A thousand years of darkness

Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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A thousand years of darkness

Post by Tjflowers80 » October 18th, 2014, 10:57 pm

Tonight I walked with the moon;
Half mass as it rose too soon;
The nights are getting cold;
As are these dreams I hold.

Her head hit her pillow; she kept her eyes open; too afraid to close them; her thoughts turned to the day. It was at least productive and she felt like she could take on the world. But for now sleep beckoned her and she reluctantly complied.

Dreams bring hellish creatures from my mind;
They prosper well leaving nothing for me to find;
His darkened figure lurking with harsh sincerity
And here is this I always see.........

Slowly she drifted; aimlessly through the space of her own hopes, her own desires, her own emotions. She floated there with the tide of energy where entities are born; drifting ever still toward a world that felt more like home than the one she was born to.

The world was green and beautiful; her feet touched down in a field of fragrance; flowers she had never seen or smelled before; on the distant hill top nestled against a mountain stood a grand castle with beaming light. The gates were embroidered in gold and green it's emblem a giant dragon with the lady warrior.

She walked closer; noticing the animation of the dragon and his rider; the dragon white with scales of crystal rainbow and eyes of deepest blue. The warrior woman, a beauty with golden brown hair and eyes of earthly citrine; her gown a stunning array of color. She knew this beauty rider; it was her in a past life, one she found to be true.

She gazed beyond the horizon where the mountains met the sea and sky; something flew within the wind; a dreary cloud seemed to form around the castle; something was wrong. She ran; fast and hard; not stopping to rest. She was ten minutes from her destination; she could make it.

She stopped at the gates; seeing that the cloud was also on the rise over the dragon and her rider on the gate. She remembered it all; the battle of ages past; the power sought to destroy her world; the demon nebulous.... Duke god of hades.... The planet of hell.

Here and now she felt his presence; her enemy; the demon of hate. The cloud now spiraling; individual masses of shadow flying through the sky and into the town square: it was then her heart sank to the pits of her stomach. She knew what she would have to do. She would have to destroy nebulous; she was after all his counter part. She was the creator god of draconia.... She herself was the goddess of love.
The only problem was that neither one of them could be killed. They were after all immortal.

She closed her eyes; gathered her strength and called forth the light; letting it radiate from the very depths of her soul; background screams were intense; then she seen him; the redheaded man; the forge of souls; her knight; her only one. Nebulous swarmed in around the redheaded man; the shadow engulfing him. The demon bellows his laughter and she knew...........

His wings are dark;
they shine with fright;
Terror within the heart;
Terror within the night.

His face deceiving;
Un-molded and deformed;
He kept my heart believing
That I'd never be reborn.

His body tall but not too wide;
A formulation of fearful strength;
With muscles that dared not hide
And evil at every length.

His laugh a shivering deep bellow;
Sinking further into darkened black;
His heart ugly and born of shadow;
Leaving hate and fear to never look back.

He arrives as he will;
Leaning in a cold, shadowy mist;
With thoughts of only evil still;
Bringing pain with every wicked tryst.......

I awaken with short of breadth;
Heavy with pain inside my chest;
I sometimes feel the pain from the fear;
And once again I shed the weary tear.

But then the voice calls to me;
Reminding me of who I need to be;
Ringing still on every bend;
Softly calling my name within the wind.

Her light shot out of her and into the spiral cloud and nebulous whispered in her head "I know him; I know you; which soul will it be? He for you or you for he?"

"The answer you already know demon of hate; I am who I am; the goddess of love and you shall release him and take me instead!"

He bellows his laughter deep, sending chills up her spine, "then come m'lady I await your sacrifice."

Looking at he; the forge of souls; I speak unto him "forgive me my love."

As shadow engulfs me I hear him cry out, but I couldn't understand. I was falling to shadow, but this time I would not fade; as I did so long ago. Twice now I had tried to fade with the demon inside me and twice now he had returned a hundred years later to bring about the destruction of my world for vengeance on me. I allowed him to have the whole of me; forsaking my will to fight. It was harder than I thought but if I could occupy him for a bit longer maybe I could weaken him through me.

In a flash I was standing with fire and ash under my feet; screams were all around me; the torment was unbearable; she had the urge to help but soon realized the chains reaching from the ground to form around her; from there the ground which held her chains were also rising up to form walls of a dungeon. Soon where there was nothing an establishment had been built. One of pure evil and hate. With unbreakable bonds of magic and enchantments to hide it's hatred glory.

It was there her torture began; lasting for days; physical and deep to small and not so sweet; all painful and brutal. Each time she was weakened from the extensive torture, yet she never feared the demon. And she never forgot the forge of souls.

It was after a thousand years she gave into the dark; succumbing to the overwhelming pain. Giving up was her only answered so it seemed. The forge of souls always on her weary mind. She a slave; broken down; never turning to the shadow demon nebulous so desperately tried to turn her into. A thousand years with no way out. And an eternity in chains and hell.

She awoke with pain in her side, cuts on here back, and her lungs burning; she was unable to breathe for some time before she managed to cal herself down. She thought about the nightmare, the demon, and the contents of a thousand years with no way out.

Tonight my tears fell silently;
I remembered what I needed to be;
A voice rang out within this night;
So to help me keep this fight.

But silently still fell my tears;
Releasing anger, burdens and fears;
My heart throbbed within my breast so deep;
Leaving my dreams for me to keep.

Nothing is ever as it seems;
Nor are the sweetest dreams;
Through my times I keep falling
And with each time the voice keeps calling.

Looking on her life now; she knew the torture was her own; this is her eternity, her chains, her hell...... She knows now what is needed..... This millennia is hers and hers alone. It is time!
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

Posts: 303
Joined: October 17th, 2014, 9:10 pm
Location: Heber city, utah, usa

Re: A thousand years of darkness

Post by Tjflowers80 » October 30th, 2014, 10:22 pm

A story about inner demons.
And above me the stars align
But not yet with my own
And the night birds sing
Whilst the demon haunts this restless soul.

Jessica Taylor

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