legacy and her...

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legacy and her...

Post by bennie2 » February 8th, 2008, 7:40 pm

misfit oddity

guitar playing triptych-boy

paint splattered
dellusion addled
dream dreaming

in the womb

throat cancer

still can't
talk to girls
still can't
build a fishing line
still can't
play a B chord properly
still can't
write a poem
still can't
sing in tune
still can't
hold my whisky
still can't
forget the girl

i try
my best
to forge
the girl
from bits of others

girls that i
ungracefully unfurl......

lost without
and with was lost

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Post by mnaz » February 16th, 2008, 8:36 pm

I can't talk to girls.
They can't talk to me.
Our conversation will be typical.

I can't hold liquor,
and it can't hold me.
Our dialogue will be mythical.

I can't write a poem,
and it can't write me.
Our meter will be quizzical.

Dream dreaming a dream,
more real than it seemed.

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Post by WIREMAN » February 17th, 2008, 3:36 am

dreams within dreams
football played on
waterfall steps
and work that is
never done
3x loser
3x winner
alive and free
o say can't ya see?

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Post by stilltrucking » February 21st, 2008, 10:34 am

she said she knew he was a woman hater
because he stayed with her like she was a card that had been dealt to him
out of a deck of identical cards.

I can't forget
I can't remember
a woman is a woman
a rose is a rose

and I used to say
if I can't have the one I choose
I will have none
I was a woman hater

I thank god for senility
what are they
mysterious creatures
grab my heart and squeeze
I have always been clueless about them
eversince I was twelve or thirteen
and I walked around with "tented pants"
evertime I saw Linda Dembo in homeroom class in junior high
No idea what the hell was happening to me
can't talk to girls
I can't even think about them with out feeling faint
and you know what they say about faint hearts

"tented pants" (bennie or litkicks a long time ago)

go gone going submit

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