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Portrait of the Poet at Lunch

Posted: August 28th, 2018, 3:22 am
by the mingo
I was gonna make me a cold chicken sandwich but last moment decided to go with steamed cauliflower because the chicken will last a lot longer in the fridge than the cauliflower will. So steamed it put it in a big bowl with butter and salt and vinegar - o yeah, Mama, life is good!

Then my cat got bored and attacked my leg. I pushed her off. She came back, attacked me again. I said you better Watch Out, Gato, I'll kung fu your ass from here to the Pennsylvania state line! She made a jump for the finger I was pointing at her, almost got me too - then she sauntered away like a Karate Kat - thing is she didn't have to find no teacher or spend years meditating or fuck around in no dojo hell no - she was born that way.

Now that the excitement has passed I'm thinking again of that chicken sandwich. I loves me some cauliflower but it ain't shit for staying power. But chicken? Now that dead bird meat got some staying power. Bread, butter, mayonnaise, chicken, salt, pepper,
O yeah, Mama - life is gooood!

Re: Portrait of the Poet at Lunch

Posted: August 28th, 2018, 4:26 pm
by sasha
"dead bird meat" - those are the words my bro uses each year when he invites me to his place for Thanksgiving - comes from Lt Worf's disdainful appraisal of roast turkey on an episode of Star Trek TNG...... he prefers ga'gh - which is best eaten fresh (i.e., still alive)

But yeah, I dig dead bird meat... also roots, seeds, tubers, & greens.... planetary cuisine......

Re: Portrait of the Poet at Lunch

Posted: September 3rd, 2018, 9:20 pm
by Terri
vinegar on cauliflower! never heard of it, but it sounds good.
kats who are natural ninjas - that, i've heard of and lived with.
they would agree with you about the goodness of dead bird meat.