estrogen jam

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by judih » April 15th, 2005, 11:27 am

how's your estrogen today?
up? just about right?
how's your balance today?

is it a 4-hand juggling day?
or are we talking 8?

How's your motivation today?
are you rarin to go, patient to wait, confident that all will happen when it happens?

is it a 2-minded opera day?
is it a Bohemian Rhapsody with Madame Butterfly day?
how wide a reach ya got today?

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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 15th, 2005, 11:48 am

par usual...

i have my arms wrapped 3 times around the world...

looking after

...and as i write
i have one foot out the door
emailing appeasals
re conflicting dates
bruised egos --
emailing directions
to make today's 12 noon submission deadline --
running to a lunch meeting
to discuss community partnership --
cell phone in hand --
comforting my daughter
who is not managing her gestational puking --
thinking of the mountain of marking,
the dinner date later,
the promise to a friend to hear him perform tonight,
packing for my move,
the barbeque with colleagues tomorrow
that will be more about politics than burgers,
wondering if i will lock eyes with my next lover
from across the room as i lunch...

...and worried about what i am forgetting --

S&*% i didn't let the dog out!!

oh, and YES... i'm spiraling from my estrogen surges!

HINA... turquoise goddess grab me --
sweep me up in your arms,
and carry me awaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy...

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Whitebird Sings
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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 15th, 2005, 2:36 pm

i had a drink at lunch.
i toasted women everywhere!
of course,
I had to let go of something long enough
to do it..
but i did it...
for women everywhere!


back to the mania
thank Hina for surges --
how else could we manage?

wahine to wahine

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Post by judih » April 16th, 2005, 1:35 am

she has her
arms wrapped 3 times around the world
oh, i felt another arm wrap me again
and it feels so good

look at this:
Image ... nature.jpg

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Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2005, 6:29 am

washed in the blood
brain washed with estrogen
spooky boy child a prisoner of love
it is all good
when estrogen boils from one to another
boy you better take cover
you will never have a clue to what they are arguing about.
mother medusa and her daughter
LIke being in a cage with tigers and one rises up on two legs behind you and gently playfully places her paws on your shoulders,
(that is such a bad sentence I used and three X that can't be write )

when women owned my ass, I may look like a dirty little boy, but actually I was a very clean child. I was always getting baths.

so estrogen is green?

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Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2005, 6:48 am

the arm of a big brother or an old uncle
not a hug just standing side by side
a sister and a brother
"he knew he was right" not sure if it was BBC show or PBS.

A nineteenth century victorian woman so wronged and angry, she was not a wilting smelling salts kind of person. She was a fighter, a woman of spirit. In one scene she picks up a knife and threatens to stab anyone who tries to send her off to a country house where she can hide her disgrace. Her old fart uncle the only man there to treat her as an equal. He says ok or lets go to it, and he puts up his dukes like The Marguis Of Queensbury rules.

Thank you for the painting of the sisters. I hope that makes sense.
I meant you can always punch at me, when men are being such richard heads.

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 16th, 2005, 10:44 am

Precious Stilltrucking,

no dear heart
it's not green
and it is

it matters
it doesn't

if there is a most
what matters then
is that sometimes
we feel your shoulder
next to ours
and sometimes
we don't

the most is
that you understand
that sometimes
we need
the shoulder
and sometimes
we don't

the most is
that you understand
that what we need
changes for us
in a lightning

an estrogen flash
you see

love us ~ un-con-di-tio-nally...
is the most

and we will do the same,
just tuck yourself
up under our arms
the arms
that are wrapped
a few times around
the world

there is always room for one more
especially one who loves us

we stroke your cheek
with gentle touches

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Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2005, 11:34 am

just tuck yourself
up under our arms
Under Athene's wing
Yes I do. All the metaphors about wisdom as woman are true.

But fools rush in.

Nothing to do nothing to say. She is way beyond me. She don't need my arm. I know that. Testoserone and anger, a old knight in rusty armor, Don Quixote had a good death he renounced chivalry with his last breath. A foolish notion of medeval france.

I don't try to understand, just to listen.

over and out
Why do I keep thinking of Margaret Mead and secrete women's societis
thank you for being so gracious and tolerant of my white knight compulsions

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 16th, 2005, 12:02 pm

we need
you to listen
we need
you to talk

wahine to kane
kane to wahine
the wind blows --
sometimes gentle
always powerful

that is
it is

that is
it is

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 16th, 2005, 3:32 pm

el que no habla
Dios no lo oye

tell me how
to me...

let me count the ways...

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 17th, 2005, 12:11 pm

i am headed to the moon lodge
grandmother will meet me there
she never breaks her promise
she will rock me through this cycle
she will help me to release the old energy my body has carried
she will help me to prepare for the new energy i will receive
she will rock me through this cycle
she never breaks her promise
grandmother will meet me there
i am headed to the moon lodge

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 2nd, 2008, 1:10 am

calling out

to circle
to spiral
to spark

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Post by judih » April 2nd, 2008, 9:23 am

cyclical moon dance
sun satellites round and round
a large galaxy in a larger cosmos
she guards in whimsical gravity
as harmonies roar

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Post by Whitebird Sings » April 5th, 2008, 12:18 pm

time cyclical
time continuous
time personified
in women
in woman

time --
immortal principle
for mortals


fire and storm
song with dance
and the beating of a
and the beating of a

rhythms and harmonies
that sometimes whisper
and sometimes
and never end


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