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Posted: January 9th, 2013, 12:50 pm
by creativesoul
it would seem that these clocks were all wrong, that no one really knew what time it was- the sun was intermitent and the rain just came and went like radio all static and curves around a mountain- on a road that made little if no sense-each day it was like a war- up againest energy that seemed to want nothing more than inertia- no sunlight- sleep- walk- eat little- rain- wet- keep the clay moist.
like wings practicing before flight- over and over-the same deal- just push thru- the bags get done- the car gets packed- but almost as if asleep-i go thru the motions, nothing will stop me
on the floor the other morning, looking for the frisbee for the dog- i thought while i was down on the floor i would pray- to the great mystery-and dedicate my life to art= because nothing really makes much sense anyways.
this was one time when spirit world really agreed.
it is like being held here in the towers of a castle-letting my hair down over the edge......
feeling all that..
electric stuff
he was laying down - and i fell into him- that moment of 'excuse me' had passed to comfort- and the joining of souls happened quite by accident these moments of inclusion and solutions- and no way to describe what it is like to be one with someone- even when there is no real motive to stay connected at all- none of the idiots around - really get that- but i have given up rescuing and thinking i know what is best for anyone= one more prayer on the floor for the healing of the ones that cannot stop hurting themselves- and do not even feel- what they do to themselves and the people around them.-no matter how i love someone- sometimes the selfless act of love is to back away slowly....but even while backing away- it is best to see with eyes in the back of your head, like a hunter- sleeping with one eye open- where time is endless and there are no sounds coming from a snow filled forest - the sounds will emerge when the time is right- speaking of times in secret- the waiting grows another perspective- the things that seemed so very important fade away- the larger image would be filled with color and light and a beauty that holds kindness in its hands..... :mrgreen:

Re: surreal

Posted: February 21st, 2013, 4:32 pm
by robertsnw
That was gorgeous. I've always enjoyed your writing, but don't think i've ventured into your longer prose, i like the extra time i spent inside your emotivations, if i could pop in more quarters and the game would continue, or the board blocking the glass would be pulled back and i could see whatever dancing creature lay boxed inside the surrounded octagon....
it was wonderful thank you

Re: surreal

Posted: February 21st, 2013, 5:25 pm
by creativesoul
I will make an effort to show the colors of my soul-