The Though Of Bobbi

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The Though Of Bobbi

Post by Michael » October 28th, 2010, 12:36 pm

I’m going to post two songs today.

I know, I know, I’m old fashion and I still adhere to the old, some may say worn out, formulas with which I’ve grown up (or gotten older - 5′4″ is hardly in the up direction, vertically speaking). I haven’t done Electronica. I’ve done one song that’s more a rhythmic spoken song than RAP or Hip-Hop. It’s as close as I’ll probably every come to RAP or Hip-Hop.

However, not only did the formulas to which I refer make it through the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, but I hear music from present day groups such as the Butthole Surfers (yuk), Green Day, Harvey Danger and the Red Hot Chili Peppers and, lo and behold, those same musical formulas are still popular in the first decade of the 21st century. I feel vindicated, yet, somehow, still very, very old.

First, I’m going to post a song from a CD that I’m working on which I’ve entitled Haven’t We Met? Doreen has already posted a song from that CD called “It’s Not Clear To Me”. Some lyrics just lend themselves to melody. Thanks so much, Doreen.

I’ve sold some of the music I’ve recorded, but not so you’d notice. I think there’s some competition out there, but I’m not sure.

I also asked some friends to rate my music. I’ve taken the few sales I’ve made and the ratings my friends did and came up with Michael Bonanno’s top 81 songs (as well as his only 81 songs). The parenthetical part really isn’t true. Songs from Haven’t We Met? aren’t on the top 81. Otherwise it would be the top 88.

I’d like to post a new song from Haven’t We Met? and a song from the top 88 every now and again. If I commit to some sort of timeline, like every month or two weeks, then I’ve committed myself to failure.

The titles, as always, will be links to the song.

One of the biggest compliments I can receive is for people to say, “If you’ve heard one, you’ve heard one.” I work with almost every popular genre.

So song #1 on Haven’t We Met falls under the genre of shit-kicking or, as some might say, country. It’s called:
When the clouds make tears fall from the sky
and I feel so low that I just want to die,
I think of the girl with sunlight in her hair
and a ray of hope replaces my despair.

And the thought of Bobbi makes me smile,
even when I’m sad.
To think that I can touch her mind
makes me feel so glad.

When it seems my life will surely end
because happiness is trying to pretend,
my mind turns to the girl with the emerald eyes
and my thoughts of fear turn into joyful sighs.

And the thought of Bobbi makes me smile,
even when I’m sad.
To think that I can touch her mind
makes me feel so glad.

There are times when I feel all alone,
times when it seems loneliness has grown.
I open up my mind, she’s everywhere
and it really doesn’t matter if she’s there.

And the thought of Bobbi makes me smile,
even when I’m sad.
To think that I can touch her mind
makes me feel so glad.

Actually, I've uploaded song #2, a song I co-wrote with Jamie Redhead called "Storm Front" into the new media player.

Thanks for all your work Doreen.

To friendship,

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