis has that big C.....your right, i just hang, not sweating the uncontrollables, keeping the pressure at arms length....walkin the razors edge 8)

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: April 25th, 2015, 10:40 pm
by the mingo
pretty much the same here ...

Re: Coyote Trails

Posted: May 2nd, 2015, 11:06 am
been gettin ready for show all yur ridin like the wind:).....