Clay Vigil

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Clay Vigil

Post by WIREMAN » February 2nd, 2008, 1:34 pm

waitin' for the
lightnin' to strike!!!

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Post by stilltrucking » February 4th, 2008, 9:48 pm

Who am I kidding I ain't oz enough to do five hundred miles on my scooter. Five hundred and fifty actually. Maybe I could meet him halfway.
Ten four on your pic on hte the wall, I had a dream about ted a =? who the hell is ted? I mean I had a dream about the rod a couple of years ago. Dreamt about jimbo and hestoer another time. In the same dream they were. I think they are twins born the same day miles apart.

I was thinking I should wait for clay but then a thought struck me....>>>>>>>>>>
Native Texans are Zionists in their own way. My brother in law is that way, the one I affectionally call The Bear. He just could not live anywhere else but texas.


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Post by Arcadia » February 5th, 2008, 1:47 pm

I looked to the sky
during the last storm
and I didn´t recognize him!
maybe he´s just raising cows somewhere
looking to the horizon
& handing a rifle
while rocking in the porche :wink:

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » February 5th, 2008, 2:10 pm

Aren't vigils for dying people?
I spoke with him on the phone
last night. He sounded alive.
Said he missed me. I said,
"Let's Cabaradio in Dallas.
You set it up. I'll fly."

Ring ring.


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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2008, 12:30 am

I'll fly away on the wings of a snow white dove
I don't know if I could tell the difference between a pidgeon a dove.
Bird shit is bird shit I suppose

So there you are
The place is not the same with out ya

It is never the same on anyday I suppose,
I been getting superstitious again lately
I wrote the word god as G d, not even a G*d.
I missed The Poets Eye, like I aint been getting my MDA of ironY
Boy I want to go to dallas bad, like the jackpot at the end of the rainbow for so many of them TV evangelentrepreneurs.

"Dallas, Dallas ALice, Dallas from a DC-9 at night
let him roll boys let him roll
I bet his gone to Dallas bless his soul."

what are vigil-aunties then.
vigil for the dead, I think I read something about that, I think I remember from my father's funeral that two guys woould sit up all ngiht beside his coffin and pray.

If you ever get south of wacko I think I could make it to Austin.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2008, 2:16 am

birds of a feather
a pigeon is small than a dove I think
I don't know why I thought of that line
fly away
I think I just understood what you said
and for some reason I thought of bird sh*t
Go is a spirit game
I have wimped out so many times here and deleted posts

If you were going to do a show in Dallas Clay I would surely try to make it.

You hardly ever GO do ya
I wish you would
This is my zen board these days
well maybe they all are

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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2008, 2:22 am

bat sh*t
to think I understand

the empty spaces between the words

just a go agogo

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Post by Lightning Rod » February 8th, 2008, 12:18 pm

I would talk, but my tongue has been busy licking sores
In Nashville there is asylum for the insane, I fit right in
Christmas was a vacant thing

The crazy soldier who drove me to Dallas hadn't slept in 52 hours
He said he was trained for this sort of thing
At dawn in Texarkana he began hallucinating flocks of crows

I reminded him that crows don't come in flocks, they come in murders
by the time we got to Dallas we were concocting new businesses
like using road-kill rabbits to make ball warmers, you know, scrotum sacks
We were going to call them Global Warmers

Music is about to happen in Dallas.
Lightning Rod is back.
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by stilltrucking » February 8th, 2008, 12:58 pm

neffer saw the good cide of a sity
Dallas as home for me as much as any place these days
a vagabond soul
I googled that vagabond soul when I tought it was an original thought of mine, they happen so rarely because I have a flair for the obvious.

so any way'
i googled vagabond soul and got about nine milliom hits.
there was even a

it is good to come home
welcome back

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Post by WIREMAN » February 8th, 2008, 6:56 pm

live vigil
lightnin' alive
i got the lrod poems book
where's my cd
the one from the hospital
visit won't play
make that reggae band
we did "if you wanna be happy
for the rest of yer life"
reggae raga blues style last show
for an encore
playin' minas sunday in
baltimore where we did that
awesome show in 'o4
austin to dallas to san antone
el paso on the phar left
might as well keep headin' for
new mexico....
good to read yer words lrod
u 2 ST

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Post by bennie2 » February 8th, 2008, 7:28 pm

clay so far

is a
sweet young




flute and previous heroin(e) lives
tongue on fire and heart bewildered
at government liars and junta missives

hippy idealist
beatnik beatnist
wandering wondering
talking singing

heart snap
mouth flap

still yes living

the gradfather i never knew with the stories i've never heard

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Post by Dave The Dov » February 10th, 2008, 8:13 am

New place and time for LR. He's back!!!!
Mercedes 600
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Post by jimboloco » February 10th, 2008, 2:08 pm

first there was dallas alice
now there's one more roadgoing vagabond back home
deep in th heart of texas

where they gonna make massive new freeways
privatize them

still the state fair is a heap better in texas than in florita
way better mexican food too

home grown

never knew a home grown place
mercy i was born in virginia
fortress monroe
a place for military brats

left after two weeks
finally made it back there in 1987
for a brief visit
going to the wall
where i picked tufts of grass from the hill

then to texas
ft worth
e lancaster
union gospell mission
met a babe under the pablo picasso painting of don quixote
in the kimball museum
she said "wanna ride a buffalo?"

yeah my bro lives there
all his kids too
the ones in north texas are christian conservatives
not his fault
the one in austin lives in paradise
inside an out

yeah i'd go back to texas too
if i were home grown there
concoct new schemes
out on the prarie
and rabbit stew
in celebration
bennie2 adopted you
his granpa

left ft worth for two days to explore dallas
too green
went back to cow town

man you cant beat those texas prarie vibes
welcome home
wherever ya be
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by WIREMAN » February 10th, 2008, 2:17 pm

cradle rock
along the rio grande
big state flat
miles and miles
playboys & last picture shows
paris of harry dean
anna nicole
galveston o galveston
let me be your line man
cadillac ranch

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Post by jimboloco » February 10th, 2008, 2:48 pm

an old virginie
home to sweet belles
blue mountains
marshy flats
shenandoa valleys

but texas
thar's some phar lepht spaces thar
miles an miles
paris to rome

longview to el paso


but me
i ain't living for myself
not now
our 9th valentines coming up
stopped smoking pot again
wanna keep my job
my humble abode
my wife

wanna vote agin th "ban gay marraige" amendment
on this november's ballott
just to piss off the rabid right wing closet cases


i gotta say

is a good

now my old family friend
just lepht texas fer

he's got a thing fer
pot and
wants to keep his lawyyer'z license

but fer th freewheeling types

i gonna fast fer lent
where's th dessert?
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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