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Posted: March 9th, 2010, 12:57 am
by stilltrucking
Every once in a while you let me catch a glimpse of your heart.

At times I need to see it most. Just a coincidence, a fortunate coincidence. serendipitous.

So far of any song by Natalie Merchant i have heard and I have heard only a few. it is this song that hits home with me the most.

Where in hell can you go
Far from the things that you know
Far from the sprawl of concrete
That keeps crawling its way
About 1,000 miles a day?

Take one last look behind
Commit this to memory and mind
Don't miss this wasteland, this terrible place
When you leave
Keep your heart off your sleeve

Motherland cradle me
Close my eyes
Lullaby me to sleep
Keep me safe
Lie with me
Stay beside me
Don't go, don't you go

O, my five & dime queen
Tell me what have you seen?
The lust and the avarice
The bottomless, the cavernous greed
Is that what you see?

Motherland cradle me
Close my eyes
Lullaby me to sleep
Keep me safe
Lie with me
Stay beside me
Don't go

It's your happiness I want most of all
And for that I'd do anything at all, o mercy me!
If you want the best of it or the most of all
If there's anything I can do at all

Now come on shot gun bride
What makes me envy your life?
Faceless, nameless, innocent, blameless and free,
What's that like to be?

Motherland cradle me
Close my eyes
Lullaby me to sleep
Keep me safe
Lie with me
Stay beside me
Don't go, don't you go </center>

Posted: March 9th, 2010, 1:30 am
by stilltrucking
this is good for me too

This a strange year for me — my seventieth. √i have lived twenty three years longer than Kerouac and I still don't know what for.

Posted: March 9th, 2010, 2:48 am
by stilltrucking
Going to dream about Crazy Mike tonight,

I checked the links out all of them, I only watched a few minutes of the movie. Whitebird trips me out everytime I hear it, good times bad times Takoma Park Maryland in the nineteen seventies.

Natalie Merchant grabbed hold of my ears and would not let me be.

Well I got to go to bed, I got to work tomorrow. What a grind. I got half hour scheduled from 10 to ten thirty at The Rosewater Foundation. I hope I don't wimp out. I need the dough.

Going to listen to this song one more time to put me in the mood to dream about my father.

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Posted: March 10th, 2010, 7:59 am
by SadLuckDame
I'm like a child with a secret, sometimes it's just too much to contain and I go pulling it from my pockets to show but then a few minutes later I'm hiding it away again; a peek-see of the little red bird chirping away, I'd found unexpectedly, but I protect it something fierce.

I'm often the most careful and cautious with as tender and gentle as it is; I don't want to subject it to much harassment or social situations. Other times I'm quite sorely annoyed with it, for it shows too much of my sensitive nature and I don't always want it known that if I mean to be thick and callous or brash and abrasive (my sons favorite saying) then it surely gets in the way, for it'll be looked on possibly, could ruin a setting of primitive beast! Ha!
That's all it is, really.

Primitive~I want them to get the impression I'd eat a little sweet thing like that, and I would eat it, except I grew to like this one in the pocket.

This one too I wanted here...
Joan Osborn

Bogie and Bacall

Thanks for those Jack, and that's what I fell asleep on, very good stuff.

Posted: March 10th, 2010, 1:54 pm
by tarbaby
A new treasure for you dame

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The Kingdom of Women
the last matriarchal group left in Red China

Maternal Uncles held in place of high honor.

So like i was saying twenty three years after Kerouac died I live on for no particular reason I could tell you

Just to live
and enjoy the sunshine
and cool morning breeze
and think about Camus
and a rock and roll Sisyphus

Get past my father's hell
still thinking about him ever night for three nights
no dreams I can remember
but not troubled on awakening
so I guess everything is okay
as I try to free him from haunting grave yards that are too far away

love that Joni song when she was still Joni Anderson.
Working on this profile for tarbaby
please pardon sock puppet
and please pardon my pardon

Posted: March 10th, 2010, 11:34 pm
by the mingo
Hey D where you at? I been missing ya up around the Lingo. You ok?
Then Jack mentioned ya tonight and that got me wondering 'bout ya even more. Have mercy girl, and what's goin' on? Image

Posted: March 11th, 2010, 1:49 pm
by SadLuckDame
I'm here, I'm all good too mingo and thank you.

Came home and went to sleep yesterday, then back up for a short time. Lots to soak up, I gots to absorb and piece it all together. Jack's keeping me busy and life's not dull, at least when reading. I've a lot of notes, just haven't sorted it out much.
A picture soon, but it's still only in the head.

I'm reading, Jack~"Gotta makje a website..." and I'm thinking, me~"it's all right here..." or sumpin' like that.

Also thought I saw Adam and Eve behind the prison wall. Now, that's something to look more at, too.

Posted: March 11th, 2010, 11:03 pm
by the mingo
Glad to hear you're ok. I just get anxious sometimes. Yeah I read Jack said something about tryin' to get a website up. I'm gonna wait and see what he's got in mind.

Posted: March 11th, 2010, 11:23 pm
by SadLuckDame
My paranoia sky high thinking he's got a trick to play me yet.
If Jack does a website he can have me there if he'll keep talking cause otherwise I don't do much chatting, I guess, though to a handful. I'm extremely anti-social and I've serious stage fright, he makes me forget anybody's watching.

mingo, my guy neighbor has a jeep, a friendly dog and he reminds me of you. I don't know him, other than a tad small talk when I go by walking every day, but it is good stuff, you might be my neighbor.

Posted: March 12th, 2010, 6:45 am
by the mingo
I think I'm my neighbor too.

Sometimes I feel like a fire. Sometimes I feel like a swamp with bullfrogs in my eyes and turtles swimming through.
Then there are the times I look at the sky and agree the Bible as truly the Word of God.

Between Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday I'd rather be the latter.

Bugs Bunny is my favorite practitioner of Zen.

I love my Jeep.

Posted: March 13th, 2010, 6:46 pm
by SadLuckDame
Yesterday I looked for you but you weren't on the porch, though I did notice you have two jeeps now. You're a cool neighbor to have even with bullfrogs.

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 10:44 pm
by SadLuckDame

Posted: March 17th, 2010, 12:56 am
by the mingo
Got to get to bed D, I'll check out the episode tomorrow. Got home tonight beat. Checked in here to see what was going on. See ya 2morrow. 'Nite.

Wish I did have two jeeps. I could use a spare.

Posted: March 21st, 2010, 10:04 am
by SadLuckDame

Posted: March 21st, 2010, 1:59 pm
by SadLuckDame
Just finding out Drew won the golden for Grey Gardens~a movie I've recommended, it was so unique and lovely, a breath of fresher airs.

Grey Gardens previews

A Drew one I'd not seen yet.

If I had you--Tim Roth