hey 'reen

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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the mingo
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hey 'reen

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2010, 11:38 am

Just now saw your meadow at dusk paintin' on the banners - wow just zip me up that was hot and you got another one I see from time to time damn can't remember the name of it so just shoot me but it's an abstraction of flowers along a path - that one's super bobo diddley too. Whew! They both work it well.

Ya know I like the rotating banners idea but sometimes it's a bitch because ya just want to sit next to something once in awhile and with the rotation ya go back to where you first saw something and it's gone. Like the leaves on the trees around here at the moment, gotta catch 'em at their falling. The world is gettin' more insistent at rushin' a body and sometimes I won't rush 'cause I want to look at somethin' deep. Sometimes I'm tempted to call it a conspiracy the world not wantin' ya to look at somethin' deep and in your own time.

Anyways, good stuff and thank you.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: hey 'reen

Post by Doreen Peri » October 25th, 2010, 3:24 pm

Thanks very much, mingo, my friend. You're very kind. I'm sorry the banners are moving too fast for your taste. We did a little survey and seems more people liked them faster rather than slower, plus I had my son write the code to make it happen and getting him to change it to anything else might take a while, should we decide we want them to rotate slower. It took me 3 years to get him to write the rotating code for me since he's a busy guy and he probably did it only out of the kindness of his heart since I was ill and he figured if I died he'd feel bad for the rest of his life that he didn't help his mom out before she split town. LOL! :)

Maybe these are the banners you're talking about? My artwork? I do very much appreciate your kind words as I'm trying to learn to become a worldwide famous painter so I can get free trips to Italy and England and other places in Europe as well as various other countries and continents all over the planet paid for by the galleries who want to display my childish amateur paintings. I do dream big and though I know it will never happen, the thought of it might be fodder for some poetry.



Are these the ones you were talking about? I also have images of the entire original works.... since these are cropped for banner purposes. Maybe I'll post those, too.

Geez, I pity the people who read this. Enough about me, for crissake!

Let's talk about my novel.

(thanks again, and as you know, I'm a big fan of your artwork)

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Re: hey 'reen

Post by Doreen Peri » October 25th, 2010, 3:35 pm

PS... regarding looking at the banners for longer than just a click:

If you see a banner you want to look at longer, you can right-click the banner and select "Open Image in New Window" (or something similar, depending on your browser). That way you can view the banner longer. You can also save them if you like by right-clicking the banner and choosing "Save to Desktop" (or something similar, depending on which browser you use).

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the mingo
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Re: hey 'reen

Post by the mingo » October 25th, 2010, 11:05 pm

I didn't want ya to change anything, 'reen, I was just sayin' and yeah those are the two paintings I was going on about. That watercolor one is vivid as hell even as a representation. Didn't realize ya could get watercolor to pop like that. Pretty cool. I'd have to run from fame if it came knockin' but I could do with some fortune. Next thing ya know they would want you to go to Italy and tour Europe and get stupid and be in galleries and ya know the whole nine yards. What the hell would I do with a bunch of Europeans for God's sake ? I can't speak any of the languages and too old to give a shit now. Besides those guys the only thing they do with any real verve is war. Seems every few decades they pop off for a good old fashioned bloodfeast with a little ethnic cleansing on the side. It's still goin' on. Besides I got all that right here anyways...

and thx for the tips, that'll work.

so what's all this about a novel ?? 8)

Ain't nothin' childish 'bout your paintings - playful yes, not childish though.
That's what I see anyways, and I'll stand by it.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: hey 'reen

Post by Doreen Peri » October 25th, 2010, 11:50 pm

Just a joke. I'm not interested in fame. I'd run from it, too. I've already lost too much privacy simply by posting using my real name on the internet for so long. And now I need a job and who knows what judgmental future potential employers would judge me on based on my poetry or stuff I've posted about my life which is none of their business. No, fame is something i'm not at all interested in. If I could be recognized one day for helping someone, that would be fame enough for me... All I want to do is write poetry, play the piano, go out and enjoy nature, have family and friends, and paint and express myself. Just a fantasizing joke about some fictitious way I was thinking of being able to travel the world. Now THAT's something I'd love to do. These days, my idea of traveling is going to the 7-11. I haven't been out of town in 3 years. CAn't afford to even drive to the beach. It sucks. I'd LOVE to go to Italy, though... and the UK and Japan and Australia and Hawaii and Mexico a myriad of other places. I'd love to see the world. I just want to see the countries and paint them and photograph them and eat the good food and drink the good wine and enjoy the landscapes. All that war stuff, well all I can say is I hope if I ever get to travel, there aren't any wars where I'm going. It seems the US starts a lot of the wars but what do I know? I don't care if I can speak the languages or not. I just want to experience the cultures. I know quite a few people who have been all over the world and me? I've lived around here most of my life, lived on Cape Cod in Massachussetts for a few years, and visited many of the states in the US but have only been out of the country one time when I was a child for a 2-week trip to Montreal. I feel sheltered. I want to go places and see things. I'm especially in love with Italy. I love the ocean and those little Italian seaport towns are to die for. I could live there in a minute and not even worry if I never learned a word of Italian. I'll just paint and write poetry and drink Italian wine and find an Italian lover to make love to me and lie to me all night and tell me I'm beautiful then wake up in the morning, swim in the ocean and do it all over again.

Yeah, you can get some pretty dramatically vivid colors with watercolor.. you just have to be patient and let it dry and do it in layers and then i always use pen and ink on the top to define what I'm doing because I'm so sloppy I can't get sharp edges and paint really quickly. Anyway, the other one is acrylic on canvas. Thanks for your kind comments. Sincerely. One day I really WOULD like to figure out how to paint more often at least every day for a few hours.

Thanks for your interest in my artwork. You can see more here as well as the work I do for a living, the graphic design stuff.

You're a very kind person. I like you.

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Re: hey 'reen

Post by Doreen Peri » October 26th, 2010, 7:19 am

Oh, also... I forgot to say... the statement... "enough about me, let's talk about my novel" is a joke my sister said once which I stole because when she said it, I laughed so hard tears came out of my eyes.

It's a joke I now use sometimes after I've rambled on about myself because for too long because let's face it,... who cares? LOL

The joke would work well as an internet signature for the egotistical self-promoters who only promote their own material and never talk about anything else, and never even respond to material of others or have any interaction with other people; whose entire lives revolve around the selfish promotion of their own work. The internet has made self-centered egotism quite visible.

So anyway, when I said that it was supposed to be funny since I rambled on about myself for a bit. Thus the very big green smiley face.

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the mingo
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Re: hey 'reen

Post by the mingo » October 26th, 2010, 1:33 pm

Hell, now ya know ya don't have to go to Italy to get a lover to lie to you all night, you can have that right here and in english too. Just kiddin' 'reen.
I hope ya do get to heave off somewhere cool. I was lucky in that all those opportunities showed up on my doorstep when I was a young man and somehow I did manage to put them to use. it was the Navy gave me the overseas deal. Mostly Asia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Phillipines, typical Westpac tour - Japan made the most impression on me and I could use all them 60000 characters to speak of it but you have been spared 8) Got off on the Aussies too - they crazier than shithouse rats and that's no knock on them - found that people mostly the same all over, Yeah people mostly same. Culture however that's another story. Cultures are different and it's strange being how people are not so different. I have tried to puzzle that one out over the years but never came to the light at the end of the tunnel of it. And thanks for the remark of being nice, wish it were always true but I have what I call my quick draw days which I usually regret but not always. Anyways got to get ready for work so catch ya later, 'reen.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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