me and my friend...his lines then mine...2 4 4 what have you

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me and my friend...his lines then mine...2 4 4 what have you

Post by sonofthesun » October 5th, 2008, 4:20 am

me and my friend contemplations
bedamned i know what is and that is all
the scope concluded
vision lost
self eroded
sight found again
and my beauty if found wanting
i ask you for the same
who is it you worship
tell me what the fuck for
the answer
wait for it.......
god is the name for most
lips speak many res-auditory pollution
and the breadth of all things
comes back to whats been done
you are or you are not
tell me which you are
There is no empty space

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Post by tarbaby » October 6th, 2008, 8:54 am

I'm just waiting for a friend.

Rolling stones
mossy words

I worship the spirit of music
and the birth of tragedy


"my dearest frineds are total strangers, they wish me self destruction and freedom" west texas hemmingway.
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Post by sonofthesun » October 7th, 2008, 4:05 am

no music anymore
in the soul of america
the blues are now replaced
with synthesized dementia
country is boob jobs
and budwieser
rock is effeminite dudes
with eyeliner
rap is bitches and hos
and its cool to get shot at
wake the fuck up america
the drum beat has not ceased
it is humanity that has stopped listening
we cant hear a god damn thing
to much nothing going on
every second of every minute
There is no empty space

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2008, 5:34 am

god is dead
the novel is dead
music is dead
and I feel like shit this morning

Where the fuck is paul revere
ride um cowboy.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 7th, 2008, 5:56 am

I believe in what I can't know
What I can't do
poetry, music, G d
a different drummer


I am god's own fool
tone deaf\
tune deaf\
and half asleep

Put another nickel in In the nickelodeon.

Blame it on america
the mother of all bastard nations
we are refuse of the wretched of the world

Europe takes the high road
Moraly superiour in every way
and nigger babies starve in africa
and bitches burned alive in India
cause they would not do their daddies will

Wake up america
Wake up humanity
Wake up
Wake up
Am I awake yet?

Got to have someone to blame
that is what the Jews were chosen for.

I blame the British myself
Two if by land

We got a little rain last night
the world feels fresh and new
what a world
what a beautiful world
it could be if not for us
of A
but we are

all G d's creatures
maggots mosquitoes and man

Everybody must get stoned
everybody must awake
before the sun goes super nova
aeons and aeons to go

santayana was wrong about history I think
those who remember the past are doomed
but I think he was right about man's capacity to despise himself

gimme a beat boys to free my soul
I want to get lost

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oh yes

Post by sonofthesun » October 9th, 2008, 3:26 am

if and only i say something
its already wrong
be it now within civilizeded way
of doing things
do you do as your supposed
or are you a terrorist
do you believe as your told
or are you wrong
left to your own meanderings
disagree is wrong
follow your leader to ruin
if only stupidity bought peace on earth
thank you mr bush
your god has made things oh so much better
There is no empty space

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Post by stilltrucking » October 9th, 2008, 3:31 am

Bush got to wake up too
Palin also
no wait he is dead
too late for him

All I want to do is wake up myself
Ask myself
am I awake

"Shana tova tikateyvu."
May you be written for a good year.

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oh so written

Post by sonofthesun » October 9th, 2008, 4:02 am

as it was written
i shall be unto the next
belief makes way to knowledge
see to believe
and know without
There is no empty space

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