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Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 21st, 2014, 12:25 am
by the mingo
- tonight the power went out and it was radio good jail right down to the roots - i doodled by kerosene lamplight - and i didn't have to pay for nothing - have to get a new lamp though - the one here has been around since man discovered fire & when i filled it up it began to leak immediately - i had to sit right next to it to doodle -

run baby run -

you can imagine what i smell like right now -

but once upon a time everybody smelled that way - or of coal - or wood - or cow dung -

i got a nice comfortable country right here - there are rabbits and things - snakes in the foundation - toads in the gardens - mannequins in the attic - depressed flat crazy broken shot women in the dining room -

lyn lifshin still drives me nuts - my hero pocket - jimmy morrison was a wanky doodle dandy with attitude - clerks blow dirty sneak with their fingernails singing -
i've learned how to live in the 21st century - i consume waste - i frocked where i should have fracked -


dada was not meant for the 20th century - it was born there but unmeant for there - lot of things like that - the gospel of spook - i saw dada this evening - he was sitting on his porch during the power outage - his kerosene lamp was sitting right beside him and it was lit - it was raining & it was dark -

when the lights came back on i made coffee immediately - war zone ya know - ya can't waste even a moment -

explosions are cheap gods with hopeless fears of hookers - ya better watch out - as the koen brothers once pointed out the law is a human institution -

also, i can't be held to account - these are not my words -

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 5:03 am
old school survival
so many of these
thoughts abound
how did we ever
exist before the
mobile device burial?
when the lights go out
when the inspiration
fades and the woodsmoke
permeates the night
around the fire
with only the stars above
for entertainment
one morning @ 4am.
me and a deer stared
each other down
my normal waiting spot
in silence
we watched each other
two worlds meeting
in wonder

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 8:25 am
by the mingo
yeah that was it - not much you can do in the dark - my routines are not built around the diurnal cycle but around electricity - being put back in touch with natural rhythms can be a shock - the list of things you can do after dark is limited to what you can throw light on - i don't know how our ancestors did it either - just the way it was & had to be - no staying up into the far hours of the night painting or writing or playing chess or any other game or talking to people all over the place - electricity is an animal taken on granted - we are it's sons & daughters

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 12:17 pm
by mtmynd
we have tapped into the soul of this single planet, it's white light the same as our own, and have created a hunger for this addiction we call energy never before seen in the hu'man race. We are gluttonous to the point that we will bow in acceptance to the Lords of Energy for the hold the key to our very civilization, that which keeps us 'civil' and living in a dream-like state that, too, requires more and more of that nectar of the lords, electricity.

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 9:33 pm
by the mingo
Wireman -
in silence
we watched each other
two worlds meeting
in wonder
yeah -

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 9:38 pm
by the mingo
mtmynd -
we have tapped into the soul of this single planet, it's white light the same as our own,
thx,cecil - 8)

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 26th, 2014, 12:17 pm
by the mingo

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 26th, 2014, 7:28 pm
fuckin eh!!! it...... 8)

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 27th, 2014, 3:05 am
by the mingo
yeah - the folks riding the fixie bikes are having too much fun - my son bought one last year and he let me ride it from town out here to the lodge - about five miles worth - whole different world that bike - the bike won't let you stop pedaling because the gear is "fixed" to the axle - and maybe you already know this, if so you can skip this part 8) anyways after that ride i decided it was not the bike for around here with all these abrupt ridges due to the fact there is no freewheel on a fixie - you go down a hill you got to keep up with the pedals - the bike can't coast - that first hill i went down about toasted my flat ass - so i decided no fixie for me - but i did like riding that frame - it was solid & quick & responsive ya can't even talk about it - the bike i bought this year i chose because that ride on that fixed gear did influence me - i got a bike with that same fixie frame just no fixed gear drive train - but now i'm thinking about a change of opinion on the whole thing - sometime in the future i can see me adding a fixed gear bike to the brew - every woman in my life, starting with my mother up to my last wife would say sooner or later that i was never satisfied - maybe they were all saying the truth :~))

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 1:20 pm
by the mingo
hey I got a bike - I got a pulse - i swallowed the sludge at the bottom of my coffee cup, mounted up and headed across the river to the grocery for butter & sugar - I parked 3 feet from the entrance - I get my shit & head back - all without asking anyone's say-so or paying anyone for the privilege- no license - no registration - NO INSURANCE - to those tending to scoff & MUTTER & naysay I say : sure, it's not without it's ups & downs but -

got a pulse?
get a bike -
- ride -


Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: September 1st, 2014, 1:29 pm
finger in the socket
on the lookout
for a bike
gonna get into
the set yerself.........FREE!!! :D.....just saw this on. craigs list....might b good to get me going....

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: September 1st, 2014, 7:20 pm
by the mingo
Hell Yeah Mongolia! I went to Frederick craigslist to see what I could see on this - this bike is a lot like the Coyote i bought last year - only diff is this one has a shock front fork - one on mine is solid - without being able to lay my own eyes on it I'd say might just be the bike for ya - these are called hybrids - the gearing is lower through all three ranges than an out-&-out road bike - these are real sweet and easy to get around on - no matter what ya face you got a gear for it, believe it - hell, Mark, if it shifts thru all it's gears smooth up & down, the rims true without much wobble & the brakes solid I'd say go for it - the asking price is in the ballpark - good kind of bike to begin with - even after buying the Tripel this year i ain't let go of the Coyote and maybe never will because i still love bombing around on it - the tires on this bike are a bit aggressive for street riding but that's no mind - you can swap them out for a more street friendly tire as you please -

go Wired One go !

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: September 1st, 2014, 8:02 pm
well i missed out on that one mingo, but i got the fever now. what i need is a around town bike,
its slight uphill ride to the store a mile away and the bike trails in the park are pretty level, definitely need some gears to peddle easy till i build one i chk out can i chk with u 1st to see what u think about it with regards to my needs... it really helped hearing what u had to say just now, id a never thought about the tires... 8)

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: September 1st, 2014, 9:23 pm
by the mingo
you sure can Mark - thx for describing what kind of riding you're likely to be doing - helps - keep your eye on the hybrid bikes like the one you showed today - they are the right choice for what you'll be using it for - they are a cross between an out-&-out mountain bike and a straight road bike and good for just about anything - from the road to the trails in the park - and you can rig them out any way you want to when you get your hands on one - they are relaxed and fun to ride and capable in just about any situation - sorry you missed out on the one you showed me - that was a good example you picked out for what will do you just fine - keep your eye out - there are plenty more out there -

Re: Sir Real & his Rocket Pocket Rats

Posted: September 4th, 2014, 7:49 pm
gonna keep an eye out
good weather coming
wanna ride beneath the moon