Bad Math

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Lightning Rod
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Bad Math

Post by Lightning Rod » October 28th, 2004, 8:19 pm

The Devil's Algebra

The variables are:
benevolent greed,
oppressive freedom,
fraud squared by hairs divided.
The loudest fraction always wins.

The equal sign has two edges
and it cuts both ways like sin and negative numbers
the wages are multiplied like powers
on compound expressions

don't trust your instincts, do the math
I'll smoke your exponents
my calculations are harder than long division
all bets are solved on the dotted line in blood

Nerves balanced on a spine
like brain karma arithmetic
if the Sox can win then anything can happen
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Post by stilltrucking » October 29th, 2004, 6:44 pm

"When statistics start to make sense, you are really in trouble
the vagabonds of random chance might jar you from the mean."

My last semester
behavior for the statistical sciences with don peyote
I loved that course those abstract artistic pictures of graphs and curves
chi squares and bell curves
but then one night I fell off the edge of my mind
if it had not been for Ray Nitzke I would still be falling
Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music.
music and math I have no words to express how I feel
there is no reality in this world, this world is a statistical reality nothing more I thought,
the bell curve is a compassionate mystical symbol for me

Michio Kaku: "Einstein also said that behind every great theory there is a simple physical picture that even lay people can understand. In fact, he said, if a theory does not have a simple underlying picture, then the theory is probably worthless. The important thing is the physical picture; math is nothing but bookkeeping."

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