Exit 286

Prose, including snippets (mini-memoirs).
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Post by abcrystcats » December 17th, 2004, 6:21 pm

He is going to have to explain the exact location he was in when he wrote this.

If was in Zion and is now in NE AZ, then it makes sense that he was somewhere about where Perez and I are putting him.

I know how mile markers run, but for some reason I THOUGHT I saw one marked 286 in Utah. Pay no attention to me; my guesses could be entirely wrong. It's happened before ...

If he was there, it's beautiful country.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 17th, 2004, 6:30 pm

Last edited by stilltrucking on December 25th, 2004, 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by hester_prynne » December 17th, 2004, 8:02 pm

Hey Mnaz!
Wherever you are it must be amazing. Not familiar with that area myself, but I can feel it in what you wrote. Hope you'll keep on sharing your trip with us here.
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Post by stilltrucking » December 17th, 2004, 8:16 pm

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Post by hester_prynne » December 17th, 2004, 8:23 pm

or perhaps,
I am just a dumb ass......
heh :D

You must know it like the back of your hand. Was it beautiful every time you drove through there?

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Post by stilltrucking » December 17th, 2004, 8:31 pm

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Post by abcrystcats » December 17th, 2004, 8:33 pm

Hey, we all sound like smartasses. It's no big deal. :D

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Post by stilltrucking » December 17th, 2004, 8:38 pm

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Post by mnaz » December 18th, 2004, 12:06 am

Thanks all...

It was just a tired, somewhat discouraged reflection, pieced together from a battered old motel on the old Route 66 in eastern Arizona.... the 'Zion' references were a flashback to Utah.... that's all....

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Post by stilltrucking » October 22nd, 2006, 2:32 pm

Ah yes Zion
How I miss perezoso

Here is a link to Zion for you mark

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Post by mnaz » October 22nd, 2006, 3:37 pm

Wow... good to see this again.... I actually split this one up about a year ago: the "Zion" bits indeed come from my stay in St. George, but they've nothing to do with Zion Nat. Park... they refer to "promised land" obsession in general.... the major religions (those concerned with God, at least) wrap their ultimate redemption/salvation up in some kind of distant Zion.... I thought I should get in a jab or two to this mindset.... (it came to me while sitting at a stoplight in front of Zion's Bank)....

So anyway, the snippets about "Zion" show up my story about Otis the junk man (and "desert prophet"), while the rest goes to another chapter of collected "road-weary" notes.... Hmm... "painterly".... somehow I lost that dimension in the re-write.... may have to put it back.

Oh, and.... Exit 286 is, well.... somewhere in Arizona.... and I had just received some bad news from back home about my parents....

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Post by stilltrucking » October 22nd, 2006, 3:51 pm

Yeah I know where 286 is. I have passed through a Holbrook a couple hundred times I think. It is surrounded by The Navajo Res. Those (...) posts of mine are where I deleted some posts cause I got pretty depressed. Perezoso was amazing. He is going to tell a truck driver where exit 286 is. He calls me a hipster. :lol:

I miss Hester a lot. She was responding to my post about the location of exit 286 is. Me and her are the only ones here who seem to miss perezoso. Unforunately perezoso seemed to have some morbid fascination with my dead mother's anus. I mentioned that in passing once and I was informed by the management here that it was just a matter of free speach. That was a couple months before he got deleted for stepping on the wrong toes. The guy wrote some beautiful poems, I thought. He also turned me on to Neruda and Walker Percy.

Zion is here it is always up ahead
Over the next hill
arond the bend
at the next mile marker
the next exit
I believe in Zion
I also believe in Shibboleth

I thought Firesign Theatre said it well

Code: Select all

Choir: We're marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the Sword!
We're praising Zion 'til her death,
Until we meet our last reward!
Men: Our Lord's reward!
Women: Zion! Oh happy Zion!
O'er wrapp'd, but not detained!
Men: Lion, f'rocious Lion!
His beard our mighty mane!
Women: At First and Main!
Men: Oh, we;ll go marching, marching to Omaha,
With the Buckram and the Cord!
Women: You'll hear us "boom" our State!
Men: Ha, ha! As we cross the final ford!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh mighty Zion!
Your bison now are dust!
As your cornflakes rise
"Gainst the rust-red skies,
Then our blood requires us must
Go ...
Men: Marching, marching to Shibboleth,
With the Eagle and the ...
Women: The Buckram and the Cord!
Men: Sword! Praising Zion 'til her death!
Women: Ha, ha!
Men: Until we eat our last reward!
Women: The flaming Ford!
Choir: Zion! Oh righteous Zion!
There is no one to blame!
For the homespun pies
'Neath the cracking skies
Shall release the fulsome rain!
Tenor: Shall release!
Men: Shall release!
Soprano: Shall release!
Women: Shall release!
Choir: Shall release the vinyl rein! 

I like this bit too.
"...annointed with oil on troubled waters? oh Heavenly Grid,
help us bear up thy *Standard, our *Chevron flashing
bright across the *Gulf of Compromise, standing
*Humble on the *Rich Field of *Mobile *American Thinking?
Here in this *Shell, we call Life..."
I would put a link to that quote by firesign but it will give you the most annoying pop ups you have ever seen. SO I didn't link it.

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Post by mnaz » October 22nd, 2006, 4:09 pm

Ironic that perezoso would label my rather simple-minded "jab" at religion as "preacherly".... had a laugh or two over that one....

good poetry, ST.... good stuff.... may have to check those folks out....

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