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no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:00 pm
by neologistic
I'm starting up a club
Not just for anyone, you see
It's members only,
Only members may post
This thread is for them and me.

There's only one rule, here, in my club
And that rule stands like stone,
You mustn't post any poetry,
Not even a rhyming moan!

Re: no poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:04 pm
by Doreen Peri
All right, I see.
Well count me in!
I promise not to even be
involved in any poetry
'cause poets never win.

And I mean this especially
if there are poems that rhyme!
It's such a crime
to write such nonsense
so I won't. It won't be hard.
Where do I get my membership card?

Re: no poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:10 pm
by neologistic
Well, first fill out here
And then over there
Just be sure that neither rhyme.
You fill these out and sign all these lines,
Signatures or x's, either way is fine.
Just fill out here
And then over there
And be sure the rhymes are spared!

Re: no poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:17 pm
by Doreen Peri
I never much have ever cared
for rhyming, so those will be spared.
I've got my pencil out, I'll sign
right here and there upon the line
so I can be a member, see
of the Club of Non-Rhyming Poetry.

I'm so happy, now, elated!
Soon my ego will be inflated!
I'd love to be a part of this!
It sounds like so much fun, like bliss,
because eliminating rhyme
will make it a more special time
for all the members who partake.
A great idea, for goodness sake!

I'm wond'ring, though,
do you know
how much is the fee?
Will it cost me much
or is it free?

Re: no poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:24 pm
by neologistic
Oh, it's free, you see,
And never will be
Anything but such.
But just me and thee,
Between us, you see,
I couldn't charge much!

No one likes clubs like these,
No one even tries.
They've bought into all the rhymes,
Taken for all the lies.

They'll say that rhymes are great
And they'll say that rhymes are grand,
But have you ever seen what rhymes will do
With no one to watch at hand?

They sneak and slip
And go through all your drawers,
Thieves and criminals, all of them,
They'll rob you til you're poor!

Re: no poetry allowed!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 11:35 pm
by Doreen Peri
Maybe we should have our first meeting in the Club Car.
If it's free, then there will be an open bar.
Nobody who's anybody likes rhyming. This idea is quite novel.
So we can write novels, too, right? It'll get us all out of our hovels.

Or better yet, we can call no meetings at all!
We'll have no members, no membership list,
so there will be no one to call!

The possibilities are endless.
All the writers could show up
paperless and penless!


Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 12th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by Steve Plonk
'Ping Pong Song'

By Steve Plonk

Rhyming poetry don't belong,
So ping pang pong,
Just write a jingly song...
Jingle all the way,
Plenty of nonsense lyrics
Upset the clerics,
But last until another day...
Excuse me, as in play.

Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 12th, 2011, 7:10 pm
by Doreen Peri
Ahhh... we have a new member
of the Non-Rhyming Club!
How ya doin' there, Bub?

Welcome to Steve!
Let's light up the bong!
No rhyming poetry!
Ping pang pong!

No rhyme allowed here!
Let's celebrate and party.
Glad you made it on time.
You weren't even tardy!

We haven't even had
our first meeting yet.
Remember, don't rhyme,
let's never forget!

No rhymes are allowed.
We're so glad you're here!
Let's have a toast!

Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 12th, 2011, 11:31 pm
by stilltrucking
no thyme to rhyme
too much wine and time
all thumbs and Tweedledums

Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 13th, 2011, 12:57 am
by Doreen Peri
Bonjour Jack! Wassappining?
Glad to see ya in the No-rhyme scene!
Or maybe it's Bonsoir? I'm not quite keen.
I've lost my timing, know what I mean?

Whatever it is, I'm glad you joined
this Poetry Club for those who don't rhyme.
We've been waiting for you for quite a long time!

Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 13th, 2011, 1:20 am
by stilltrucking
green to the rhyming scene
Seeing is believing
on the Côte d'Azur
the allure of the shore
sure, all that and more

Re: no rhyming poetry allowed!

Posted: January 13th, 2011, 5:50 pm
madames and masseurs
massage me
o my god me
ask for no rhyme
ya get thyme
layin' it on the thistle
lauren said, "all ya gots to do is whistle!"
and bogie's jaw hit the floor