R.I.P. "Action Poetry"

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by mnaz » February 17th, 2008, 4:30 pm

I don't think they much care for me either.

Especially if they read this...

It was just an overreaction,
beat down clamp down liquefaction.
Place hasn't had any soul since Ju-ly of Oh-four,
aside from maybe a few archived epic discussions.
Used to be electric, eclectic, spark imagination to life...

Now I'm not normally an action guy,
I compose for a-while, then drop on by,
But some writers thrive in the be-bop medium,
the one not censored into shades of tedium...
The long twisting threads were a sight to behold,
at times... those times... in the moment...


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Post by Arcadia » February 17th, 2008, 4:39 pm


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Post by Arcadia » February 17th, 2008, 4:39 pm

R.I.P´s ok!

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Post by mnaz » February 17th, 2008, 6:23 pm

Tiz true, Arcadia.
Es verdad!

Gots to calls it like I sees it!
(that's not quite English, but close... ha.)

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 17th, 2008, 7:42 pm

Magic tricks.
Now you don't see me.
Now you do.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2008, 10:20 pm

haiku archive
a national treasure
over three thousand haiku by the dragon master
levi calls him a friend
I used to say any friend of levi's is a friend of mine.
the cuttest deepest cut of all for me
is when someone called levi a money grubbing jew
we know that aint true
jota wrote a homage to levi
the sound of levi asher's boots coming down the path

to make a sad story short
broke my heart
the haiku archinve is gone
what is the mal function junction
with that
levi too broke for to pay server space
I am not proud of the way I acted on that website
the flames board their was my zen board
where I was reborn
from the ashes of my vanity
I wish I had been a better Friend to levi.


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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2008, 10:40 pm

Oiy! :oops:

The Haiku archive is back :D
Boards ---Cylance

flame wars chatter
mindless debates what are you
reading poetry
The last time I went there is was all 404
The threads were there but if you clicked on a haiku, the file not found thingy was there. It must have been when he was changing the software thingy.

I felt the same way I did when Calvin & Hobbes stopped appearing in my news paper.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 18th, 2008, 12:29 am

I still go there and read,
if brooklyn is happy with the new format
I am happy for him.

Somebody explain me the difference between GO and action poetry
I never understood that.

I could google GO I suppose
some game I think that was very popular with the beatniks.

sorry wireman I just realized I got off topic
this about A.P. not haiku

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Post by mnaz » February 18th, 2008, 1:52 am

The diff. between GO and action poetry? I thought it was essentially the same thing. GO was created to be S-8's "action poetry" board, no? Only trouble is, there's very little traffic. Cricket-chirpin' so-lo stylie jammin' quite often.... S-8 has the spontaneous format but little traffic. LK has the traffic (or at least had) but little sponteneity.... Ah well...

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 18th, 2008, 7:03 am

same thing

i made the name up ... GO ... when I launched the site.. because that's what you do.. you read someone's work, you open a text box and you GO! .. you write straight off the top of your head

i didn't want to use their name...

I'd been writing like that for years... never gave it a name.. I wrote like that with people long before I ever heard of Litkicks... I never knew the name action poetry... years ago, i had several online friends and we'd write spontaneously on chat back and forth... That's where most of my material has always come from.. writing spontaneously then editing later to turn it into a piece.... or just leaving it that way.

Anyway, your assessment, mnaz, is completely accurate.

Invite your friends.

When I first opened this site, I sent invitations out to people on my email list. Other than that, it's been word of mouth.

Slow slow slow. Boring sometimes. That's why I go to Arcanum Cafe. And another site .... and why I popped in on LK lately and posted there. Ain't no action on the internet nowhere... I mean, not as much as I'd like. Not like the old LK days... that joint was HOPPIN...

They sure threw away a good thing. Oh well.

But we're here..... and if you want more traffic? All I can say is, it's up to you. You'll have to invite your friends. Spread the word. I don't know how else to do it. That's how it's always worked on the net. It's about people telling people.

It's your site. GO!

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Post by stilltrucking » February 18th, 2008, 8:45 am

"talk about what used to be
waste another day" jitterbug
what's the point
just opinions
action is as action does
that is there
this is here
like brooklyn said of himself
"dues, fucking paid"
too much hassle
alll the bickering
less is more
he seems happy with his new vision
good for him
nothing thrown away

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Post by stilltrucking » February 18th, 2008, 9:26 am

sorry mnaz this is your thread
I appologized to wireman by mistake

I saw a picture of Brooklyn, Jamelah, and Caryn
they posted it a couple weeks ago
Brooklyn was barefoot, somebody was holding a guitar
they all looked happy

I wanted to be part of the pepsi generation
I wanted to be in the in crowd
I wanted to write a story about Sal Paradise and Sylvia Plath
The day I stumbled on litkicks
was the day I started to wake up
always be grateful

I am very happy to see you on this board

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Post by stilltrucking » February 18th, 2008, 11:31 am

mourning and melancholia
go mourn for man
go mourn for litchicks

we have different experiences there mnaz
the main one being is that you can still post there
I am not wanted.
I have been told that literally
I have been told to seek professional help
I break out in cold sweats at the thought of anymore emails from litchicks

do it mnaz
go mourn it
I am done with my mourning

but don't let me piss on your eulogy for litchicks.

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Post by Arcadia » February 18th, 2008, 11:47 am

I´m also grateful to them/us! :D

interesting articles
acute journalism
a bit burton-ian atmosphere
maybe too much private-property
maybe very few interlocutors
maybe too much irony
maybe the opposite
instant answer
more delay than if you were calling to the USRR in the seventies
beautiful, brilliant/dark people
why not?

we are a big net
beyond control
and the world is a big place! :wink:

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Post by Arcadia » February 18th, 2008, 11:57 am

and the music
& the great images!!!!!!!
(I forgot one of the things
I like the most !!) :)

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