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Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 16th, 2020, 9:19 am
by saw
where art thou jammers
are they in their jammies
or naked perhaps
how would we know
why should we care
jamming in the nude may free the mind

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 16th, 2020, 12:08 pm
by judih
waiting for godot
stuck in delusions

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 19th, 2020, 9:03 am
by saw
corona jam
like no other jam
a flavor that doesn't sit right
a flavor that shakes the taste
and has you thinking 'bout
getting stoned at 8 am
oooh that corona jam
so many without security
and how can i help them
I'm not a rich man with no worries
I don't have the means to pay all the rents
I can offer only my meager support
my love and hopeful words
and sometimes I feel that isn't enough
for the hungry and cold
but nevertheless I will keep trying
to be there, be present, suggest
we take a hike in the woods
because the woods is still real

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 19th, 2020, 11:48 am
by sasha
muh-muh-muh-my corona...
the new libretto:
shelter in place
social distancing
flatten the curve
incubation period
herd immunity
oh, and best of all:
herd mentality
that's the ticket
believe the words you like
revile those you don't
we don't need no stinkin' masks!
it'll all go away by april!
it's not that bad!
flu's a lot worse!
let's open up the country!
par-tay down!
and so right wing zealots
in the thrall of an orange demon
march into the abyss
drinking the kool-aid
from a Clorox jug...
it'd be karmically comical
but for the collateral damage

will there be a 2021?

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 21st, 2020, 9:56 am
by saw
2021 looms like an oracle of more of the same
and so our resolve is tested to carve a niche of positivity
coffee and studio eight is always a great start, but I wonder
what others do to find some comfort, how is their imagination
some seedless organic grapes and a mandarin orange

forget about that perverted orange humanoid for awhile

a little poetry
some music, a little art
and a hike, pay a few bills
to keep the wolves away
more coffee
some needed stretches
The Baltimore Sun is on the porch
The Baltimore sun is in the eastern sky

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 21st, 2020, 10:35 pm
by judih
the sun rises
all's okay
each step a gift

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 23rd, 2020, 9:03 am
by saw
the debating is over
now folks will cast their ballots
and the world will wait anxiously
to see which direction things will go
the fat man sings his porcine songs
passe and full of hate, his opponent tells the nation
I will represent all of you
not just the blue states, not just the liberals
all of you
but politicians have been known to exaggerate
some even lie
so how will it go
likely a record turnout at the polls
so many without jobs
so many with little hope
and the fat man doesn't care

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 23rd, 2020, 10:54 pm
by judih
cartoonists get it
cognitive dissonance helps
may voters save us

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 28th, 2020, 1:09 am
by sonofthesun
i pray love
the eternal shines
i feel its warmth
upon the shores of my wakening
dont be disheartened
we are never alone

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 29th, 2020, 11:33 am
by sasha
cast my vote weeks ago
a vote of No Confidence
for the the Red and the Orange
straight Blue
this isn't about policy
any more than voting about
which fire escape to take
or whether to first treat
the sore throat or the gunshot wound...
we're mortally morally wounded
and need to set the broken bones
and suture the severed arteries
and stabilize the patient
I'd prefer a world-class surgeon
but if all I can get
is a country doctor
I don't much care

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: October 30th, 2020, 8:08 am
by saw
Uncle Joe was never my first choice
he was fifth, but this election is about
ousting the ogre with the fake suntan
and taking back the Senate and holding the House
because the party of Lincoln sold their souls
to dark money
and partisanship dominates every issue
there is no reaching across the aisle
no standing up for what is decent and helpful
to the disappearing citizenry bogged under by debt
and stimulus package, no crumbs at all
Uncle Joe has risen to the moment and correctly
expresses this is the battle for the soul of America
he has grown into this role like a bit actor with the lead of a lifetime

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: November 7th, 2020, 8:47 am
by saw
the country waits
the damned electoral college
holds up the results
the votes are being counted
one by one
anxiety prevails for many
that want it to be over
the fat man has no grace
no humility, is paranoid
delusional to beat the drum
a lost soul that believes in his greatness
so damn much....his ego
about to explode like bald tire on a limo

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: November 7th, 2020, 11:18 pm
by judih
breathing once more
back to regular insanities
oh yeah, pandemic

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: November 8th, 2020, 4:16 pm
by sasha
Hello, Paris Accord...
is it too late to change our minds?

Re: Corona Jam

Posted: November 8th, 2020, 11:14 pm
by judih
Paris! Oui! C'est nous. Encore!
and bring the baguettes