perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2014, 10:45 am

quick reply
all I know so far today

April 16
130 English muff butter
75 Eggs Salsa

Happy Birthday my little rock and roller
your heroes were always cowboys
I remember how oblivious you were when your mom used to play tricks with your clothes, dress you in little girlie things cause it her amused
yeah Earnest Hemmingway started out like that and lordy spare you from a fate like that
I pray you will outgrow that need in you to kill things, because it is fun to kill, a statement of your manhood

saddles and sagebrush the tyranny of words
google nietzsche's good news ... 21396.html

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by WIREMAN » April 16th, 2014, 4:11 pm

got back in
back in the wired saddle again
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2014, 4:35 pm

my last year in Baltimore
I haunted that central library
Cathedral St,
the only place I felt at home

uncanny feeling to be a stranger in your home town
everyone I knew was in a graveyard in East Baltimore.

a state of mind for sure

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lostwire » April 17th, 2014, 12:10 pm

Jammin the lost
Forgot the password
On my iPad
Once it remembers
That's it
Litkicks @ 20 now
Levi put Action poetry
on the shelf
The old daze are gone
It was a time
Yes it was
But there are new times
& we still gots this Jam
Keep the fires burning
Jam on me!!!

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » April 17th, 2014, 12:54 pm

desoto.jpg (11.09 KiB) Viewed 1346 times
pictures from the gone world
I still miss my Desoto
a pink carnation and a high school sweater
nothing changes
except the changing
always changes
Camelot and magic momments
of litkicks

I found a niche, the internet creeps me out, so strange and wonderful and fearful
I will see you in court on the Judge Judy show
she photobombed me on facebook so I shot the bitch

ah the little people the great unwashed
the great quivering meat machine
never would know that if not for him

but I could not have made it these past fourteen billion years with out Camus too

action poetry,
wish I could
best I can do
is just keep on jamming
fan the flames
and wait on
the next chance to dance
a go go

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lostwire » April 18th, 2014, 12:50 pm

Land of a thousand
Life is change
Gone is gone
Long is long
Time is both
What a concept
Yet it's all about
Happy birthday
Why not a happy death
In and out of dreams
Sleeping hard these nights
Cold lingering
Settling in for the final acts
A Jammer to the core
They can try and kill the action
Only thing is with us it will always remain
Like the rain on the wide open Spanish plains :)
Jam on me!!!

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by still.trucking » April 18th, 2014, 8:36 pm

sleeping deep
a long slog back to here from there
time and chance
strange how powerful the brains of some writers are
as if their aura persists long after they are gone
from this best of all spatio temporal objective fact worlds about us

I read they found another earth in a galaxy far away, a Goldilocks planet, everything just right for life, I imagine a race of hyper intelligent upright bipedal race of lizards living the good life on Goldilocks, They took the high rood in evolution, no messy human emotions for them.
I know there must be some advantage to being warm blooded but it escapes me at the moment

bad time of year for a cold
I hope it ain't nothing some sunshine and fresh air won't cure, or maybe a magic medicine
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by stilltrucking » April 19th, 2014, 9:31 am

well I like how
now the air is cleared
I can see clearly now
smiling faces

slept with the breathing machine
woke up feel more awake
some mornings it is a fog
hate that damn machine
hate that I need a cruthch
but I got to sleep
sleep apnea a bitch
mine brought on by obesity and cigarettes
William S Burroughs
my new father figure
what would he say to me
yes dad it is my fork
so many indignities with the forlorn rags
but breathing is more important than vanity
believe me
had my head stoved in so many times
my nose is nonfuctional
a mouth breather and a bottom feeder
i feed on jam

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lostwire » April 19th, 2014, 12:09 pm

Jam food/best food
Had my breathing clogged
A few times....scary for sure
Found out it was a cat
Sleeping on my pillow everyday

Blue highways
Dickensian London
A long long way
On the shelf before me
Here in library

Buk discovered john Fante
at LA library
Fante sent his manuscript
To Mencken who wrote him back
saying if you'd type this up
I'd publish.

Saturday spring
Tomorrow. He will rise>>>>>
I remember my
Mother in law saying this to me, "He has risen!"
In early 80s one Easter morn in buffalo
I had no idea WTF she was talking about
We celebrated Easter in my family but
It was all about candy in baskets

Ok it's jam Saturday
Been jammin blues harp and shakers past
couple night
Music soothes my soul

Words too
Still kinda knocked by
The end of Action poetry
Hell the new site was only
6 months old
Levi's into philosophy now
For me poetry trumps philosophy
Nuff said
Let's jam
If only a few comprende
So be it
Jam on me!!!

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by the mingo » April 19th, 2014, 8:37 pm

takes a few watts
to make the thing jump
arc that electricity
across the gap
if ya gotta speak then speak strong
if ya gotta keep silent
keep silent strong
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lostwire » April 19th, 2014, 10:32 pm

Middle path
WB @ 100
Time flying
We got the weather
Riding back roads
There's a 10 speed out back here
I do wanna ride again.....
Jam on me!!!

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by the mingo » April 21st, 2014, 9:29 am

wouldn't take much
to make me an evangelist about it
so i'll just say
throw a leg over her
pump & roll
she'll teach
& make you reach
sure you'll curse some hill somewhere
but she'll reward you
on the downhill side
she'll reward you with motion
slow & fast
she'll give you back
your legs
your heart
your mind
she'll reawaken something
that was once so alive
her every answer is yes
she'll encourage your every whim
and all your imagination
if Hanshan had had a bike
he would have rolled right thru Mongolia
writing a poem on every face he passed
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by jackofnightmares » April 22nd, 2014, 12:25 pm

fuck that evangelical shit
I ride to live
if not for that bike
I would already be using a walker

seventy three mark
I done that jesus freak trip
them evangelicals love the jews
that is why they want us to move all to israel

Jesus is just alright with me,
my choclate easter buny
my jew on a stick
trashy trucker talk when you want to give thanks to God or G d or whatever for savior, that got me through my moment of fear and dread and kept me Buddha cool on my stool

I ride my bike and think about what I am going to write next to mingo next

fear keeps me going
on the edge
lost twenty some pounds in a little over a month studio eight diet and that bike
feel like I might live five years if I take my time
balling a bike and writing a jam
"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Santayana The Idea of Christ in the Gospels

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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by zero_hero » April 22nd, 2014, 1:02 pm

I need a grind
that bike is my grind
do I sound evangelical
religious transmogrification
Avatars were once sacred not information
is there a difference between sticks and stone

religion is the smile on a dog

we got to have a grind
when a man looses hope
there is always Jesus
or dope

first thoughts are angry
that hits hardest
Kerouac tender hearted
first thoughts of compassion

first thoughts
are convictions
stand by them even
cause positive to positive never sparks

feeding on poetry
feed the action
Free Rice

"the lesson is... if you want it? keep a copy of it." Doreen Peri


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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lostwire » April 22nd, 2014, 1:20 pm

My bike
And other friends
Never had a bike
that didn't get stolen
Last time was on a construction
job where I was working
Had it hid I thought
Inside job for sure
Used to love riding that bike
In the morn, uptown from a
free parking spot at west Potomac park
Uphill past the white house & all them monuments
Nothing like a ride at dawn :)
Jam on me!!!

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