If only I could be important...

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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If only I could be important...

Post by XPress » March 10th, 2009, 12:03 pm

I wish I had something clever to say
something important
or witty
Some clever play on words
a spoonerism
or acronym
that would save the world

I wish I had something clever to say
to thrill the masses
or some one
so the world might notice
for a while
for a second
and turn and look at me

I wish I had something clever to say
but I'm afraid to say
I haven't

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Post by stilltrucking » March 10th, 2009, 12:17 pm

I just want to be a footnote to history

In some high school text book

that's all I want

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Post by judih » March 10th, 2009, 4:45 pm

hey go ahead
any fool thing can be the right thing
if the person listening is wise
try it, go on.
you never know
vocabulary can provide epiphany
if the forces are aligned
toss out a thought
freshly squeezed
organic linguistics
tickling your throat
awakening an ear

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Post by XPress » March 10th, 2009, 6:45 pm

But I only have vanity
dew drops
and word slops
points of view
that were made to batter
empty thoughts
created to splatter
royal room
crystal glass
in a stable
and myth
the brothers grimm
11.9 sins
a cat
a dog
a note from my brother
a pistol I stole
from my pyschotic ex-lover
a memory
a black hole
a cake with a file in
and all of these things
played on an old violin
I don't have the wisdom
that you can buy with diplomas
I don't have the wisdom
that you buy with degrees
I can't out think Einstein
or Plato
all that I know
is how to kill fleas

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Post by mousey1 » March 10th, 2009, 8:13 pm

Wisdom is overrated
don't ride that wave
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by stilltrucking » March 11th, 2009, 8:59 am

all I wish for
is my two front teeth
and a lucky stroke

a word to the wise
another book for the foolish
Christ without Christianity

I do not wish for
a teenage queen
just my M-16

I want to kill
evil doers
and send them to hell

I want to save
the world
from the likes of me

I can't out think Einstein
but I do believe
in Einstein's G-d

increase wisdom
increase sorrow
E eguals testosterone

all i got is an eidetic image of a child of 14
her smile so much like silent woman's

that year we all lived together
she played this song over and over


And then I saw a picture of her at 29 and she was still alive.

What if I never came into

her mother's life
a karmic shit storm
What if she was not on that California mountain that night.

what the heck was this thread about

being important
yeah important to be nice

Nobody can out think einstein
not even nazz.

I wish I could out think Kierkegaard

Nietzsche is for Dummies and college sophomores
but good for Jews
a mental laxative

but even so
he should never fucked his sister.

High Ya

High Ya

"give me the beat boys
and free my soul"

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kicking the gong around

Post by revolutionrabbit » March 29th, 2009, 9:47 pm

drumming my fingers
on the keyboard of infinity
i stubbed my last digit
on a K for Kafka
my pinky has a mind of its own
a little snubbed bone
sticking out there almost sexy
hope i don't spill my green T

stumbling through graves of letters
past all them that spell history
and fallen leaves of dead names
my pointer tip hunts and pecks
past the grand piles of word wreaks

down in the alley i type like a bum
looking for that cosmic language gong
to kick around once more, lightning
strikes the core K for poet street

C looks like a good symbol to clang
but a O would look a better one to bang
going past that resounding riddled X
alphabet Castle on that city light wall
oh the moon is a big dang glyph ball

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Post by judih » March 29th, 2009, 10:21 pm

hng'n jst hng'n
i no u ryder
u sm chyna cat
sm wck'd fu yng kat
1 glyff pst sn'ty

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Post by theirishsea » March 30th, 2009, 10:46 am

The "I"
is all we got
not a lot
but that's us
a lot of i's
lined up in linear history
like bowling pins
time knocks our heads off
we are then just a lot of wood
termite eaten eventually
our molecules
whiffs on the breeze
no wonder the wind moans outside

oh how profound
our lost i's
when we see that darkness
is a natural state
and light
an aberration
but we have this combustible passion
to explode human illumination
across the wide
The Irish Sea Is Always In Turmoil, Even When Calm.

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scraggy my window

Post by revolutionrabbit » March 30th, 2009, 8:53 pm

as fate would have it tumble
through me wash eternity
line by line thy maze construct
each to each turn corner swift
lost adrift sea of windows ablaze

plucking thine days shine the wine
twine ever more on what wet book
you swore, oh, high road oh low
taking the lead from some obscure

feather placed between her knees
hollow decrees wash me down
crush my frown thy leaves all
turned golden brown

like lonely flute sound as the last drop
of life's rivers spill into thy loving earth arms
i knew of your daunting charm once on wind
thy memory hung in the Yggdrasil tree

yonder whither thine song flits tween leaf o lit
further called whence bird quickened flight far
a kiss tossed on the stone breast thy broken
voice once walked storm tossed crossed blessed

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Post by revolutionrabbit » March 30th, 2009, 11:45 pm

China cat
once prowled
that snaky length
of that China wall

on Tao pad paws
ch ch Ch-iii-na na
he confusion thrust
twist tiger

and Confucius he trust
this ca ca China cat
some kinda incarnation
in feline body scraggly

with the appease his cur
cur curiosity so this pussy
re re reads what he please
down the fish head breeze

wanders down narrow lane
this is no ordinary alley cat brain
meow meow no Mao no more
no little red book written by fleas

cat stance in the people's park
moving with the chi kung rain
cat like with a rolling ball of light
landing on its feet so discrete

so fine fur running through blossom
flows and fortune cookie epics
monkey's play on moon shine roof top

some kinda claw rider of brush stroke dark

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