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Let's not get Warriors mixed up with War Profiteers

Posted: May 15th, 2015, 1:23 pm
by Steve Plonk
I have seen many people railing about the various wars we are in.
The one we are in with this so-called ISIS or ISIL is the latest one.
This war was a spill over from the civil war in Syria into Iraq.

We had no choice on this one. We had to help our allies who are in trouble.
Even Jordan, the Arab Emirates, Iran, & Saudi Arabia are helping us out against the ISIS people.

However, those folks who manipulate for the purpose of profiting from others misfortune
are the arms dealers & War Profiteers. But let's not get profiteers mixed up with the
well meaning soldiers, sailors, & airmen/women who are actually in harm's way
& trying to make a difference to help the victims of war & protect their national interest.