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Omicron Jam

Posted: December 2nd, 2021, 10:45 am
by saw
the grocer said so sorry
we out of omicron jam
but the delta spread is mighty tasty
and I said damn man that's so passé
don't try to peddle last month's jam on me
For I am a seasoned traveler
been all around this god's earth
but I still wonder why god is giving us these challenges
I can think of a thousand explanations
maybe it is just so we talk to each other
" Hey Mack, you hear about that Boogie Woogie Flu " ?
and how 'bout that Rockin' Pneumonia ?
We danced our asses off to all those scary things
so come on Omicron, give me a few bars
and I'll see what I can do with it
ain't never gonna be a Chronic Omicronic !

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 3rd, 2021, 7:01 am
by judih
oh no omicron
life is brief
greek letters await!

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 3rd, 2021, 10:04 am
by sasha
can we assume this madness will end
when we hit omega?

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 4th, 2021, 8:16 am
by saw
oh omicron oh omicron
where art thou
you little shapeshifter
you microscopic little imp
you think you are so clever
but that's nothing to brag about
clinging on to travelers
You're a freeloader !
a stowaway that likes to cause trouble
can't you find something better to do ?
I mean, You are so single-minded
and well I have to say it
A Real Pain in the Ass
We've dealt with your kind Before
And I'm quite sure you will turn into something else
and try to surprise us one day when we aren't paying attention
But we don't scare easy

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 6th, 2021, 6:07 pm
by stilltrucking
alpha omega jam
jam my jitters away
on a jitterbug keyboard
“If there’s anything to be learned from this, it’s that the bedrock of our reality really is — and always has been — uncertainty.”
“The Zen of Therapy,”
With Omicron Comes Uncertainty. Here’s How to Handle ItNYT

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 7th, 2021, 8:18 am
by saw
through the woods
up and down the hills
dropping breadcrumbs of woe
to be swallowed by the landscape
eaten by the birds of contentment
each step I felt lighter
til I could lift off the ground and float
along the trails of endless tears
looking down upon the stress I came with
a panorama of weighted boots
ground into nothing and the clarity
so good even through the dense gray
I wondered why it had been so long
for despite illness and questions it is always
a good idea to drag yourself on hand and knees
to path along the river, the sparrows know
how to fly, so why not I

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 7th, 2021, 4:24 pm
by stilltrucking
Cut me loose let me fly
after all these years I am still alive
cut the tying lies

let my mind drift so blind
no worries what I'll find
something gone to know
you can't fall off the edge of it
I used to believe that till I met a fellow that did

i am a mind with a body of its own.Maybe I still can fall off the edge of my mind but my body can die at any moment

My body has a mind of its own

which is suicidal as hell

and my mind that has a body of its own says "What's your hurry?"
No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.

Elizabeth Bowen


Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 19th, 2021, 12:17 pm
by saw
on top of Ole Omicron
where the skies are so gray
I looked across the valley of fools
and folks were all lined up
ready for a big spreader-party
fuck all those masks they sang
like Christmas Carols in Who-the Fuckville
you're tryin' to steal Xmas one poster read
you're trying to steal my Free-Dumb
and the Grinch rejoiced from his mansion
it's a game of close-up magic, look over here
and whoooosh, there goes your common sense
it's a battle to the death for some
RepubliCant's verses Demiseocrats
and the joke is we elected them
nuthin gets does in Washington DC
but here on Lake Montebello all is well
I stopped watching the news awhile back
get all i need from FB and osmosis
I have crafted my world to be a place of joy
and creativity, because as I said earlier
does any of what I said make any sense
so leave me to my own devices please

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 19th, 2021, 12:46 pm
by judih
curls apart
smiles unpasted
a mask and a prayer

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 19th, 2021, 2:48 pm
by stilltrucking
yeah though i walk through the valley of fools with purpose
I struggle to contain my righteous anger
Lord help me Jesus I know what I am

They say humor is the first stage of religion

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 21st, 2021, 9:15 am
by saw
omicron sweeps through the valley
like a mysterious stranger with indifference
he cares not who or why, his black cloak
pulled up over his eyes, he sees without eyes
into unsuspecting lungs, and half the citizens
say he isn't real, believe he is a bedtime story
for liberal fools and gullible Fauci-loving- snowflakes
and appropriately the Capital insurgents are drawing jail sentences
the crime basically .........Unchecked Stupidity

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 22nd, 2021, 3:01 am
by stilltrucking
I started listening to the news again. A harsher reality about Life in These United States Do you remember the section in reader's digest do you remember an innocent time when Americans were innocent that didn't last long I started back lisning to the news well more read than listen actually the news my bunker down urge becomes strong tonight i will read Clark's The Sleepwalkers in my dreams.
On The Brink.JPG

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 22nd, 2021, 3:27 am
by stilltrucking
passing thoughts of a homely nature a warm fuzzy feeling of being awareness a weird feeling of a terrible guilt i felt about the state of the world when I stood beside my truck in the destert out west of here a listened to the light ticking sounds of acooling diesel and stare dumstruck by the number of stars I coould see and comforted by the thought they were indifferent to me. A sense of guilt lifted from my shoulders at that momment. But I know how jimboloco felt that night in the desert out west of here
and all the time i am writing this I am listening to The Young Americans on the broken radio in my head
i need a rock and roll doctor

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 23rd, 2021, 10:31 am
by saw
omicron jam
all over the newspaper
what a sticky mess

Re: Omicron Jam

Posted: December 24th, 2021, 1:02 pm
by stilltrucking
omicron blue
deafer than dumb
them that gots ears
listen to the neon god they made
in the meamswhile i listen to the ambient sounds
tv running a lot of the time sometimers for four hours befeore i notice/hear something that reminds of a poem by dino
today it was Martha Stewart selling prettylitter™