
On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Glorious Amok
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Post by Glorious Amok » December 16th, 2005, 1:11 am

me, i am going to be better
i'm not going to bother with things
that i know are wrong
i am not going to fry my eggs on 9
when i know now that 4 will do
i am not going to order the chicken
when what i really want is the chili
and i am not going to stay
quietly thinking of a polite way to sneak away.

and this is overhwleming confirmation of self-improvement.
"YOUR way is your only way." - jack kerouac

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Post by tinkerjack » December 16th, 2005, 1:51 pm

and this is overhwleming confirmation of self-improvement.

Yes it is 1972 and every body and their brother has a copy of Be Here Now and The Last Whole Earth Catalogue.

My friends were saying things like “it is as if I stepped out of a book about my life and I look back to see where I was". But me I was on the same old page of Nietzsche trying to read his words before they crawled off the page and fell to the floor. But I was crazy, living in a parallel universe, juxtaposed but not quite touching this one. Self improvement,

And if six was nine
and all the hippies cut off their hair
I got my own world
crazy as it seems to you
I don't care
I got nothing to prove

Hard to resist a good GO
I may know what you mean or I may not, just got to GO
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Post by WIREMAN » December 17th, 2005, 4:08 pm

self improvement
=ing creativity
the wellspring of
fortress solitude
frog jumps in - plop!
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by tinkerjack » December 17th, 2005, 10:14 pm

I am improving myself, changing my chromosomes
Going to be a solitary Live Oak Tree on a hill

I will feel my mother in my roots
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Post by WIREMAN » December 18th, 2005, 9:36 am

MOTHER CARES....sister too, can only laugh at what
the wives do do.....lately been
feeling like i stepped in doo-doo
after it felt like the morning dew
for so long.....i'm just hanging out
here letting my freak flag
to do a raga blues show....sounds
rising from the within, the history in
which i great grandfather
was a sailor, left lucy walter & morris
behind in the foggy bottom by the
potomac, old dc.....lost his arm running
for a train......comes around, comes around
& then you are gone, turn, turn, turn
there is a season, turn turn turn....thx j & st
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by tinkerjack » December 18th, 2005, 12:17 pm

foggy bottom by the
wearing bifocals these days
found out the blur was just old age
foggy moon
dead in the water
solar sails on negative draw
running on candle power
seasonal dysfunction
watching As The World Turns with little sister
"What's wrong with that woman, why is she acting like that?" I ask her.
"Oh, she is dead!" my sister informs me of plot details.
I knew something was wrong with her, but I could not put my finger on it.

I been thinking about those marriages made in heaven. Zeus and Hera, things like that. Sometimes you just have to go with the mythology you have.

So Agemenon and Iphigenia
Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath
A savage god
the flow of power between husband and wife
pouring water into one vessel from another
I know nothing about marriage
The last thing I would want
after a quater century I think I see a pattern
as the world turns.
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Post by stilltrucking » December 19th, 2005, 3:05 pm

thinking about foggy bottom down on the river, the steps leading down to the river an ampitheatre for summer concerts, the orchestara seated on a barge anchorded off the shore. Sitting in a sail boat with a woman friend. After the concert we stay there becalmed. No way to catch a breeze back to buzzard's point marina. She trusting me, me feeling like an idiot. Power boat gives us a tow.

No poetry, no sylables, no music, with a little help from friends I can still catch a breeze. My family has no roots here just a few graves, no family history, just a first generation green horn in the promised land.

something about foggy bottom, a mist on the river, a full moon,

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Post by WIREMAN » December 19th, 2005, 5:04 pm

foggy bottom has been totally consumed by
George Washington University and the world bank/IMF
I was blessed to have been there before most of the row
houses disappeared....i still remember my dad's stories about his grandmother being a lil girl and terrified that the city was gonna be sacked by the rebels after 1st manassas battle, ya know jubal early made it to ft. stephens in nw dc before he was repelled...
ah foggy bottom ...every once in a while i get the feel of that place of yore early in the morning walking the backstreets......
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by tinkerjack » December 19th, 2005, 8:31 pm

every once in a while i get the feel of that place of yore early in the morning walking the backstreets......
Ferlinghetti moments
It is sweet to have roots, my avatar takes me back to Poland before the turn of the last century. I just got off the boat. One generation removed from the huddled masses.

Happ, from the Icelandic word for luck or chance. Happy to be here, I am happy to be anywhere these days. Even Sanato.

America, americans, american indians, american jews, american italians, afro americans, latin americans, north americans, south americans. The creator must have loved us to make so many varieties.

A long trek for Black Americans,
a trail of tears for Native Americans.
European man dropped his rich load of knowledge to the New World.
“Domini Domini you are all Catholics now”. Here have a blanket.
I use to walk the waterfront from Fells Point to Federal Hill. Trying to imagine how it looked before the march of civilization took over. It truly did look like the land of pleasant living to me. Going to click my heels together and say, there is no place like home. Eastern shore of maryland, those little islands in the bay, shenandoah valley, Morro bay California, Ilwaco Washington, Revere Beach MA, Chicago, LA, I could sit here and type the names of places where I have found happiness, I could go on for hours, but I run out of ink.

whose post am I hijacking, I hope this is perpetual?
:oops: GA
I suppose it does have something to do with self improvement. Up or down, manic or depressive, good or bad, I have decided to be happy. What a lucky man I am, a fortunate son.
Two more days to go
this the third? shortest day of the year
Sunny December days
Sailing down the severn to annopolics thirty three years ago, I have saved that sunny december day like a crumb of happiness that fell through the cracks

Lord help me Jesus, I don't think I can fake another christmas, going to pass it by this year, this also a step in the direction of a self improvement for me. Maybe I can just get by with the festival of lights.
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Post by WIREMAN » June 3rd, 2007, 3:24 pm

another gem.........of a thread, started by the most glorious one.......
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by mousey1 » June 3rd, 2007, 4:01 pm

"and i am not going to stay
quietly thinking of a polite way to sneak away"


in a nutshell that's what it's about
self improvement
fixing what was never broke
if you can lose yourself in you
nestle deep
like you're your own best friend
you'll find contentment
you'll find the love you seek
inwards outwards roundaboutwards
settle softly in your own skin
make love there

in my own nutty shell
is much sweet meat
so I imbibe
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by WIREMAN » June 3rd, 2007, 4:03 pm

imbibe the time away
it's raining it's pouring
here today..........
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by mousey1 » June 3rd, 2007, 4:42 pm

time wastes away
here today
what of tomorrow?
let it come...if not
I'll go soaring amid the stars
and find a rainbow message written
on the receding hands of time
a secret message written...
time waits for no man
you must surpass it.

and on the other side...

possibility refracted
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by WIREMAN » June 3rd, 2007, 5:01 pm

on this side
making the best
coffee house mocha
cyber tapping
new a. einstein bio
at my side
the quotable one
one pic shows him with
a lover of his, says she was
a russian spy
all the i spyers
high flyers
suv riders
consumpting consumers
other side....other's a lifetime train ride.........
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by Doreen Peri » June 3rd, 2007, 5:18 pm

i never crossed the sunset ride from montreal or perendello, the bomb exploded before cortez could ever check my cadence or feet... meter like that sometimes ain't so good to repeat especially with mortar misery franchised like skyline drives sold on every t-shirt from bedhead and main, and the same knees i kneel down on are the same as the ones i bow to forget-me-nots somehow, even though i didn't deposit them on graves myself, sunshine ray treats rare on a window pane.... you might think i'm insane but i don't fucking give a royal stained glass gibbon shit.... slipper never fit, slipper never fit... i've hugged the bottom of river basins in an attempt to bring back the dead but ghosts ride on sidecars of bikes i never rode instead and i ain't gonna drown in an email filled with scrambled words because you can't drink in nuances or idiocy or any iota of dignity while trying to inhale meaning and nothin' ain't nothin' when it comes to figuring out syllables and such, in as much as i ever attempted but i'm tellin' ya, i have resented construction and deconstruction just as much as i have attempted to present a viable view of the dealing of cards so gimme your ace and i'll do my best to deal it off the top or bottom of the deck, whichever you prefer, not that i'm a shady character or anything or have any ins with the house dudes 'cause the deal is this, cards get laid the way cards get laid... i take my 7, you take yours, play the odds or is it 5? words are just words are just words are just words and it don't matter whether you're in nashville, seattle, roanoke or freaking montana or timbucktu, egypt, moscow or tibet... fuck you means fuck you no matter where you come from so read my lips, ok, here's as good as good can get... a dream can be a good dream and it ain't no prison to imagine it, it's heaven being there no matter whether you care which corner anybody comes from or not, no matter whether you're drunk, sober, or fantasizin about escape since no matter where you go you can follow yourself there with a ride or surf, curse the daylight outa the earth, reckon with sunshine blinding your eyes, try to weed out garden beds or lie down in 'em with the goddamn spiderwebs and creepy crawling fuckin' below-ground critters, make friends or stomp the shit out of 'em until they die so i don't know about you and i'm still trying to figure out if i know about an eye for an eye but what i say is maybe it's all about mulling it over for a bit, sticking your finger out the fucking window until another train goes by, making yourself comfortable in the club car to watch the world transport itself sideways until you fall asleep then wake up on another platform

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