Fuck the Academy, but

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Fuck the Academy, but

Post by e_dog » January 25th, 2005, 2:33 pm

the nominees for the Academy Awards have been announced and this time despite the normal crap, some good nominees are there. for example, Sideways was nominated for best film, which is clearly in my opinion the best picture of those selected. and DiCaprio is probably nomination worthy for the Aviator flick which however shouldn't have been up there in the picture category.

but, as Woody Allen, said if the Academy Awards didn't use categories that sound objective like "Best Picture" and instead acknowledged their bias and subjectivity saying instead "Our Favorite Film" then it'd be okay, but as it stands such awards are ridiculous.
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.


Post by perezoso » January 26th, 2005, 4:38 pm

Award shows certainly have to be classified as one of the most nauseating spectacles of pop culture. Not only does the Ho-wood product machine spew crap each and every year, it then slaps itself on its back for its bowel movements. Heh heh. Ya do catch some nice nipple action from the actresses sometimes, but the actresses may remind one of that crone in Gilliam's Brazil with the fashionable highheel on her head....

Who's up for Brazil-a-thon?

I am proud to say I have not seen any of this years' "nominated" films.

The only awards show I dug was a few years ago when old Fay Wray was seated right behind Ahhnuld and Mareah Schmutzenegger....Ahhnuld's head was poppin' a few veins as Crystal (quite a punk rilly) caused a few lame yux.....but it was funny. Steve Martin used to be sort of funny before he was relegated to aging, boing white dude status.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 26th, 2005, 6:18 pm

Is there anyone on this planet who you *do* like and respect, peresozo?

Just curious.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 26th, 2005, 6:24 pm

I rarely see films when they first come out. The Academy Awards have always been a rather pompous affair ... essentially a show for those in the industry to pat each other on the back and appear in public dressed up (or down or half undressed).

The big to-do this year is that they left out 2 box office blockbusters.... "the Passion of Christ" and "Fahrenheit 911" .... I didn't see the Passion movie, but it made big bucks at the box office. I did see 911 and I certainly don't think it deserves any film awards but people are complaining because it, too, made beaucoups bucks.

Every industry has similar events. No matter what type of industry it is, they have award ceremonies and other rituals and rites to acknowledge each other.

The only reason the Oscars are public is because the industry is public. But the Academy Awards isn't really for the public, other than to sell TV ads. It's for those in the industry to recognize each other's talents.

Let's have a Studio 8 awards ceremony, one day, shall we?

Let's see.... what would the categories be?

Best ______________?

Most ______________?

Least ______________?

heh ;)

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