The Answer is ~GO!

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » July 3rd, 2007, 12:20 am

2005 reminscing.. lol .. funny stuff ... hp?t=62068

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Post by tinkerjack » February 1st, 2008, 5:23 pm

the answer is GO
never over till its over
and the road goes on forever

hopkins hospital
thinkg about that job you did there
I can't remember if I mentioned it
the main lobby entrance the giant statue of Christ

I got bit by a dog when I was about three
tore sone ligment or something so one of my eyes looked like this


I had to go to the Wilmer Eye clinic at hopkins every week, my mother never went in the front entrance unless the other one was closed for some reason. That statue spooked her. But I have fond memories of it.

I used to have a rock and roll tape made my some vietnam veterans from roanoke virginia, they had a song on it about an army nurse called Angel in Green, trying to remember it they had a line in it about sister morphine

"Life is played with heavy stones" Some poet from Finland I forgot his name...

music and poetry are healing arts.

We all riding Ferlinghetti's train


let the midnight special shine on me
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Post by tinkerjack » February 1st, 2008, 5:34 pm

I hardly remember this one jimbo
re reading now
but this bit about the ashram just popped out at me
the minister wore leather shoes
a business suit and short haircut
claimed mcdonalds a model of efficiency
I want to laugh
but I guess it wasn't funny at the time
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Post by tinkerjack » February 1st, 2008, 5:35 pm

my short term memory is impaired due to the known side effects of one of the medications I am taking. I feel like I am reading it for the first time

this is a great thread
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Post by jimboloco » February 8th, 2008, 9:44 pm

i had forgotten
paramahamsa yogananda's ashram
no billowing robes
no woven sandals
just a biz suit
an a no tresspissing sign
on a locked gate

ah but there is hope
dori found epiph in arnanumland
i got to stop smoking pot
fuck meds
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2008, 10:13 am

Yes fuck the meds
I been thinking about becoming a Christian Scientist
And Sylvia Plath wondered why Mary Baker wore glasses

Pot so easy to quit compared to tobacco
I quit for months and then one day I decide to smoke it again
I got a friend who kills me with kindesses
Always there always offering it to me

The best think about not smoking pot
is I hardly ever want to write when I am not on pot

I am leary of myself
when I rationalize it
like doing something and saying I wonder what this would be like if I am high.
Riding my motor cycle for example
but then I say this could not get any better

but even so it is good stuff
easy come easy go
mean while I continue to play russian roulette with camel lights and bugler.

lordy what a hole I am in
the only good thing is that I have begun to pay more attention to my feet than my penis.
trying to get back to my garden

speaking of things that go better with pot

here is an unrelated ramble

on things that go better with fucking

Sex and acid
Spider woman wondered what it would be like
Spider woman was a silent woman
Her orgasms silent and moving
She never was a back seat driver
But she loved the movies
And our romance blossomed between the Trip with Peter Fonda
ANd the Last Tango in Paris

Yes it was an expuisite orgam
But hardly worth the consequences
I bore the pleasure and blissed out
She wound up with the condom
and an unwanted pregnancy
two young daughters and no way she felt she could bear another child ecconomically or psychologically
and an abortion

Just one of those things
She forgave me long ago
But I still have a scarlet letter
That I wear on my heart

but even so

spider woman so kind to me
not a woman to take such a radical step without good reason

And me
I am still crazy

this post is proof of that
Last edited by stilltrucking on February 9th, 2008, 10:38 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2008, 10:30 am

Ride THe Ego Trip
I am just a truck driver
But I am the world's greatest truck driver

I am just a scribbler
But I am such a brilliant scribbler

There was a a comedy album from the Eighties called Conception Land.
It was supposed to be based on a theme park

One of the rides was a roller coaster called the Ego Trip

The up and down with pot reminds me of that
Sometimes I get bored with it
the up and down

I smoked yesterday
can you tell

I used to drive stoned, steering with my elbows while I rolled joints, but then I became hard core, number two diesel was my drug of choice, buble gum, coffee, music, books on tape, "one allen watts tape on zen that I must have listened to for a hundred thousand miles, gave it to my niece when she was driving cross country to a Burning Man"

My CDL expires in 2010 when I will be seventy, I am going expire before it if I don't get laid before then. No just joking, I have survived twenty eight years as a priest, no reason I can't make it another two. I woant to live till I am too old to die young. Seventy sounds like a ripe old age.

Smoke um if you got um jim :)
I heard there is a new drug for ptsd, suppose to wipe the memories or make them more distant, I think that is what pot does for me. I did smoke it before I rode my motor cycle last week, so tired of being scared shitless, death grip on the handle bars, The Bear thought it might help me to relax.

I can't do nothing about anything
I put my faith in a higher power
that I call "me" :)

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Post by stilltrucking » February 9th, 2008, 2:10 pm

Go is th answer
what's your bottom line

poor spider woman
I turned out to be her worst nightmare
a husband

i have only seen a couple marriages that work
the one that works the best is jitterbug
a man with no double mindedness about women
stable in all his ways
married over thirty years
I have never heard an unkind word transpire between him and his second wife.

I feel sorry for pussy whipped men
they got to hang on to their pussy at all costs
and a hanger on was not what silent spider woman needed
just a random lay
a kind word
a back rub
and a hearing heart

And I finally saw the light
I heard it in a song
and she smiled
"You know I love you
but Jesus loves you best"

so just like the hero in the cowboy movies
she kissed her horse and rode off into the sun set
I and lay in the dust
and cried bitter tears
of self pity.

one heart alone
must still sing
and be brave enough to live

Go is the answer
in new berlin texas

out of the city away from the noise
except the fluttering shadows of birds
and the crickets
light breeze and silence

a good day
feb 9 saturn's day again
they say
the holiest day in the hebrew calander I read somewhere.

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