Heavy Astrological Happenings

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Heavy Astrological Happenings

Post by mtmynd » January 1st, 2010, 9:35 am

A very dear friend sent us this and I thought some my find it as interesting as I did -
<center>The Times Are Changing
A look into the coming cycle</center>

I feel compelled to write this note about what we astrologers are seeing coming. We are in the beginning of a very unique time in history that will redefine the foundations of our lives. The astrological circumstances are uncommon and very dramatic. Change is likely to affect every level of our being, even though each person will feel it differently and in varying degrees of intensity.

I’m writing this note so that you may make better use of this time and understand what it is about. As astrologers we are aware of cycles that affect our existence; because this coming cycle is very unique, I feel it is important to share this information. I will try to keep it simple and not burden you with a long text and excessive details.

There are multiple planetary bodies that are gradually forming a very particular and rare alignment. This configuration began to form during the fall of 2008. Politically, that time was when the economical crisis exploded and when US president Barack Obama was elected.

The configuration will move into a second phase during November 2009 and January/February 2010. (Saturn will move into the Cardinal sign of Libra and will form powerful angle to Pluto in Capricorn).


The third phase is probably the most dramatic and intense, and will occur from the end of June to the end of July 2010, when all the factors of the configuration will align together in a cross at the very beginning of Cardinal signs in astrology. (Cardinal signs are the signs of new cycles. The planets in questions are Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars). These planets are slow moving bodies and therefore it is absolutely exceptional that these slow moving bodies end up all aligned in a cross on these very sensitive degrees!

In normal circumstances, some people go through changes while others continue their routine. Here the alignment is so strong and dramatic that everyone’s life can be considerably affected… it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010!

The question that often arises is:” Is it bad, or is it good?” The answer is that it depends on the way one deals with the events; a conscious approach can make a difference.

One thing for certain: do not expect security, consistency, and predictability during this time. Reality is bound to change fast and so it is better to move with the flow, while remaining conscious of what is going on. Flexibility is one of the most important assets during this time. This influence is analogous to a gigantic wave forming…you can ride on that wave and go farther than ever expected —experience a powerful transformation that can elevate you to new grounds. But this wave can also destroy a lot of what you are currently attached to.

Redefinition may occur in different fields: you may change vocation, relationships, location, mindsets, to name but a few. New people will move into your life, current ones may leave. New ideas and projects will develop and you may feel inspired to completely reinvent yourself! The cards are re-shuffled! A new lifestyle is in the making...this is a time of an awakening, a revolution…an internal and social revolution.

Everything is shaking up… everything…from November 2009 until August 2010, nothing will stay still. It can be very good, but you have to learn to navigate these changes and seize opportunity when it comes. Don’t try to have it all perfect, don’t try to keep the cake and eat it: change can take you to a completely new and perhaps higher level of what you are about, but you will have to let go of your security during this time. It is a time for risk, reinvention, new ideas, new concepts, new vision, and the impetus to make it happen. You are embarking on an adventure whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not. My suggestion: make peace with the idea, don’t resist the adventure. If you are accepting it, you will make the best of it. If you fight and resist it, you won’t win. This is what I mean by being open to risk taking… it may be time to take that “plunge!”

Risking does not mean giving in to every silly venture. It is about hearing a calling for truth…things you have denied, postponed, avoided, feared, but things you know were true. This is a time to be more truthful and follow a calling. Attune yourself to the message...

Collectively, while the forces of corruption and manipulation may attempt to control the course of events, they are bound to disintegrate. Scandals will continue to hit the news…Natural events will continue to shake the earth. At worst, a war may break during summer 2010 or later because dramatic changes can spur fear and conflict. But it does not have to go that way; we are creators of our own destiny in the midst of the given circumstances.

As you go through these changes, it is crucial that you take good care of your immune system because as positive as changes may be, they can overwhelm you and weaken your immune system: eat more healthy, avoid fast sugar, ingest raw garlic and onions daily (sandwich), exercise, take time out of the intensity loop, do not let negativity take over—these are basic tips that can keep you grounded.

Importantly: the situation heating up is like a piece of molten iron that can be beaten into a better form—personally and collectively. Be an ambassador of good and avoid wasting time on trivial details. For example, as we see the earth being depleted and all resources and species dwindling, people waste time arguing if global warming is or is not happening…if it is man-made or not! IT DOESN’T MATTER! What matters is that the natural world is vanishing before our eyes because of our misaligned actions: excessive pollution, deforestation, and peaking toxicity levels are a reality beyond global warming debates.

Similarly, the economy is not likely to stabilize any time soon…but perhaps, necessarily so. And so it will be with many other aspects of your life...you will not have immediate answers. Be patient and keep doing your best. When the cycle will complete, new circumstances will emerge. This cannot be artificially rushed. These dramatic times are an opportunity for us to restructure our lives, personally and collectively. As many things are being redefined, we can relinquish bad habits and attachments, open up to new ideas, and invest in what works rather than settle for immediate gratification. Patience is another essential asset.

In this context, do not expect others to change for the better if you don’t do it yourself. We blame the governments and project our frustration on distant “evils,” but fail to open our hearts ourselves. Being pro-active may work better than being self-righteous.

October 30 to early December 2009
January 15 to February 15, 2010
June 25 to August 5, 2010
November 1 to December 26, 2010

Understand this is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a better way.
Understand there will be a price to pay, something may need to go.
If you lose something or someone, understand this is the sign of these times, use a crisis to venture into new horizons and create something new.
Understand this is an adventure and risk must be taken.
Understand that this is not a time when we can expect security—we are in transition.
Listen to your inner truth, make you life truly happen now.
Take care of your immune system: avoid bad diets in general…they render you vulnerable to opportunistic viruses.
Support your friends and family, we all shall need one another for support during this transition time.
Cultivate your spiritual practice: this is very important for your immune system.
Do your best to do good: whatever you seed now will have effect now and later.

There is probably more than can be said and explained, but you get the point…
An incredible opportunity is arising, now and throughout 2010…this type of cycle has not happened in recent history. We can expect a certain level of destruction to occur—that is the price to pay…but the prospect of experiencing an awakening and creating a better future is now within reach. We are now in the midst of a revolution—a cultural, social, and political revolution. On a personal level, it is a conceptual, emotional, and or spiritual revolution…truly, it is in the making!

I wish you the very best and infinite blessings during this time and beyond!
May you be guided and manifest the highest of your potential…

With love,
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Post by hester_prynne » January 22nd, 2010, 11:57 pm

Thanks for posting this, I wish I had a printer....i'd take it to work w/ me.
Thank you for posting this!
H 8)
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Post by judih » January 23rd, 2010, 12:27 am

interesting stuff. thanks mtmynd and your e-mail benefactor. thanks for sharing

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Post by diesel dyke » January 23rd, 2010, 3:18 am

"Did you need a crystal ball to tell you that?"

Trying to imagine what Crazy Mike would say about that.

I been following the supreme court case about the freedom of speech rights of being a corporation instead of a mere hu man. Nobody picked up on it. I couple of of zero reply posts I have made here and there. Not that I mind the replies. I just figured nobody was interested. I mean what can you say about it now, after the decision was made. So Hester wants to know what are going to do about it now that it is too late. Crazy Mike was a sarcastic son of a bitch. I will spare you the emoticon wink.

I don't know hester you asked Cecil on Culture so I am waiting to see what he says.

But if I was one those pecker heads who goes around high jacking threads I would have posted a bit from Firesign Theatre.

"Yeah Cecil your a white man you got to tell us what to do"

Hester I think we are going to have to keep on keeping on. It could take twenty years for the court to change. Man there were people in 1910 who saw what was coming down. Meanwhile all that matters is a chicken in very pot and two cars in every garage.

I don't know much about astrology and I am not putting it down but it is not rocket science. I mean who trains astrologers, I mean I read stuff about the Age of Aquarius that seems so quaint. But now I am reading that they could have been off by as much as a hundred years.

just say High Jack .grins

M-T there are two letters that spell terror for some poor old trucker caught up in a blue norther with a fifty three foot trailer full of sail boat fuel

that's my two bits worth

Code: Select all


Cecil I need to do a WIP with this one
a fine line between repression and spontaneous
going to try and edit again 

"Did you need a crystal ball to tell you that?"

Trying to imagine what  Crazy Mike would  say about that. 

I been following the supreme court case about the freedom of speech rights of being a corporation instead of a mere hu man.   
Hester asked you what can we do about it on the other thread. 

I had to sit on my hands to keep from posting this paraphrase of a Firesign Theatre routine.

"Yeah Cecil your a white man you got to tell us what to do"

But I resisted the temptation to joke because I know how concerned Hester is

If she had asked me I would have said.
Hester I think we are going to have to keep on keeping on.  It could take twenty years for the court to change.   Man there were people in 1910 who saw what was coming down.  Meanwhile all that matters is a chicken in very pot and two cars in every garage.

I don't know much about astrology and I am not putting it down but it is not rocket science.  I mean who trains astrologers, I mean I read stuff about the Age of Aquarius that seems so quaint.  But now I am reading that they could have been off by as much as a hundred years.
Last edited by diesel dyke on January 23rd, 2010, 3:55 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by stilltrucking » January 23rd, 2010, 3:35 am

These got dam sock puppets got a mind of their own sometimes hest.

I could go back and edit the sarcasm and screw up the post because of second thoughts and the shock of rognition.

Even if you had known about the case a year ago as it was winding its way up to the supreme court what could we have done about it then?
Shit jota r wrote on litkicks that once a free people are enslaved they will never win back their freedom. I called him on that and he said well maybe they would be free again but it would take a long time.

Stay Cool on your stool
that is what I am trying to do

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Post by mtmynd » January 23rd, 2010, 4:44 pm

Maurice Fernandez: Everything is shaking up… everything…from November 2009 until August 2010, nothing will stay still.

After yesterday's SCOTUS decision, that certainly seems to be the facts within our country. Toss in Haiti and that adds to the shake up (no pun intended). I don't keep close track to world politics to the point of seeing any real 'shake ups' occurring so far within the stated time frame, but it would be very interesting to find out and follow just how this astrologer's 'everything' will develop now thru August.

I was thinking about that latest development, as have many of us, and wondered...

Democracy allows for Capitalism... Capitalism becomes powerful thru Corporations... Corporations purchase Government... Corporations fight over control over Government... Government becomes Corporate Rule - the most powerful Corporation the Ruler.

Witness the growth of Monopolies for several years, reinforced by lobbyists (bribery) buying laws to favor Corporate Rule. Money is power and there is little doubt that many of the corporations/banking systems have far more wealth than the current government and apparently will not stop at continuing amassing more and more power which will dwarf the Government Treasury (and probably already has if the government as indebted to the Chinese and others as we hear).

A Government of the People and for the People is quickly becoming a quaint, old-fashioned memory of times long passed. The People are no longer capable of such a government. The people have become fat and lazy, dumbed out by the media and the entertainment business. The People are only good as employees for the Corporations... soldiers in defense of hyper-capitalism under the control of Corporate Rule. This is the new age and the people be damned if they in any way attempt to lessen the power of the United Corporate States of America, the USCA, who works for and purchases from the Corporate Rule... a tidy and clean operation that offers security and food for those who play the game.

Money is being rapidly transformed into not cash, currency and coin, but rather numbers that the people exchange for goods and services,. all being under the control of Corporate Rule. The plea for government intervention will go unheeded, for the governing body is not merely under the Corporate Rule but IS the Corporate Rule.

Democracy has become a futile attempt at appeasing everyone and by doing so it has become cumbersome and unable to modernize unlike the Corporations which have access to any and all products and monies to create whatever they want, including silencing the opposition which has no means to pass the word other than mouth-to-mouth, for the entire business of 'the media' is Corporate Ruled.

What we know and grew up with, the Government of the United States of America, will quickly become history that even our grandchildren may very well never know a thing about. They will all become soldiers of the United Corporate States of America, the USCA, whose flags will be blazoned with Corporate symbols to show the people who runs the country.

All National Parks will become Corporate controlled as they bought all properties which were once treasures of the USA., an entity which will become but a bookmark in history. 'We the People' of that once powerful Nation, so deep in debt to other Nations, had to sell the National Parks to the Corporate Rule, who has transformed such properties into golf courses and luxury hotels for the vacationing Corporate Powers who control all movement and operations of the USCA.

Education will be, by necessity, strictly enforced to teach only what is important to Corporate Rule to replace the aged and sick of the Corporate World.

One's Health will be predetermined thru the Corporate chip implanted in every citizen, the chip containing how many illnesses, operations and hospital services an individual has accumulated. Should the citizen be more expensive than his output to the Corporate Rule, health care will be denied... a death sentence served out without any but the most necessary benefits to sustain one's life until their death.

[enough... ]
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 23rd, 2010, 6:06 pm

wow... did you write that Cecil?

powerful stuff

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Post by hester_prynne » January 23rd, 2010, 6:19 pm

Indeed powerfully sad stuff.
Sadder that so few people seem to realize the gravity of it.
They'd rather read about John Edwards love child.
We have officially become a facist nation!
Who cares!!!!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Cecil, this is indeed powerfully spot on and grave.
I appreciated reading it, as much as it breaks my heart too.
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Post by stilltrucking » January 23rd, 2010, 7:50 pm

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Post by SadLuckDame » January 23rd, 2010, 8:43 pm

I began having those fears ten years ago, as soon as the discussion came up to move a computer into the home. I was then a girl of simplicity, no cable, no puters, no technology, no cell phones, no shopping sprees, no credit cards--live off little. It was a battle to get one in the house, I'd such paranoia.

I'd obviously given in eventually.
But, I've paid the price by giving up my privacy for it, even within the home. Everything gets tapped into and read, looked over and I'd feared constant cameras on me through the years, though I've no idea if that's the truth. We've had up to nine running puters at a time, including one set-up in the basement for who knows what. Creepy stuff.

I've not known privacy has existed for the last five years. I thought it was inevitable to continue to have freedoms robbed. One of the saddest happenings. A good time to be a writer and put all the private bits of your life out there in your own words if possible.

Not sure I really understand the corporations over-taking the government just because of money, but I'll try to read more up on it to get a better idea.

There's an over-whelming amount of out of control issues.
You can find something to worry about on every channel, any spot on the internet, on anybody's number on a contact list, the world is poisoned in so many areas. It's like pointing to a map with eyes closed to pick where to start cause of all the miserable options.
Women and men, we can get our children under a different heart than what's been seen in the U.S. lately.
We go to the children.

I still try hard to not be a spender, wear my jeans ten + years because bell bottoms are hard to find and to recycle, be a giver to any needing and love the children. I don't go fight for rights as maybe I could be doing. My grandfather wrote to the government once a week, he'd never stopped trying. Guess there isn't enough bodies doing that any longer.
I haven't done it either.
Thanks for informing.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
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Post by mtmynd » January 23rd, 2010, 8:51 pm

That piece you have read needs to be placed in the context of some 'channeling' that I went thru, the words simply being written in a flow and very likely totally fictional... I certainly hope so.

But there is no doubt in my mind that there are some forces 'out there' that will reshape much of what we've taken to be normal, everyday things that will never change. It would take the proverbial genie in the bottle to say what those changes will entail as there isn't any one who will not be affected by the course of the future, which would include those Corporate heads that have far greater power than we realize. The 'impersonal forces' as A. Huxley (thx, JT), spoke of also instill concern and worry in those same Corporate heads as they do each and every one under the influences.

What the astrologer is doing with the astronomical occurrences going on is attempting to decipher the signs which have been studied throughout a long and valued history for mankind. I needn't spell out the history of astrology here. But this particular configuration of planets apparently are extremely unique for both astrologers and astronomers alike... each one having their own take on it.

What astrology is doing is using information that has been transmitted down for centuries regarding aspects and planetary influences. With this particular alignment happening as described in the initial article, we may use the analogy of spices, each spice representing an influence, and the amount used as the aspects (, simply put, where and how they each align with another). This particular 'spice combination' has never been 'used' before, hence, astrologers are watching the combinations coming into play very closely, judging the best to their abilities to construct a model of understanding as to what these influences will produce.

Again, being an ancient science of observation, astrologers do have in their 'interpretive arsenal' many, many observational happenings to draw from as the heavens are constantly shifting and playing planet pool. Certain properties of planets in certain houses have particular meanings... in this case several planets are coming together to share in their influences on a scale never before witnessed.

One must keep in mind, astrology is an interpretive skill and not all astrologers are adept at interpreting astronomical occurrences as others. It's not unlike a doctor who may diagnose an ailment only for the patient to be mislead because the doctor missed something that brought further harm to that patient.

The difference between interpreting and diagnosing both depend upon the competency of either the astrologer or the doctor... something that unfortunately, is not fail proof. I have found for myself the simple, instinctual feeling (conscience) I get when reading an interpretation of some thing or another in astrology. There are those whose interpretations have little to no significance for me, while once in a while there comes along an astrologer's interpretive skills that make me sit up and take notice.

This astrologer who is the subject of this thread, Maurice Fernandez, is someone I'm not familiar with so I approach his skills carefully. It's always important for any of us to not foolishly swallow any pill that is offered us without being cautious of who is dispensing the pill, is it not? On the other hand, the pill of advice may very well be something that will give us a bit more understanding of what the future may hold. I wait and see using advice as a cushion to comfort myself while observing... contemplating what I observe and meditating thru all those words and actions that go on and on. Depending on how much of what the astrologer has said becomes fact, is how much trust I put in the astrologer, keeping in mind what s/he has said.

Beyond what astrology says about this aspect taking place, there is still that undefinable 'something' going on that is causing changes on a social level. I think all of you who read this would agree on that vague something, at least. To be without any clue, i.e. clueless, may suit many folks and indeed, will suffice. But unfortunately, many of us would like some more information on these changes we're witnessing.... changes that are beyond the hu'man touch, but are touched by.

I have oftentimes wished I could not be interested in these things. It would save me a great deal of time and thinking if so much in our amazing world meant nothing to me. I could have been somebody in the pantheon of great people who gave society, their fellow man something that changed their lives for the good. But alas, I am what I've always been... that Astral Hobo from years back who does more than my share of thinking, tripping out, wondering and admiring this world as if it was either my first time here or will be my last time here.

Everything is perfect just as it is... I can never forget, or even want to forget, those words that have always helped me to re-center my Self when there just seems to be too much to take in..?

Last edited by mtmynd on January 24th, 2010, 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SadLuckDame » January 23rd, 2010, 9:11 pm

I'm not saying I'm disinterested because of there being too much to take in, not that you were including me in that :P, but I guess I go within more than looking to change outside. I absolutely want change, but the change I want or perhaps can only control is inside. If everybody or most did that too, then we'd see improvements outwardly on a whole.

The more I examine my internals the more willing and able I am to get up each day, to have more patience to supply towards needing children, and more love, more care in my wording. Or perhaps I'm better equipped to deal with stressful people in my life, who in turn effect children in their day. Dominos. And it starts with me when I meet the first face of each day.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
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Post by stilltrucking » January 23rd, 2010, 9:40 pm

ten four compadre every thing is on time on schedule
it is going by the book. All we got to do is get all the Jews on the bus.:wink:

Beats me Hester, I am pretty depressed about it, I feel a lot like I did when we elected George W. Bush the second time. I am too broke to leave town. I am just going to do what I can to run counter to it. Maybe a delusion of mine but I think the pen is still mightier. "The world revolves around the hands that writes" Amos Oz from memory.
Going to be a hard slog, but Stella still has high hopes.

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Post by mtmynd » January 23rd, 2010, 9:58 pm

Great piece of music by JC, JT... tyvm... I never heard that one.

Indeed, fill up the tanks and fill up the buses, the Jews need some new breathin' room. ;)
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Post by stilltrucking » January 23rd, 2010, 10:00 pm

Forget about the Jews
It is the soccer moms that need to get on the bus. What do I know, just what I read in the newspapers.

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