Paul McCartney! - Super Bowl Half-Time Show

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Doreen Peri
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Paul McCartney! - Super Bowl Half-Time Show

Post by Doreen Peri » February 6th, 2005, 11:45 pm


My friend, Toerag, took this pic of Paul McCartney back in the 70's. Toe was a roadie for the Allman Bros. He also sent me photos of Duane and Greg... too cool!

Anyway, tonight was the Super Bowl! I'm not much for football other than the fact that I respect the ability of the athletes and love that the game has strategy, so, to all you football fans, please forgive my leaning toward talking about the Half-Time Show which, to ME, is the Main Event (other than, of course, the excellent, creative 2.5 million dollar 30 second ad-spot where some of the most hard-hitting ad people share their artistic talents... oh and I love the ad award shows where they show all these....).... but anyway....

PAUL was on STAGE tonight! I saw it and I crooned! He's as beautiful as ever and at 63(?), he is living proof that over the age of 55 is NOT old! The man could PLAY and dance and sing and god i love him.... Hey, I'd marry him if I wasn't already taken .... could you call him up for me and give him my numba? LOL!

But seriously.... I remember another half-time show a few years back which had Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) plus Brittney Spears and 'N Synch .... and though I really LOVE the music of "N Synch, (did I spell it right? heh)... because it reminds me of old Motown.... Brittney and the boys just couldn't keep up with Stephen..... (is his name spelled with a V or a PH? hmmmm.... shows how much I don't know.)

Anyway... did you see the Half-Time Show tonight? Don't you just LOVE Paul? I wanna kiss him and hug him and bring him home and play piano with him...

He did 4 tunes....FABULOUS!!!..... including Hey Jude! and "Get Back! Get Back! Get Back to Where You Once Belong!"....and it was beautiful!!! and MORE... he is Youth Incarnate...... but I'm sure the spectacular event with fireworks and multi-media extravaganza will go down in history as a mockery of world events, again showing the world that the US is a blatantly financially rich nation which is not ashamed to demonstrate its affluence in gala celebration despite the world situation....

I am at odds with myself.
I LOVE PAUL McCartney and I think the Beatles were one of the most talented groups EVER... They are the 5th B.... Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Beatles. No kidding. That's how I feel... (but that's because Chopin and Debussy start with different letters.)

Hey... did you see the show?

What did you think? Do you love Paul as much as I do?

Please excuse my passion... As my daughter says, "He ROCKED my SOCKS OFF!"

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