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Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 10:30 am
by Lostwire
Different kinda take on Miller in article
He can be read in many different ways
Like when he writes of his youth in Brooklyn
he really thinks aloud and contradicts himself,
ala Whitman constantly in his writings

Gary is a leopard that slips
through the village at night, stopping for a
sip of water at the well
If there are more lives to endure
he surely seems to be closest to Buddha
A definite bodhisattva for these turbulent times
I always remember him as a performer, having seen
him at various venues in DC over the years
At a bookstore reading downtown that was packed,
someone called out "Louder!" To which he replied,
"I do not shout my poetry."

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 11:05 am
Lost & found
Midst the glare
Motionless hummmmmm
So how long this lasts???
Post 4,500........submit

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 2:09 pm
by stilltrucking
how long this been going on
so long it's been good to know ya
posts 19,000 or so

all I know about gary snyder is one poem about why truck drivers awake earlier than students of zen
"there is no other life"

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: May 30th, 2014, 9:55 pm
Snyder's got some gems
Interesting times, now
Doin' a craft brew fest here
tomorrow, showing
wire sculptures

Oh yeah
What it's about
Always open
And free
What more could we want?....ask for....or need
Protein pens & ink stained no mo
White jade is sought after in today's market
A ? Of ownership it seems
Little seal bowl
Faces on both sides
Found in the hidden drawer
Beneath the hidden catch
That opened unto, all dem secrets
Sea creatures
Standing firm
Hopper etched
So did Sloan
Tintoretto was copied
Earl of sandwich
Calculated start times
Box of watch collection
Peanut butter mixed with jelly

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: May 31st, 2014, 8:31 am
by the mingo
took a ride last night
down the old east river road
just kept rollin' like
i used to do when the circles
just kept getting bigger
so i let it get bigger
passed a woman talking
to someone in the yard with her
about her dogs who were growling & scrapping
at each other
"that's just how they are" she said
that's just how they are
and how i was
was just rolling on by

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 11:08 am
Beautiful day for show
Free beer all day
Saw lotsa people
New and old
Sold a little sculpture :)
Always nice
Chili dogs and pulled pork
Whole lotta sun
Enough security to make u think u were in Germany in '36
Everything ain't perfect
Beer guts and ball caps
Goodloe did good with his computer sketches of people
Done on the spot
Made me think Maybe I should do wire sketches
Did one of Lrod on him and Doreen's cable access show
Was fun

It's all about how much these daze
How many
How much
As if that was better
How many stitches did u get last night?
Sometimes I think it'd be better to just head for the hills
But not like Lew
In the old daze I'd a been a coastal scavenger
On the outer banks
I love North Carolina .....don't ya know!

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 11:38 pm
by stilltrucking
uncle sam loves you
his deepest hearts desire for you is that you be secure in your insecurities

spent the night at my homeboys, like summer camp for me
lots of fun biking and swimming and conversation and food

homeboy and diamond lil been married now 55 years, he is the greatest man I have ever known, my Buddha, My Jesus, My brother my friend.

come home to the J.A.P. and the bear, my baby sister and brother in law
they been married thirty two years all told between their two marriages to each other. Think Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

all this is pretty exciting to read about I know but I got to thinking about the old radio shows about marriages. "The Bickersons"

a man and a woman
a husband and a wife
some can some can't
it beats me

issues and concerns
a man an a woman

the two hands of god
the myths of polarity alan watts

a man an a woman
on the one hand are issues
on the other hand concerns

Thought about Clay the other day, blessed be his memory,
Clay was plenty hip,
Thought about him when I was getting ready to go to an important meeting about the fate of my bike.
I thought about Clay and decided to shine my shoes before I went, and I wished I had a good chapeau

Never knew they had a cable show

love to see it. ... hapeau.mp3

love the outer banks too
also the the third coast
the islands off the Texas coast
in the republic of paradise
ya know

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 2:16 pm
Uh the show was in Arlington
Clarendon to be more precise
Just off Wilson blvd.
I know, I'd love to see too, never did cause I lived in baltimore back then
Carole Jean was interviewed
There was a VHS tape floating around
I'm sure Doreen's got pics somewhere
Ya know I have nothin
Cept what's lost in all these cyberlandspaces
And it is the place
......"................back to jam
Rockin sounds
Old Black much better
Movin on to rl burnside next up
U got it right bout
Lrod....nice boots and badass chapeau w/a half pint of liquor .....that's the clay January I knew.....had a million dollar smile too :D

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 6:51 am
by stilltrucking
surreal exits
on the third floor
of a house that stood
at Eastern and Caroline
back in Baltimore
the door always locked
me always looking for the key

skip forward

sixty seven years to
the surreal seesaw
of childhood emotions
up against the wall
redneck mothers
who have raised your sons and daughters so well
the sins of the fathers did slowly go bye
Golem Gollum
mommy dearest

meanwhile back at the jam

six am and I am late for the road

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 7:54 am
by the mingo
yes of course
me birds are
writhing in the neon
ragtime mothers technically pet
the falling boys
i try to keep the abstract in line
but when the sea rises
we'll go to the mountains to sing
the truth wakes up in the morning
to greet us there
to hell with it -
let the abstract roam!

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 10:07 pm
Rawhide abstract
Rolling smokes
Future commercial
Coastal highway
Beneath the bridge
Wreck a remnant
Rusting away, only to return
Jam constant
Morning star out there
Day fast, night endless
Sirens scream
Sleep beckons

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 7th, 2014, 11:37 am
by zero_hero
abstract expressions
dada intentions
everybody must get stoned
rock and roll presidents
she needs a husband
I'm just her brother
abstract woman
the sirens beckon
Dante's vision
She is climbing a staircase to heaven
tailor made woman
how much does it cost
I'll buy it
sunshine go away today

old songs like broken radios
in my head
two cups of coffee to clear the static in the attic, saigon saigon

cut and paste tin pan alley jam

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 6:46 am
by one of those jerks
it's all good
even the pain

always talking about the joy
the road open before me
but no time for the pain

in the morning
the pain

inertial threshold
to get me moving
seventy four and I can still ride a bicycle

will I at eighty
sitting on a bench in some long term nursing home for the pathetic

no time for the pain
these are my good old days
we are born for these
forlorn rags
but none are born for poverty
the wretched of the earth™ Inc.
if you believe that you are a ass whole

slamin and jamin
never stop the perpetuity of the suffering
the sorrow

it is all good
take my pain away
take my joy

but not the jam
just ain't not god damn point
mit out id

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 5:50 pm
Doors to nevermore
Stairs greener other sides
& still I ride.....

Re: perpetual jam!!!!!!!!!

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 2:32 pm
by one of those jerks
ain't she beautiful
that dragon lady
have you ever copulated with a black widow spider
ahhh the sweetest orgasm I have ever known
such a painless byte
acid adultery abortion
I want her to wear my high school sweater with the three scarlet letters
Ya know I loved her but Jesus loved her the best

gotta got to
ride 8)

it's the only game in town