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Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 8:28 pm
Walked the cold creek
Back to the jam
It was sitting there
On the cyber screen
Always glistening & right there in ~GO!

Took the long way home
Sun up later
Till almost 6pm.
A glimmer of hope
Drive through snowy fields
Cross the monocacy river
See the catoctins on the horizon
Just big hills
But oh so majestic & deep
Full of stories & history

The jam hit a fork
Took a turn towards
Something we all feel

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 11:53 pm
by the mingo
where the hell are
all the words that an hour ago
were taunting me up & down?
I love coming here
to carve it out of the wilderness
but at the moment I don't even know
where my ax is
listened to too much rising appalachia today
had me going but may have been
too much for the circuitry
serious overheating
insulation shot
and nothing will pass
just wisps of smoke
& the smell of hot melted wire

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 11:54 pm
by the mingo
the wonder is how water
can get so hard
to cut it you need
a power saw

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 29th, 2014, 11:57 pm
by judih
hold still hand
let me catch this dude
slyly, i blur the image
too quick for focus

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 12:36 am
by the mingo
Thx judih ! 8) 8) 8)

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 10:16 pm
Right for to jam
Sade siren song
Words from music
Mind goddess visions

Here to jam
Pure and simple
Took a turn
Brillo pad
A Beat place
For it never ended
No it never did
Fooling with words
Brown cow
Registered stock
Mind jammin
Cucumber slumber jam
Needle in a haystack jam
Island jam
Swim up to the bar
Grab a waterproof guitar
& jam

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 10:37 pm
by the mingo
casablanca dreamin'
sand blown to the side of the road
casablanca dreamin' taunts you
with long hair drifting about a face
the track of the sidewinder is here
he jams with his head held up
& his neck straight out
it's the desert of dreams
and nothing you see
can be believed

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:00 am
by judih
when mirage melts
it's all revealed
all is nothing
nothing more than that

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 10:51 pm
Mirages in my life
Trips west in memory
Shuffled words
Cut up
Thrown out there
Impact words
Words profane
Mind control
Word images
No liberty here
Just the facts
Joe Friday
Elliot Ness
Loch Ness
no replacements found
Lost in found
That which is mine
Jungian borders
On a lake
Swiss precision
Watchmaker swift
Jonathan Swift
Swell in 30's
Hip....hep....hup 40's
Rumble seats & roustabouts
Jam rules
Words fly like knives thrown
Sticking point
Striking fever
Worlds moved by a lever

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 1:02 am
by judih
calm by default
words take their time
one after another
patience in spotlight
fever at some other gig
om hour at the dawnbreak café

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 4:59 pm
Calm on the faults edge
Skating the razor blade
Found in words
We all know
Mass = strength
Light = agility
There's less stress
On the structure
Bone frame
Natchl wonders
Cluck old hen
Rising appalacia
2 beautiful voices
Mongolian vistas
Tibetan heights
More mountain music
Mountain woman
Mountain man
Up there in Luray, Va.
& the westbygod beyond
Musta took a pioneer spirit
to head on out there, Jeremiah
What got me here?

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 11:35 pm
by judih
ten four jeremiah
wait for brain to catch ya
any moment yet
all wisdom derived
any cushion will do
any freight train will do
hang on jeremiah

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 1:25 am
by the mingo
cut my hair
leave my kindle behind
buffalo nickel saturday night
sunday howlin' at the door
don't go out there boy
the boogie bezums waiting to get ya
made new friend today - radio tower dreams
there are roads i will never know
the stop bucks here
down around zero for weeks
now rain -
jeremiah gets eaten by a wendigo
cab drivin' for jesus in my favorite shirt
i have three sons
but not one daughter
i think maybe now
i should have or
what that would have been like
the old farmer's land turned into
trailer parks
selling vegetables and
having affairs with the help
no wonder he was always smilin'

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 1:28 am
by the mingo
rising appalachia - you bet

Re: Studio Eight(8) Jam

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 11:25 pm
by judih
lone mountaineer
yodels tales from a summit
can you hear
can you yodel yours?