So long Johnny .......

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So long Johnny .......

Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2005, 5:29 pm

I don't know about you but Johnny Carson was a part of my family for years and years.
Dave Letterman is a fine late night talk show host, but nobody, nobody was like Carson.
I was really sad to see that he had left us this morning.
80 years old......gone, but never forgotten.

Let's devote a thread to

(I was trying to find a good picture of him to post....not having much luck...anyone got one?......)

So long Johnny, aka Carnac.....


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Post by Glorious Amok » January 23rd, 2005, 6:05 pm

i hadn't even heard that news yet, that's the end of an era, you know? here's a couple of pix for you hester, remind you of happier times...

... damn, well i found the shots, but can't make them load here...

just do a google image search, hester, there's some good ones.
"YOUR way is your only way." - jack kerouac


Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2005, 6:10 pm

Indeed glam, it is the end of an era, well put.
Picture links don't seem to want to click.
I don't know why I'm having such a hard time finding any pictures of Carson myself...oh there's a few, but...not that right one.....

Damn, he was funny. Refreshing you know....not smug like Dave can be......

H 8)


Post by perezoso » January 23rd, 2005, 6:25 pm

Johnny C. was alright I guess. Hammy member of Malibu nazi-lite union. Another late night pitch man. He helped some folks perhaps. More talented and witty than Leno the Shill--Letterman is funnier than either, or used to be, pre-menopause.

An elegy is in order Dear Hessed!


Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2005, 7:00 pm

Johnny was just as funny as Dave, in a different time zone.

Both had/have the guts to tell it like it is with minimal disguises.
Late night turn ons, after endlessly long day turn offs.
Why, salvation of a sort.
My lighter is homagelit.....

H 8)


Post by perezoso » January 23rd, 2005, 7:15 pm

Eh. Carson and his sidestooge Ed remind me too much of salisbury steak and dacron suits, vegas showgals and doc severedsoon trumpet shrieks, nixony schemes and reagany scams, vodka and flat tonic, rich little laugh tracks and truman capote double entendres, while Operation Phoenix roared fire into south asian villages and the haight melted, hendrix rippled, and sartre sentenced the US military to hell in absentia.....not much of a time for yux.........The network late night comic is not so far from the used-up soap opera queen on QVC, pitching product, stahhs, Ho-wood comedy is sinister......


Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2005, 7:43 pm

I've no recourse but to declare that ignorance is bliss on my part I suppose......or maybe one of my better quirks is that I leave room for laughs, despite all the fucking miserable reality that lurks outside my den of guffawing density.
Damp with laughter drool inspired late at night.

You of course are correct Perezoso, in your bitter remembrances and I take them in quite willingly, yet compromisingly, by which, I mean, that you if sup accordingly on my ignorance, i'll wash my bliss down with a bit of your sour grapejuice........

I bet Carson made you laugh at least



Post by perezoso » January 23rd, 2005, 7:55 pm

He may have. I don't remember. At about 15-16, when I discovered sinsemilla, gear, video games, skateboarding, rock n roll, and floozies (and the desultory joys of sci-fi and beat lit.), I sort of quit watching TV, until about 36, with a few exceptions for maybe cable weirdnesses....Carson's bit too old school for moi.....sorry for the glumnicity, eh, the sour grapejuice here bay-be; perhaps cabernet hardenon or, ja, leapfrogmilche

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 23rd, 2005, 8:04 pm

I loved him.

I missed him when he left the show and I will miss him now that he is gone.

He was a witty, clever individual with a keen sense of comedy timing. He was upbeat, personable, & honest. Plus, he was a often a clown. He cracked me up on a regular basis. And his political commentary was often right on target.

Dateline has a special about him starting now. Going to go watch it.


Post by perezoso » January 23rd, 2005, 8:07 pm

He was upbeat, personable, & honest
Yeah, that's the problem. Sorta like a midwestern used car salesman. He paid his dues, but, ya know, he was no genius. Anyhoo-- Ave atque vale, Inc.


Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2005, 8:15 pm

haw haw..oh perezee, you tickles me funnybones.

You gotta get a late night host spot.

Dare I confess a maiden friend in distress just called? Is soon to arrive at my door for a tarot card reading?

I must don my Madame Lazonga gear pronto!
Must light the candles and incense, so as to give the den of density here, (i like that one) a more provocative air of intuitive mystery.......

(I do what I can to help.)

I'll be back for the frog games.


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 23rd, 2005, 9:09 pm

Pffft ....Those are qualities for respect.....

That was a beautiful tribute I just watched .... Man, that man was a funny guy! Always laughing! And though I've never been much a fan of slapstick, he is one of the acceptions .... Him and Dick Van Dyke.... physical slapstick masters...

But it was his consistent light-hearted wit and total abandon of laughter that made him welcome in homes night after night for what? 20+ years?

Laughter, kindness, jest, and more laughter.... plus the respect he showed to all his guests.

The man was one of a kind... Endeared for very good reasons. Yeah, I loved him.

(oh, and perezoso.... guess who was on the show I just watched praising his friend? Yep. You guessed it! Don Rickles! Even Don had kind words to say. ;))


Post by perezoso » January 23rd, 2005, 9:24 pm

And though I've never been much a fan of slapstick, he is one of the acceptions ....

"Acceptions"...hmmmmm: a stick to slap, and you accept? Dear Miss Doe P., Carson was part of the Ho-wood machine, as were his cronies McSpam and Don Trickles. Johnny was funny sometimes--his rips of McHamm were amusing, and the band was decent (Tommy Newsome), and I guess he had a decent heart, but it was too corny-vegas: the Establishment, comrade. Overpaid and overrated. You remember any great writers on the 2-nite show? I don't think any beats made it on; though Kerouac did make it to Cavett and made a further fool of hisself....

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 23rd, 2005, 10:08 pm

Dear Mister Pee readsoso

Yes, that's what I said. I don't like slapstick for the most part. But both Carson and Van Dyke do it well and make me laugh when they do.

I'm not a fan of Don Rickles, as I've told you many times before, but I thought his tribute to his friend which I just saw on TV was touching.

I have always enjoyed Dick Cavett. He has always been true to himself and to his audience and has a wit which is subtle and dry and spontaneous.

Can I remember any great writers on the Tonight Show? I believe David Letterman was a writer for the Tonight Show at one point. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. Other than that, they didn't promote the writers so no, I don't know of any.

Many people in the entertainment industry are overpaid and overrated. I agree.

Carson was overpaid but not overrated.

Most all of them are overpaid.

It's nonsense to pay someone a multimillion dollar annual salary for ANYTHING ... whether they are an entertainer, a rock star, a professional athlete or whatever. Nobody's worth that type of money.

People are starving and living on the streets. To pay someone that much money is insane.

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