New Virtual Album--Piano Men

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New Virtual Album--Piano Men

Post by Lightning Rod » February 6th, 2006, 11:59 am

Here is my new virtual album.

Piano Men

This album is dedicated to songwriters who tickle the ivories.

It's absolutely free.

If you have a fast connection, give it a listen.

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Post by sooZen » February 8th, 2006, 1:25 am

I meant to thank you thy Rod and staff, how much I appreciated you sending me this. I have enjoyed it.

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Post by Diana Moon Glampers » February 8th, 2006, 3:09 am

Listening to Summertime
Looking at that cigarette dangling from your mouth
I got a toothpick dangling from mine
Take care and thanks for the music.

That is a really cool website. If you click around on it you will find out the truth about the so called holocaust. Never happened.

Give My Love To Rose Johnny Cash

I found him by the railroad track this morning
I could see that he was nearly dead
I knelt down beside him and I listened
Just to hear the words the dying fellow said

He said they let me out of prison down in Frisco
For ten long years I've paid for what I've done
I was trying to get back to Louisiana
To see my Rose and get to know my son

Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose

Tell them I said thanks for waiting for me
Tell my boy to help his mom at home
Tell my Rose to try to find another
For it ain't right that she should live alone

Mister here's a bag with all my money
It won't last them long the way it goes
God bless you for finding me this morning
And don't forget to give my love to Rose

Give my love to Rose please won't you mister
Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes
Tell my boy his daddy's so proud of him
And don't forget to give my love to Rose

I wanted a cigarette as soon as I saw that one dangling from your mouth. Do you ever drop the ashes on the keyboard?

Smoke them if you got them, just let a little whiff of smoke drift my way once in a while.

Thanks for perimeters. Nursing it along like a whino trying to squeeze the last drop out of a bottle of Nehi Grape Soda.

Do you remember the Old Royal Crown Cola bottles with the pyramids on them. And as you drank the dark liquid the shadows of the pyramids disapeared. Sleep is getting to be a real problem. . If I get anymore morbid I may have to quit this place for the good of the community. Music helps. Thanks

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Post by sooZen » February 8th, 2006, 6:23 am

Howdy DMG,

I know this reply was to LRod so pardon me please if I wax on a bit. I am a Grapette fan myself but haven't found anything close except maybe coke in those little tiny bottles.

Went to the site you posted...I don't know about "the truth about the so called holocaust..." for can one's truth be found on the internet? It takes a lot of sifting through sand to find a jewel, those pearls of truth, and even then one must look for the grain of salt...

I am old enough to know people who looked out from behind those fences and bars and what terror was wrought but I may be misreading you here (easy enough to do.)

As for smoking...I quit for fifteen years in 1987...started up again and now roll my own (Bugler). If I want a cig, I have to roll it, go outside and smoke it (see a lot of pretty sights and the birds have become downright companionable) consequently, I smoke a lot less than the 'packaged goods' days. I knew a lady, 98 yrs old, whose son wanted her to quit because it was bad for her health. I kid you not.

Yep, the government is a mighty temple unto itself, minding everyone else's bidness and it's mighty distressing too. What do we do about it? We change? We resist? We rant and rave? Me, I listen to LRod on the piano, go outside and have a smoke and I am still looking for a Grapette...

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Post by MrGuilty » February 8th, 2006, 9:48 am

DMG is a character in a Kurt Vonnegut novel called God Bless you Mr. Rosewater. This is how he describes her, "…was a sixty-eight-year-old virgin who by almost anybody's standards, was too dumb to live."

I suppose it is a roll of the genetic dice. Some people will get away with it and others won't. We all quote Einstein and say god does not play craps with the universe, Ram Dass said there are no accidents, and I used to think he never met a safety man in the trucking industry. There are two kinds of accidents according to the DOT, preventable and unpreventable. I don't know the prognosis yet but it doesn’t look good. Hard to get straight answers they have had my ct scan for a week. If I do have lung cancer I would think that they would want to begin to get me started on a treatment regime or what ever you call it. But this is a doctor’s office that let me sit in the examining room for almost an hour because they forgot about me. I can’t read a ct scan but I asked to look at it on the computer screen when they were done. There were all these white things in there? I called the office a couple of times trying to find out what the deal is. They finally called me back the next day to tell me the doctor was not in and the PA was “uncomfortable” discussing the results with me. Well that was reassuring. Meanwhile my brother and his wife, AKA Homeboy MD, and Diamond Lil RN, MS, Nurse Practioner want me to see a pulmonary specialist. Meanwhile I got a lot to do but I putter around with my computer until I find out what is what. Like I am frozen in amber.

If I do have lung cancer, then I have killed my self with self-pity. Vonnegut calls smoking the American way of suicide. He wants to sue the tobacco companies because he is still alive.

You have to excuse DMG because she is so stupid that she thinks there is no doubt that the death of those six million Jews and the countless homosexuals, gypsies, and others really did happen. That website is some kind of wacko conspiracy. site. That Christian Muslim Jewish Alliance is linked to it. But forget about that. Nothing to do with this, it is just a hobby of mine to debunk Holocaust denials. I have lost too many family members during my lifetime to the Nazis to let them slide. That is not your problem nor Clay’s. But I am hoping that at least one thing they said on that APFN website is true. 141 sounds like a ripe old age to die at. Judih knocked me off right away. Sorry SooZen I was not trying to play gotcha. Friendship is practically a religion with me. The Religious Society Of Friends was co-founded by a woman Margaret Fell.
I hope Mr. G is obvious to you and her too. Kind of like playing with sock puppets. I feel a little different using each one, although my writing does not get any better.
In friendship jt

Clay and Doreen, thank you.
Last edited by MrGuilty on February 8th, 2006, 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lightning Rod » February 8th, 2006, 10:41 am


Ah, yes
I have done the Bugler maintenance program on numerous occasions. I think you are just a sucker for anything handmade.:lol:

Jack, I'm assuming that you listened to the Vonnegut interview posted by microbe. I got a kick out of listening to him talk about smoking. (while he wheezed and coughed)

That's why I don't smoke filter cigarettes. My theory is that if you don't believe in it, it will kill you.

And yes, I have ruined several pianos by dropping ashes into the bass keys. But I play the bass lines much better with a Pall Mall between my fingers. :lol:
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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2006, 12:53 pm

Clay I am working on a reply to microbe. I sometimes tune in to the BBC over night show and drift off to sleep. listening to it. . Did not hear it all, drifting in and out of consicousnes. But the part i caught was about Bush being psychopath. there is a medical term for people born without a conscience.

I am taking this out of context, but I like this bit from God Bless You Mr. Rosewater.
He coined the word Samaritrophia

"hysterical indifference to the troubles of those less fortuante than oneself."

I got a stack of ruined r computer keyboards.

I think SooZe has a smart way of dealing with it, the bugler thing.

You know I love you brother, I sure would like to see you around for the long haul. I am not trying to wish you know bad luck. And mroe than the cigarettes is the wacky tobacky. God only knows what they are spraying on that, paraquat,DDT. I would not use it again unless I had a friend with a victory garden.

I am leaning on you and Doe hard these days. thanks
be kind to yourself is all I was trying to say, did not mean to preach at you.

RE the BBC interview:
might as well put it here
Vonnegut thinks mankind should
pack it in and just go the way of the dodo bird. I myself am fed up with men too but I have high hopes for womankind.
The Disease Called Man, from Norman O. Brown Life Against Death.

pretty much an open text box ramble, try to edit later

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Post by sooZen » February 8th, 2006, 7:25 pm

Jack...hoping for the best and sending you some of my home-made light.

I am surprised I didn't spot you buddy for I know most of the ST personnas.

hard to fool judih...i don't even try...

Lrod, anything handmade or rolled suits me fine. Hah! I can almost roll with one hand now, that is if i wanted to... 'Course, being from TeXas, you never know if'n i'm a liar or just a good story teller. I hear tell there is some awful (and i mean aWeful) good liars that claim to be from TeXass. :wink:

Now, speaking of smokes and smokin'...I am opinonated that it isn't the tebaccy that kills ya, it's them 932 chemicals that they spray on it. Leastwise, that's what the American Spirit folk claim for a long list of toxins. Now, tobacco is a sacred sacrament (re-done-dant, aren't i?) which was used to involk the powers of the universe. It really helps this ole gal with her authoritis (that word is trademarked by me. Hah!)

I get some of my smoke from Mejeco but Bushco wants to fence it in, durn that rascal (someone trap him, okay?)

Tried the Spirit loose but it was waaaay too strong for me and old Bugler is very mild and a nice hit. I only need a coupla tokes and then i am good to go...

I'm done. Hah!
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Post by Lightning Rod » February 9th, 2006, 1:00 am

I'm on my last Pall Mall of the night.

Speaking of texian, rolling stories,

I knew a one-armed guy

he could roll a cigarette in a few seconds

he would make a rolling machine out of his blue jeans

you know, make a little wrinkle on his thigh

and he would put the paper in there and then the tobacco

and then he would do a move that was like slapping his thigh

and the thing would be in his hand, rolled

and then he would do an elegant lick

and place it between his lips and light it

texas story
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Post by sooZen » February 9th, 2006, 1:36 am

LRod...I think I knew that guy...

TeXas story
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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2006, 4:34 am

in hoc signos vinces (I.H.S.) - ... 31a2ab5adc

Well it is black history month again.

How many times have you lit a cigarette just to let it burn away in the ashtray like a piece of incense?

The 973 chemicals in cigarettes is low I think, I thought there were over a thousand.

I smoked the past ten years because I wanted to die. A lot of self pity going on. You guys are a lot healthier than I am. You smoke because you enjoy it.right? A death wish has nothing to do with it.

. Vonnegut hit the nail on the head when he was talking about his Pall Malls and suicide. For me every drag satisfied the death longing I was born with

You are write about the native American and their use of tobacco. Sure we were given every seed bearing plant for our use but they did not chain smoke I betcha.

Freud* laid the foundation for a psychological theory of the "death wish;" ...
form of the orgasm (the death instinct--ie, the return to inanimate matter

Freud Beyond The Pleasure Principle
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Post by Arcadia » February 10th, 2006, 12:24 pm

I listened to Pledging my time, nice version, but I prefer Dylan´s one. Come together version has something different, I really like it!.
I´ll listen to the others.


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Post by sooZen » February 10th, 2006, 4:10 pm

Lrod...I wrote one of my long assed replies about my Daddy, who had a Dixieland jazz combo when I was growing up. He was a piano man also...

It was really good too, Hah! Got lost yesterday cuz I haven't learned yet that I should back myself up if I am going to tell tall tales, especially long-winded ones.

I am going to write a real story/memoir (as I remember) about him some day. A musician, a clown, a magician...he was/is quite a guy.

Now I am going to take a nap...:lol:
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