Mooshwash Johnson

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Mooshwash Johnson

Post by revolutionrabbit » May 2nd, 2009, 1:18 am

Hey now, hey now, way down the clickity clackity
hackity hacky nick nack paddy wack give the gog the
bone, down along shadow empire row watch the devil
garden glow, Beethoven listenin for golden needles
to fall, way down through the cosmic howls in sheet
music floors crossin then crossroad eyes, liftin skies
i been workin on the raliroad to forever look, lookin
high, lookin low, baby needs shoes, Moses needs them
Laws, suckin cool aid through smokestack straws, drawl
dragged through the mulberry patch, latch and key, hit
the B Flat, way down in spit tune flats, rattle them cats
shake them guts strings, open tune that onslaught, twang!
hey now, hey now, blow on the bottle, hoot the angel pipes
honk on the horn, cuz we born yesterday born today born
tomorrow, beg bang gypsy borrow, take a little here take
some there, flash flood the midnight orange blossom special

pick up some symbols and clang on them some jing jangle
rum bum crumbs for the crows the language of the birds
singing a diggers song for them painted words buried in
acropolis chronologies way down way down there them
dogheads go, singin hi ho hi ho da Nile runs deep through
the heart of eternity and Main street all them Dixieland bands
drowned in a cup of moonshine and the cat played the fiddle
right down the middle of the Sphinx's own riddle and nothin
else besides, just drawin them lines till they make a perspective
and jammin till the purple cows come home, give me an A give me
C gimmie a B, play that monkey shine play that fife squeeze that bag
pipe, cuz them visions come marchin through the smoke blacken rag
of clouds and them lads cried blood curdlin calls through the din hag

Hey now, hey now, drag it all down where the tears burn holes through
the rug and the Raga makes sweet infinity with the Soma drug, hug
them Axis Mundi and kiss them goddess leaves and hum Greensleeves
all day long, hit the gong when Buddha sees the last faint glimmer tween
branches of that Bodhi tree, Rig the Veda spin the karma wheel breathe
through the holy harmony a free style while they compile all them texts
ancient as tabla drums all them musical chains of being coming from
that cosmic primordial soup, fan fairs fan fars, fandangle hallow lulu ya

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Post by stilltrucking » May 2nd, 2009, 11:16 am

silent karma
jello on a leash
Buddha is a jelly belly
he pats a jew on the head
and laughs

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Post by stilltrucking » May 2nd, 2009, 7:27 pm

road music
Seduced by the noise
Of incessant motion

eighteen hammers
slam bang
on the ten foot concrete slabs coming into L A

the mystic diesel syllable running through me

"I am a truck
I own you"

Like hearing the dynamos at Grand Coulee dam coming through an electric guitar

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she drank

Post by revolutionrabbit » May 3rd, 2009, 6:06 am

So she drank herself to death the hot weeks
living in the streets with the objects de art
had taken their toll all her outrage turned
inward toward that distant star

She was Duchampian muse to uselessness
the daring Baroness become the barrens
sleeping in naked dreams of birdcages
giving birth to a thousand mirrors

reflecting her exquisite corpse ad infinitum
her sexy song of herself living on salted paper
that smelled of diamonds , sex, and death
that oozed lude "The Fountain" of her desire

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Post by stilltrucking » May 3rd, 2009, 9:53 am

"It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. "

One can only pray that if souls are reborn

and if I ever come back as a wombman

I will be born old, very old
with my tits down to my knees

go qat go

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