don't ever forget it

Honoring Constantine Pantazonis - RIP 6/16/14
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don't ever forget it

Post by constantine » January 22nd, 2010, 8:32 pm

tired of the demands of urban life
the obligatory niceties
like cutlery and tablecloths
the incessant pandering and schmoozing
for a place on the ziggurat
i'd chuck it all for a cave or grotto
and dine on field greens and pine nuts
assorted berries, seeds and what not
i do not seek to enslave flora and fauna
just to feast on them when so inclined
no bipedal intrusions (that means you)
but knowing the nature of my luck
some fucking badger or a swarm of bats
would fuck with me
infesting my water supply with guano
or stealing my field greens when i'm taking a leak
eventually, i would retreat into the inviolable recesses
the labyrinth of lava channels
long exhausted, dark conduits
virginal to mice and men, and within
this sanctum sanctorum, i would
create poetry and mystical images
pictures of the lord god badger
and the antelope priestess
a cosmology, yeah
a goddam cosmology
peculiar to yours truly
if you want in, make obeisance
perform the proskynesis
accept my lordship over cave affairs
and my right to mint coins and make treaties
my judgments on all matters secular
theological too!
then, and only then
will i give you a pine nut to savor
or a shrew cooked in its own juices
you work for me now
and don't ever forget it

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Post by stilltrucking » January 25th, 2010, 12:58 pm

the incessant pandering and schmoozing
for a place on the ziggurat
you had me hooked right there and it got even better.

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Post by mnaz » January 25th, 2010, 2:27 pm


makes me pine for those days of living in the middle of the dust of nowhere in the back of my truck, munching on jerky. you better believe I rewrote a constitution or two. You can do that out there!

btw, read your Salinger reference on the other site. true. no escape. go the far ends of the earth and some yayhoo's already scratched 'fuck you' into some rock...

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Post by constantine » January 26th, 2010, 3:01 pm

thanks guys. i'm declaring myself as an autonomous state.

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