"2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

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"2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by neologistic » June 21st, 2012, 6:43 pm

I submitted a song to a local (Knoxville, TN) 24 hour film fest that went international this year.

All film crews got to browse through the roughly 100 songs that were submitted to pick and choose their short film soundtracks (one of the four required elements for each film had to include 15 seconds of one of these songs).

The Sabbatarian Film Group, which is a local independent film crew that competed in the film competition (24 hours to shoot, edit, and submit a video using four distinct elements) chose to use my song in their video "2 Steps Behind."

Here's the video, and my song appears ~2:12 to ~3:34:

The song is called "Sliding Scale" and is a song I did last year as a solo project under the band name "small tortoise."

Whatcha think?

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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by neologistic » June 21st, 2012, 6:45 pm

BTW, the judging is over and their film did not win any prizes for that fest, but if you like the video and/or my tune, click "like" on the film's YouTube page, yeah?


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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by judih » June 21st, 2012, 11:55 pm

i like! your song fits in brilliantly - they were right to use it.
but what about the ending? What happens after the four minute mark?


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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by neologistic » June 22nd, 2012, 2:00 am

Thanks, judih! I'm glad someone found a use for it. There were 31 teams, and ~100 songs, so I had a good chance of being cut and not getting in any of the films.

They simply cut it at the 4 minute mark exactly for judging and screening purposes. I had no advance notice that my song was used, unfortunately, or I would have attended, but they did a red carpet and limo screening hullabaloo at a neat theater from way back when that's been restored, so all the films were on a big screen and everything. Just a neat little local thing, they recently opened up an additional 24 hour fest for international film crews so people around the world could do it, but mostly it's just a fun gig to challenge indie film crews to come up with unique content in 24 hours based on surprise elements they spring on everyone at the last minute.

This year's elements were:

1. at least 15 seconds of music from the database of local musicians that submitted content for the fest
2. a hula hoop
3. a lover
4. the line "how do you like me now?"

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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by stilltrucking » June 24th, 2012, 12:16 pm

I was thinking where is the hoodie, I was thinking of stand your ground laws, and crackerhead racists, I was thinking of by black brothers and white crypto christian fascist billionaires. I was thinking of ALEC and ugly americans.
I was thinking of a Toby Kieth Song and Drunk Drivers in jacked up banged up massive pick up trucks, I was thinking of my dread when I saw the bumper sticker on it that said "How do you like me now"

I was thinking Nice Work!
thanks for posting James, good to see you around my friend
2 steps.PNG
2 steps.PNG (247.82 KiB) Viewed 1536 times

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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by Steve Plonk » June 25th, 2012, 3:20 pm

Neologistic, the black character is clearly in a heap of trouble in this clip...Sound effects & your music added to the realism/surrealism of this piece. Seems like something out of the TV series, "The Firm"... I would not like to be in this runner's shoes. :roll:

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Re: "2 Steps Behind" - The Sabbatarian Film Group

Post by neologistic » June 25th, 2012, 3:27 pm

stilltrucking and Steve,

Thanks for the feedback, guys :) It was fun to participate, I was anxious while waiting to see if anyone would use my song, glad someone put it to use

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