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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 18th, 2018, 9:19 pm

"WARNING: This Zuihitsu contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Took a bike ride. Returned home. Sat down and passed out in my chair. Dreamed my ass off. Woke up and didn't know what was happening - wanted to say:
"Don't mind me I just parachuted in."
Listened to a woman today ranting about President Trump. She's been ranting about President Trump ever since he became President. She said he had been "elevated" to office - so right then I had a decision to make, do I keep to cover kind of day or Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! kind of day?
Must have had a tiny squirt of testosterone in my system, devilish stuff that. Decided I wasn't going down with the Edmund Fitzgerald while the Witch of November howled over my sodden corpse - I said, President Trump did not get "elevated" but elected. She gave me a look meant to wither. Then she switched tactics and began her whine about Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court . I said, Has the Senate confirmed his nomination? She said "Yes."
I said "Case Closed then.
Remember the Indian women who went over the Little Bighorn Battlefield after the fighting was done scarring and mutilating the dead soldiers so they could not come back? I could see it in her eyes.

Nobody ever tells you and nothing ever prepares you for the absolute freedom and fearlessness of old age.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » October 18th, 2018, 10:25 pm

warning Tea Time alert
the long dark tea time of the soul DNA

nicotine lozenges working for me
and I got a Nicotrol™ inhaler
and I bum a couple from the bear every day.

https://music.amazon.com/embed/B000ZU9U ... rritory=US'

I thought that song might cheer you up after your encounter with Madame Defarge

Orwell's 1984
‘I know what you expect me to say,’ he said. ‘You expect
me to say as I’d sooner be young again. Most people’d say
they’d sooner be young if you arst’ ‘em. You got your ‘ealth
and strength when you’re young. When you get to my time
of life you ain’t never well. I suffer something wicked from
my feet, and my bladder’s jest terrible. Six and seven times
a night it ‘as me out of bed. On the other ‘and, there’s great
advantages in being an old man. You ain’t got the same worries.
No truck with women and that’s a great thing. I ain’t
‘ad a woman for near on thirty years, if you’d credit it. Nor
wanted to, what’s more.’
I can't say the want to is not still there, but not enough for me to do anything except write about it.
My oldest brother is 85 and he still has truck with women, he has a motorcycle he still rides, he got plenty testosterone still. He is a retired flight surgeon, he takes care of himself,
I am trying to be in it (life) for the long haul.
take care of yourself amigo

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » October 19th, 2018, 2:08 am

Zuihitsu don't lie

about the Kozmic Blues
Aww, but it don't make no difference, babe
And I know that I could always try
There's a fire inside of everyone of us
You better need it now
I get to hold it, yeah
I better use it until the day I die

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » October 19th, 2018, 8:03 am

3:30 pm and already the sun's rays skim parallel to the earth, illuminating from the side rather than from above. While the dog looks for a place to shit I pause, gazing out into the woods lining the trail - and because of that searchlight I can actually see the shape of the land beyond - all its little swells and hillocks and gullies, thin gossamer layers of earth and compost overlying the granite form below, like fabric teasingly draped over a woman's sensuous, alluring curves. The light has lost its haze-diffused blandness and has become sharp and distinct, assuming a golden richness from the yellowing foliage, and paints provocative shadows suggestive of the Earth Mother's underlying form.

I find that I'm smiling as the dog finishes, and comes bounding out of the brush to rejoin me on the trail. He looks up at me and pokes my hand with his nose for a treat. I call him a Good Dog, and give him one. He inhales it, wheels around, and sets off at top speed, bits of turf torn up by his paws flying behind him. Still smiling, I feel a great beatitude, a peace, a serenely sublime and intense freedom, an aimless joy I hadn't felt since I was 15, and set off behind him along this old railroad grade I've trodden so many times without ever discovering the last of its secrets.....
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by stilltrucking » October 20th, 2018, 10:39 pm

'follow the writing dictum of 'show; don't tell'

my dog has a tumor, one of her nipples is the size of a golf ball, just hanging from her belly. Been there awhile seems to get bigger. We got a pet cemetery here, some of the sweetest dogs in the world in it. Everyone should have a dog, especially kids, they need to outlive their dog, break the kid's heart early, teach them a lesson in mourning.

Not really my dog, it is a family dog, I been around it for 17 or 18 years, feels like my dog.

I have only ever had one dog that was actually mine. Loved that son of a bitch. He belonged to my next door neighbor, one night they took her away in an ambulance and she never returned. I could hear him crying and barking all night, the next day the landlord asked me if I would take care of him because the shelter would probably put him down, he was 15 years old, blind in one eye and a vicious little ball of fur. I don't remember how many times he bit me, I don't think he actually broke the skin but it still hurt. It would have cost three thousand dollars to save him when he got kidney stones. I did not have it.
my best friend.jpg
Took me years to move on, even so I still miss him.

Feats, foots, and footnotes*
But nothing on the disc tops "The Texas City Dyke" for offensive sexual humor and political incorrectness. Obviously inspired by the name of the rock dike near Texas City -- and Kelton's inability to resist a ready pun -- this C&W sing-along is a brutally mocking caricature of a lesbian roughneck: "She's got tattoos on her titties," Kelton sings, "And calluses on her hands / She's a little bit of both / And not enough of neither / But you'd swear she was a man." The title character ultimately pummels a male antagonist during an ice-house fight and steals his wife. The song concludes with the vulgar warning: "Don't you piss off a bitch in heat / When When it's the Texas City Dyke."

https://www.houstonpress.com/music/loca ... on-6565396

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » October 21st, 2018, 6:30 am

Kane is my second My Dog - before him I had a black lab, who became Mine after the divorce. I'd grown up with dogs, but they were family dogs. Each of which seemed to bond particularly closely to one of us, though - the old boxer to my mom, the Belgian shepherd to me, the Irish setter to my dad, and her offspring to my brother.

Moving on after losing one doesn't seem to get easier with practice. I was months mourning Brandy (the black lab), and I'm not looking forward to burying Kane.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by short timer » October 23rd, 2018, 9:23 am

Raining cats and dogs
we got two cats and kitten
One of the cats is a Maine Moon Cat, love that cat, he is huge, sociable and gentle with my grandniece when she subjects him to indignities.

In Virginia, it is a law that if you hit a dog, you must stop and make a reasonable effort to find the owner.
Cats, on the other hand, are just road kill or Coyote bait:
we lose about a cat a year to them coyotes. Takes a pretty good predator to catch a cat, I think. I heard they got coyotes in Central Park, NYC, now I wonder if coyotes eat rats, might be a solution.
I have heard New York rats are what Big Brother uses in room 101

The worst rats I know are wharf rats, the kind that infested the waterfront back in Baltimore.

I like this saying from the Najavo.
''Coyote is always out there waiting, and Coyote is always hungry.''

When Tony Hillerman submitted his first novel to one publisher, he was told,
''If you insist on rewriting this, get rid of all that Indian stuff.''

It is a rainy cold morning
and I am grateful to still be here and able to suffer through it
with a little help from . . . Zuihitsu
"I want to create wilderness out of empire."
-Gary Snyder

Free Rice
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 23rd, 2018, 9:27 pm

My cat had kittens recently. 5 of the little buggers to be exact, three females, two males. Welcome to Planet Earth, the cat factory.
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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by sasha » October 24th, 2018, 10:50 am

By 3:00, the clouds finally seem to be dispersing, chased off by gusty winds, the thinning overcast and even a few patches of blue allowing occasional shadows to be cast; so, naively thinking that we might actually get 2 days in a row without rain, the dog and I pile into the car and drive to the nearest trailhead of the Chesire rail-trail, a little over a mile distant.

We disembark and set off down the trail. At this point, the rail bed veers from its southerly course to the southeast in a great curving arc. I usually keep the dog leashed as we traverse this bend in case we meet any hikers, cyclists, or (God forbid) equestrians, and waiting until we reach the long straightaway to unleash him. (My greatest nightmare is his enthusiasm causing a rider to be thrown...) Today, a weekday, (and a wet, blustery one at that), I think the prospect of company is unlikely enough that I let him run untethered from the get-go. In short order we cross the wooden snowmobile bridge and reach the northern terminus of the long southeasterly run where I can see almost all the way into Massachusetts. As I'd hoped, there's no one in sight.

We cross the granite arch bridge over Scott Brook and enter the first cut, the one where we saw the bear not too many days ago. Because of that encounter, I'm ever mindful of my surroundings, even occasionally casting a quick glance backwards. In this heightened state, I hear something, though it's partly drowned out by the sound of my beard scraping along my jacket. I stop to listen.

I hear it again.

Distant thunder.

"Fuck," I mutter. "Goddammit." I look up. The sky overhead is still blue, the sun still filters through what's left of the canopy, the remaining clouds scudding past before a southwesterly wind. So I decide to keep going, but to remain watchful.

We pass all the familiar landmarks - the Woodward Preserve, the junction with the trail to the sand pits, and, a mile out, the "Kill Site" (still littered with bone fragments from coyote kills). Here I stop to assess the situation. The thunder has become more frequent, and the sky to our south is growing dark - but overhead there are still patches of blue, so rather than turning back, I choose to press on a bit further.

Over the Causeway, past the foundation of the mystery structure, to the old skidder track, until finally we're at the Red Gate, our usual turnaround point. By now we're a mile & a half from the car, any blue sky has become uniformly gray, the sky to the west is ominously dark and the thunder more frequent. I round up the dog, give him a treat, and with the wind rising we start the homeward journey.

We're on the Causeway when we see the first flicker of lightning. A slow count: "...9...10...11..." before the rumbling sound reaches us, so the discharge itself was over 2 miles distant. Still...

"Come on, old boy, let's get a move on."

By the time we're between the Kill Site and the Sand Pit Trail Junction, the thunder has become sharp and distinct, and the lag between flash and boom has grown short. Dark spots have appeared on my jacket as advance scouts for an army of raindrops spatter around us, and I'm thankful for the bucket hat I'd clapped on my head at the last minute before setting out. We still need to reach the cut, cross the two bridges, and travel the last quarter-mile or so to the trailhead, so I quicken the pace, urging the dog to pay less attention to the same sticks, rocks, and scats he investigated on the outward lap.

...the Woodward Preserve... into the cut... past the flooding... out of the cut... across the arch bridge... the horse pasture... snowmobile bridge... the northward curve... and Gott Sei Danke, there's the gate and the car. The rain has grown steady, the wind gusty, but we're here, we're relatively dry, and we pile into our little cocoon of steel and ABS. The engine starts, we roll out of the trailhead onto the road - and now the heavens throw a tantrum of petulant rage over having missed their opportunity to soak us. A torrent of rain and hail roars against the roof and skylight - the wipers can barely keep up with it, but I know the way, and the neighbor's security lights assure me that the power is still on, and that in a few minutes I'll be reading the daily paper on the couch with Kane curled up beside me.
"Falsehood flies, the Truth comes limping after it." - Jonathan Swift, ca. 1710

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2018, 9:26 am

I've been caught in the rain more than once with the turn of the season here, Roy. Of course, I should know better but knowing better stands poor chance against having been cooped up off the bike days on end. So I push my luck, luck, is that what it is called ?

No rain today - it's snowing ...

It ain't even Halloween yet ...

I'm gonna go travel the Chesire via YouTube - wish me luck - there's that word again
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2018, 9:27 am

Momofuku Ando is the guy who invented the ramen noodle packet.

You can eat history.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2018, 9:40 am

White people did not exist until 1681. Created by law. By the colonial legislature of Maryland. Then Virginia. I mean Wow. The roots of this go deep into the economics of tobacco. That's not to say tobacco is at fault. But it's involved.

Betty Crocker is not a real person.

This morning I know just how she feels.

This nation not founded on the Declaration of Independence. Founded on its first cash crop, tobacco. Agriculture, pure gold. When Marlboros became too expensive I switched to Old Golds. Old gold is right I guess going back to what we know. I don't smoke anymore, I vape. Over a decade now.

Puff the Magic Dragon.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by short timer » October 25th, 2018, 11:19 am

Puff Puff
cough cough

There is a road near Staunton Virginia
called Yankee Cemetary Rd

the whole state is one big civil war cemetery
most of the war was fought there.

Speaking of veterans

on this wet cool morning when I am unable to ride
some people call pneumonia the old man's friend
maybe not, I don't think I want to get that friendly with death yet
except for my dead friends
I don't intend to lose touch with them

the poetry of Zuihitsu :arrow:

we aint lost our salt, we are still pretty salty

that's a big ten four to my front door

for jimboloco
it pisses me off
I mean how my friends are dying

gives me the white freight liner blues

we went round and round on the Jesus issue
he never quite said we killed Jesus
he was too good a Catholic and me too bad a Jew
And I said hell yeah mongolia
when he returns we will kill him again
amor fati

I miss you, like a brother
in Christ
We had some bad arguments you and I
when I offended some sister, and she was bitching me out
and I would say, okay I will just go away
and somehow you kept bringing the incident up again
and I asked you to please leave me out of it
before you died you had bad luck with women
I am grateful you were able to turn your luck around at the end
I think
the only fights we had with each other was because of women
"you can't tell me anything I don't know about dames"
It has been a week since my dearly beloved coffee pot said please descale me
and there are flies in the kitchen
and I don't have to go to work in the morning
just sit around too much
and write
Nicotrol™ saving my ass, my head is full of snot
and it don't taste like butter
but I got through it with a little help from my
silicon pal, my thaumaturgical friend\\\

late edit
pixels and keyboards
thoughts and fingers
better still would be
should feet on pedals
"I want to create wilderness out of empire."
-Gary Snyder

Free Rice
I am not a veteran of the South East Asian War Games


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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2018, 1:10 pm

I don't think jimboloco could blame everything on the bombs he dropped or the Agent orange he delivered all over the place - damn can't operate a keyboard worth shit this early noon - sometimes I wanted to wang him upside his head but we always got along - I steered clear of the minefields with him for the most part - One time I remember almost bringing out the artillery on him right in the middle of him losing things he had right and left but then it occurred to me he was cleaning house, getting ready for the dust-off - trouble about war for some is they go self-destructive as the only course left open to them when they lose the battle on the spiritual tightrope and the holes get too many or too large to fill - plus at his end, having confessed with his mouth and believed in his heart the words of the Son of David then I know he was not alone when he came to the Valley of the Shadow and there was a hand there for him to hold in the crossing, a Rod and a Staff from the Lord himself in his hands -
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Zuihitsu

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2018, 1:16 pm

better still would be
should feet on pedals
It snowed here this morning but I'm gonna be riding this afternoon snow or not and the theme from the original Magnificent Seven in my head -


Hell yeah, Mongolia!
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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