Dear Diary

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Post by Doreen Peri » July 5th, 2009, 6:45 am

Dear Diary,
This is the morning I hate every year.
It's this morning, the one I completely
dislike, the one I loathe. Why does this
morning happen this way, like clockwork,
planned by an inevitable pen? When will
there be a year when this morning will
not happen again?

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Post by still.trucking » July 5th, 2009, 3:47 pm

Dear Diary

Dark mornings
up at three AM for work
talking to people who call me all night
"Hello, Rosewater Foundation, how may we help you" I answer the phone.

Working for the yankee dollar drinking rum and coca cola

Had to water my rose bush and garden before eight am, because of the drought, but even so it is summer time and the living is easy

Avacados two for a dollar
Fresh peaches 99 cents a #

I ain't ate a slice of bread in weeks
two slices of matzos last week
if I don't lose this weight
there is going to be a fork lift at my funeral

Hot so got dam Hot
Rode my motorcycle to the country
and now I am too fried to ride it home
waiting for the sun to set

mindless typing
so what is new with you dear diary
I saw a picture of myself from my college park days, I did not recognize my self, how could I recognize you.

Remember the mall
between the McKeldin Library and the administration bldg?
how the paths would criss cross randomly, every time they paved one students would all start walking a different route leaving dead grass trails to be paved over. I wonder if the whole mall has been paved in asphalt yet.

Last semester, the semester I met silent woman. I was standing on the portico of the anthropology building watching a group of black robed women walking down the mall carrying a huge Papier- mâché phallus above their heads and when they got to the adminstration building they burned the symbol of their oppression.

I remember the first time I kissed her. I remember the taste of the warm summer rain on her lips.

They say or Nietzsche say that decadence is when batchelors live like married men. I am probably the least decadent man on studio eight.

And the vainest.

I never lie to you dear diary
Not intentionaly.

in diaryship
jt et al
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by still.trucking » July 5th, 2009, 4:44 pm

dear diary

notice the lack of question marks

was not a pop quiz


spent a couple hours googling statistics and reality
amazing how many links led me to Getrude Stein.

I remember Hemingway telling her that he wrote best when he was in love.

If I am ever reincarnated as a woman, I pray the creator will create me a very old on. One that men would not have the least inclination to fall in love with.

Trying to work my way back to what I was so inarticulately trying to tell the woman with two dots about my last semester as the eternal college sophomore. Twelve years, never put enough credits together in any one field to make a major. I had the Faust syndrome and nobody to sell my soul to.

That last course, the statistics for the behavioral sciences, and the mescaline. Trying too hard to get back to that uncanny feeling that there is no reality in this best of all space time worlds but a statistical one. Trying too hard, too much resistance, repression or suppression going on. I was spooked.

Don't even know what I mean anymore. I used to be smarter, a math whiz, now I am a hippy quantum mystic.

I would like to live another thirty years just to see what she writes when she hits her peak.

first class mind.
like yours.

Sing another verse for me Mr. C.
I think I will watch Gigi again :roll:
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by still.trucking » July 6th, 2009, 8:52 am

Dear blueberry diary

The fear is everywhere on everything
I stand around and wonder
waiting for the next news cycle

Music need lots of music
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by Doreen Peri » July 6th, 2009, 3:24 pm

Dear Diary,
Time is moving too slowly.
It's as if the second hand's stuck.
My luck is running thin. I'm feel
invisible. I don't know where to
begin to get out of here.
I fear the worst but don't
know how to stop it.

Dear Diary,
Have you ever felt impending doom?
Will this place become my living tomb?
What should I do? Tell me please.

I am such a fool.
I am asking an inanimate object.
Dear Diary, you aren't real.
You're just a fricking receptacle
for nonsense that I feel.

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 6th, 2009, 5:52 pm

Dear Diary.
It's me again.
I have a question
perhaps you can answer
when you have some time.

I've been told that life can change
on a dime and yet, I haven't seen
changes for quite a while.

Did life forget to do the
change up thing all by itself?
Or maybe I wasn't told the whole story.
Maybe you have to invest a quarter
to get the dime change trick.

Gonna buy myself some candles,
light up the wick with a flick of flame.
Dare my eyes to stare into it the blue
and yellow dance, take the chance
and make a wish.

Dear Diary,
Can such a practice help the switch
to happen more quickly, rush the time?
Or is that thought bizarre and out of line?

Perhaps it has to happen on its own
and all due changes have been temporarily

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Post by hester_prynne » July 6th, 2009, 7:34 pm

I Love this thread!

Dear Diary
My much awaited and anticipated trip to Astoria to see Stella and watch fireworks on the Columbia is already behind me. It was a wonderful two days, walking the riverwalk, chattin in my head silently to the river. I really can talk to that river. It hears me too.
Yes but back now, in my little lonely temporary lair there is none to talk to. The TV is boring and I'm restless. I can feel the full moon looming, there's a thickness in my brain and the urge to howl is nearly irrepressible!
I try not to think too much about how lost I am, although sometimes the thoughts just intrude on their own. Fuck you, thoughts.
I am the flax and the universe is spinning me.
The guilt, the fear, the shame, all manmade.
That's all for now dear diary.
H 8)
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Post by still.trucking » July 7th, 2009, 8:47 am

Dear Diary;

Lost my fast because I started working earlier in the AM, I may have to change my work schedule to accommodate my …?

Yeah a dam good question, my what, my life as a writer?
“The world revolves around the hand that writes.”--- Grandfather Oz

Grandfather did not speak of scribblers and their lust for power.

I tell ya my dearest friend, my little electronic diary, my silicon based cyberpal—this is it.
This is getting all too real for me. The lines between animate and inanimate blur in the after glow of a peyote button. As if the written word had a power of its own, which is unknown to the consciousness of the big sad ape who sits and compulsively types this drivel…

My mind wanders as I listen to old waylon America again

Chit chat with Gertrude stein
I talk about the time when women owned me
And what a terror I was

As if she was my bubbie
She circumcised my heart
I don't want to be Hemingway anymore
I don't want to be in love with again

Ah poor mouse
I feel liked I copped a feel
raped a lock
abstroint could not believe I was that stupid
but I needed to feel like a fool in love one more time
yes I remember puppy love
and saw it grow to heart ache
but I needed to feel helpless again
caught up in a woman's aura

Hemingway said that if you can write one true sentence you got it maid.

He also told Gertrude he was a better writer when he was in love.

No thanks earnest. Love stinks. I would rather keep trying to write that sentence without love.

At this point in my life I have no use for love. Bitter Fame would suit me better. How
HOw does a person get to be this old and so vain about women
Dear Blackberry Diary
please put this down to
herbage and verbiage

Ate a big Mac for the first time in years. The bear made me an offer I could not refuse.

Thinking about funerals and fork lifts
that is what this is all about
going to start working later
so I can get back to my morning quick five hour fast.

so there it is for July 8th
me and my thaumaturge diary.

If you can't give me love and peace, give me bitter fame
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by jackofnightmares » July 7th, 2009, 12:54 pm

Dear Huckleberry Diary
Is it worse to be scared than to be bored, that is the question. (Gertrude Stein)
I got so bored I had to sell my high tech microwave with the digital clock and buy an old used one with a dial that you twist to set the time. Now I just wait for the ding while I smoke a cigarette instead of starring at the numbers counting down to zero.
"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Santayana The Idea of Christ in the Gospels

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Post by jackofnightmares » July 7th, 2009, 1:34 pm

Dear Mystic Diary
the magic eight ball of my mind
that always tells me like it is
whatever will be my child.

That microwave has made all the difference in my life. I no longer stand in front of it in superstitious fear that when the count reaches zero I will die. I would stand there 15 seconds and counting what if I only had 15 seconds left to live. As if I was facing execution.

And yet the clock is ticking,
my life is all electric
and the meter is running

I suppose it is one of the blessings of longevity
that life seldom bores me anymore.

Life eludes me

Rhythm still eludes me

can a body survive without rhythm

unless this life on the screen means anything

I lost power for a couple hours, I started to get rattled, everything I do takes electricity . I got the jitters cause I could not do anything I wanted to.

Which is what boredom is according to K&D old tag line which that quoted LR.
"boredom is not being able to do what you want to... LR from a long time ago" something like that.

So far
i have not needed electricity to keep on breathing
so all is not lost

thank you for being such a dear friend
my mystic etch a sketch
my magic writing pad
my silicon pal
"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Santayana The Idea of Christ in the Gospels

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 7th, 2009, 4:00 pm

Dear Diary,
If it wasn't for the swimming sessions,
I'd never be able to explain why my hair
is turning blond instead of grey.
Thank you for the chlorine and the sun!
Except for the fact that blond hair
doesn't really look natural on me,
I am grateful. It's not your fault.
Your friend,

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Post by stilltrucking » July 7th, 2009, 8:36 pm

Dear Diary

I am grateful for this thread

I been listening to the news again

the Uyghurs in China
I thought they were saying the wiggers.

Another desperate international situation for me to deal with. yes with great power comes much weariness. Not what I thought it was going to be

this being the smartest man in the world.

Tried to write a haiku tonight and failed

July in south texas
steamy aftermath of rain
high temp haiku

time to pack it in.

good night sweet prince

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Post by stilltrucking » July 8th, 2009, 11:12 am

Dear Diary

Back on fasting mornings
I am so hungry
On my second cup of coffee

going to be 41 degrees C today,

Set the alarm for 4:15 AM listened to the alarm beep for a long time before it shut off then I rolled over and went back to sleep and woke up at seven.

I must become a creature of good habits.
that is the worst part of living with the forlorn rags of old age.

I must keep regular hours.

I can't shit my life around the graveyard shift anymore
Life intrudes
And so do Big Macs and my family.
Thinking about taking off a few days riding down to the coast,
I want to do some research on "Daddy's girls" are they anything like momma's boys? How do they differ?
I suppose I would need to know how women differ from men in other ways than their anatomy. Ha.

"yesterday today was tomorrow"

I got the date wrong yester
today is july eigth
and I can hardly wait
to keep up with the latest news.

"I would rather be thin than famous"
I am now 20+ years older than Kerouac when he died.
What have I done with those twenty some years?
Well I got this diary going.

so long for now my cyber diary
going to eat breakfast now
cause my head is begining to hurt
from all these hungry words

Hopeful tomorrow I will have something less mundane to write.
I been into chit chat lately
Chit Chat, Statistics, Quantum Mysticism and Gertrude Stein
like a Dwight Yoakum song
"guitars cadilacs and hillbilly music the only things that keep me hanging on."

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Post by still.trucking » July 9th, 2009, 8:48 am

Dear Dusty Diary

Day two of second attempt
Up at seven
seven come eleven
that's my number

"ground beef control" to major jack
comedown from your cloud
let me introduce you to your meat

one of those days
over a hundred
and African Dust
from the african dust storms

examining this body from the inside out
and out side in

a gut feeling
a good death
all I want to do anymore
is listen to music and chit chat with the girls
and learn how to think out of my enteric brain

Gertrude Stein knew time
Woke up from an erotic dream and nouns.
Is this a noun?

Mamma's boy
not her favorite son
just her baby boy.

"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich


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Post by Doreen Peri » July 9th, 2009, 6:06 pm

Dear Diary,
I believe in poetry.
But can poetry ease the pain?
I've never really liked diary
entries. But I believe in poetry.
So, I'll write another poem again
and pray for relief from pain.

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