S8 poetry

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by Arcadia » September 18th, 2008, 8:32 pm

dada... no idea! :)

but it is said
that Tristan started Sanscrit
revisited The Police & Burton
(laughed also at Wagner)
wondered about woods and his image
tried caleidoscopes
& smiled, sometimes

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Post by stilltrucking » September 19th, 2008, 9:32 am

the girl with them
I saw them
as clearly as I see the text in this text box

Summer of 1974
but I was heavy into what Cenacle calls "ethnogenic" substances back then.
I lead a quiet life these days, been years since I even ate a mushroom omelete.

Yes I watched the girls irises collapes and re form as the colored shards of glass in a caleidoscope.

Da da
I am no einstein
I don't think in pictures
Da Da
the decadent art of Germany between the wars
makes my eyes begin to water when I see it
so happy so beautiful so doomed

da da

Glitter and Doom

somebody help me
an artist please
draw me a picture of
the universe before the big bang
I am an idiot
I can't transcend
my butterflies flap
my dragons fly
my magic carpet rides
begine at the tip of my nose
same with heaven or hell
metaphors go stale
and loose their meanings
the sea forgets the walker upon it
all moving towards the big whimper
another big bang
it is a new show
every 15 billion years
or maybe everytime I blink

Da Da
I am a word freak
a word kook
I must not forget the magic
the first word
before the before
began the beginning
the word
was thunderbird

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poopie balls

Post by sonofthesun » October 9th, 2008, 3:58 am

not yet born 4 years later
comprehend a different way
all generations must find themselves
do trees matter
my thoughts tend to think of other lives
as does mine depend
i must learn
i must see
i must recieve anything
that may revitalize my thinkin
and my place within this chaos of no empty space
There is no empty space

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