Dream Interpretation?

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 15th, 2011, 10:33 pm

Ya don't owe me anything 'reen. You didn't ask any thing of anyone specifically, you just put it out there. The decision was mine and once I decided to act or respond the responsibility was mine too. I'll take a stab at your latest tomorrow when I'm fresh. You get such well-ordered dreams, nothing like my own. My dreamscapes get batshit crazy most of the time. I have a hard time with my messengers - it's like what I imagine it was for Jacob wrestling all night with his angel. I can usually sort the signals and get to the thread of most of the dreams of others but comes to my own - nada. Ain't that weird ? Another thing is many times whatever was happening to me in a dream will stay with me for l-o-n-g moments after I have broken contact by fighting to wake up. Had one of those just recently. To make it short someone walked up behind me and locked their arms around me in an attempt to hold me in a place I just wanted shed of real quick but my panic just wasn't in the mood and I did wake up but I could still feel the presence of those arms from behind me trying to hold me in place for several moments after I opened my eyes. I know now the dream was trying to help me by keeping me in that place to face whatever it was behind the door in front of me there and it's easy to say from the safety of my keyboard here that I wished I had stayed but fear won out. Next time (and there will be a next time since I ran from the situation before a resolution revealed itself ) next time I hope I'm better prepared.

You've got something similar going on. Not the same, mind you, similar. Your having what I call "dream clusters", dreams that all revolve around the same central deal. Variations on a theme. Theme dreams, if you will. The thing that's so interesting about them is they are so damned singleminded about their message. Your question is right on the money - what to DO about it. Maybe tomorrow we might get to sayin' something about that. I had something notch itself into my mind when I was reading the dream you posted today but it needs a little time to see if it can stand by itself.

So, catch ya tomorrow.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 16th, 2011, 5:12 am

I work hard to remember them. That's why they're orderly, why the images stay clear. I've been working for a long time on this.

Thank you, mingo.. you are dear friend.

If you have time to offer your input in the last one I posted, I'd be honored. It's 4am here. I stay up all night and sleep during the day. I've become a nocturnal animal. Something is wrong. The daydreams are sleep dreams. I've become obsessed with them. I don't know where I am. I'm lost. You're helping me with your generosity of trying to see through the metaphors and images.

thank you so much!

goodnight and good morning.

if i can sleep i'll see you tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll see you later today because when I don't sleep, the dreams and days blend and I don't know what time it is.


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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 16th, 2011, 1:41 pm

" I work hard to remember them. That's why they're orderly, why the images stay clear. I've been working for a long time on this." - Thx, 'reen, I should have realized, it was right in front of me, your hard work on this shows itself. Sorry I missed it, I'm getting sloppy in my old age. You're tracking your dreams and you're a superb tracker. I bet you're a closer too and you're going to close this out in admirable fashion.

" I've become a nocturnal animal. Something is wrong." - Let's change this up here, let's say something is very right here. And different, for you. Different so it stands out, so it gets noticed.
So it gets attention.

" I've become obsessed with them. - " I don't think you're obsessed, I think you're focused which is exactly what's called for. You are one with your dreams and I'm not speaking mystically.

" I don't know where I am. I'm lost." - Lost is one of the most beautiful places anyone could hope to be. It's a gift, believe it or not. Being lost means having to find your way, means you get to discover or uncover as the case may be. Being lost is an opener where the realm of possibility & discovery is laid at your feet. Being lost calls out dreams and they are your helpers and your companions. You won't be alone - your dreams are there for you. Always for you, never against you. They are always present, awake or asleep. The most powerful of friends.

My uncle once said that things always happen from the inside out and if we survive what happens we survive so that we can know. I don't know if that's bullshit or gold but I always wanted to believe it was gold.

Ok, let's get to it. This one I call your "Very small vehicle" dream because that's how your description began. I think this one is more for thought and listening to rather than conclusions. You where going somewhere. Not just anywhere either. You weren't headed for just another path or even just another everyday road, no, you were headed for the "highway". You didn't mention anything about this but it's significant. There is something here for you in where you were headed, I mean.
In ancient times the word highway had a fundamental meaning different than the way we use it today. We use the word highway in the sense of a public road but back then the word was synonymous with "royal road". Meant only for people of standing & position, important folks in the scheme of things. Even farther back they were meant for the exclusive use of kings & queens and for a commoner to even put foot on them was under penalty of death. Yet you were headed for one unafraid. Meaning you had no doubt you belonged there by right. You might not be as lost as you think, 'reen.

There you are in your "very small vehicle" and this huge truck is right in front of you on that curving onramp. This is something for you too. The curve I mean. You wern't traversing a straightaway. This has meaning, it's not just another detail. I'm certain that sooner or later you will gain that "highway" you're headed for but there are other things going on too and your attention is being directed to that end so that you may see. Did you get a glimpse of the driver of that HUGE truck ? Bet not since you surely would have said. If you had seen him you could have said "hello & thank you" to one of "your most powerful of friends". And what does this friend do to help you ? Well, he slams on his brakes, of course! And not for "some reason" as you mentioned. The rest of your dream was the reason he locked up those brakes. So you had to lock yours too and what happens? Oops ! Out of control ! WHEE ! Here we go here we go here we go !!! Then, this gave me a chuckle, you bang up against a guard rail ! Sheesh ! Ain't you the favored one ? I never get safety barriers in my dreams no not ever zero zilch NADA! I could use 'em too, ya got a spare for a po' boy?

Ok, I gotta get some things done here now and you got enough to mull over for a bit. I'll get back to this later today. Catch ya then, 'reen. PS - I'm enjoying this immensely, ain't done it for sometime and this opportunity has reminded me that the listener to dreams gets lifted up too right along with the teller of dreams. Thx for that, doreen.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 16th, 2011, 9:04 pm

mingo.. . thank you soooo much! You're incredible! ... I actually slammed through that concrete barrier on the ramp. I appreciate your time and your evaluation/analysis of the metaphors very much! If and when you have time to continue with this particular dream analysis, I'd be honored. The medic, the young man, the going to get help scene.... it's all on my mind. I wonder what that's all about? I feel lucky I'm training myself to remember these but I'm in a bad place... unemployed at the moment and have been depressed so I sleep more than usual (though wayyyy off anybody's 'normal' schedule for sleep) and don't have to jump up right away to go to work, so I've been dreaming more and have more time to lie in bed when waking up to remember them. I've been very unsuccessful translating the messages I'm getting with these but I'm obsessed with learning how and your posts have helped me a great deal! You've taught me a lot already! Thank you so much for your investment of time and energy to do this! :)

(and no, I didn't get a glimpse of the driver of the truck. It was a big semi or something.. a huge truck... )

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by SadLuckDame » January 16th, 2011, 9:10 pm

I am keeping up on this thread, just reading along and loving every minute of it.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 17th, 2011, 1:58 am

Hey 'reen, sorrysorry I couldn't get back to this like I said I would earlier. The day just happened out with activities and visitors, God bless 'em all. I'm stretched a little thin at the moment to go further but yeah, I know you went through the barrier, with a crash no less...I should have been clearer on what I meant - being that there was a barrier there in the first place, I mean. Even with crashing through it you were still safe because of the roof on the next level down where you landed. Even with your getting some hurt (we'll touch on that aspect in a moment) because of that let's spend a penny with what you describe as happening around you just at that moment. It's worth some time because the dream took a moment to let you glimpse something other than what was happening to you directly. You describe the roof you landed on but you could also see to the "bottom" where there was another "highway". (your words) This is so exquisite given the notion it's not so directly related to the events you were to experience in the rest of your dream. You are being reminded of a larger picture. Your dream has given you something to remember for a time not happened yet, some future point, maybe even a future dream. You've been shown a landscape, a dream "region" so to speak, whose boundaries are anyone's guess. Too big to fit inside your head for sure and yet there it is. You've been made privy to a new and larger world, whose existence might have been veiled to you until now. It's said that knowledge is power and you've been given power here pointing in the direction of some larger, vibrant, life-giving realization. It will come to you when you need it and you will know how to use it then. Remember this,'reen, when the time comes I'm sure it will be a blessing to you.

Can I have your dreams, please?

One final thing and then I gotta call it a day. You were hurt in the fall. Your description is : " I hurt my knees, my neck, my back, my legs." Do you think that it's some kind of coincidence that these are exactly all the things you need to walk ? And now you need help. And, (SURPRISE) help shows up. You say: "I guess an ambulance or something",- say hello again to your helper, 'reen. A "handsome young man" no less! Yup, you guessed it, we're going porno - ooooo Baby ! Can you guess who was driving that HUGE truck now?

Ok, as Cecil would say - enough. I hope to have some time tomorrow morning to get some more distance on the rails with this. We still have some miles to go. Yes, I know about being without a job. Yes, it's a bad place, just outright sucks. Yes, it certainly sets the stage for depression in sensitive spirits. But it called out your "handsome young man" too who is on intimate terms with your present needs and this might sound totally out of touch to you and I'm not being glib but Enjoy!

Catch ya tomorrow, 'reen.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 17th, 2011, 2:08 am

Hi Annie B ! Welcome aboard. You're giving me a smile don't ya know?
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » January 17th, 2011, 3:20 pm

Mornin' 'reen - hope you had a restful night. Here, for the first time in almost a week and after a sub-zero night, the sun is shining and not a cloud anywhere. And while we have the light lets walk in it.
You said in a post yesterday that: " The medic, the young man, the going to get help scene.... it's all on my mind. I wonder what that's all about? " Alright, we're there, lets take a look around and see what ya got. There is quite a bit going on here, not only with implications for the present but for the future too. We'll open that up in a moment. Your "handsome young man" has personified himself here in a form that you can easily recognize and relate to. Make a note on this. It is of top importance to him to establish & maintain contact with you and all his efforts are bent toward this end. He presents to you not even one frightening aspect. He's even going to dip into the erotic and actual physical contact no less to forge a connection. What are the first two things he does with you ? He lays you down on a gurney. This is so rich. And it just gets better and better from here. Lets look at the gurney first. A bed on wheels - this is what I meant when I mentioned future implications. This dream is not your destination, think about it, how did this dream open? You were in a vehicle - you were GOING somewhere, and not just anywhere either, you were headed to a HIGHWAY and to top it all off there were highways all around you too, even on the "BOTTOM". The second thing is he LAYS YOU DOWN. This is just about the most vulnerable position any human being could find themselves in. Especially so for a woman. Do you think it's just another coincidence he is uniformed as a MEDIC ? If my uncle were doing this instead of me he'd be lookin' at you in the eye right now and saying to you: "HEA-VEY DU-TY MED-I-CINE " And then what happens ? He gets on that bed on wheels with you AND kisses you ! OMG OMG OMG ! O MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's not even the most important thing ! He's showing you something here. And it's one of the most incredible things I have ever had the good fortune to be made aware of ! Have you guessed yet what it is? If you need a slight hint take this one - what is your medic in the act of doing just before he kisses you ? And I got to get ready for work now. And no, I'm NOT teasing you here or trying to drive you nuts. I'm taking a hint from you off of something you posted yesterday You said: "I've been very unsuccessful translating the messages I'm getting with these but I'm obsessed with learning how and your posts have helped me a great deal! " You opened my eyes to something here that until then I had not been looking at. You are not only listening but also learning and much want to be an active participant in this. Thank you, doreen, for making me aware of this. It helps me to know your attitude and desire here more than you might know at this moment. Do you see what is happening ?
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » January 18th, 2011, 1:31 am

Mingo.. thanks soooo much for everything. I can't reply right now but I'll be back to reply tomorrow. You're a dear!

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » April 3rd, 2011, 2:01 pm

Sincere apologies to mingo...

I'm sorry.... I am SO honored that you took so much time with this and I wanted very much to continue discussing it. I'm currently unemployed and got very depressed, ended up on antidepressants which make me sleep almost all day long.... and I can't remember any of my dreams any more and it's very debilitating. I think I'd rather be depressed and HAVE dreams I can remember than to be like this. I'm going to go off the meds. I feel dead.

I'm terribly sorry I dropped the conversation and I thank you so much for spending all the time you did with it! It was extremely important to me!


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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » April 6th, 2011, 10:43 am

Sure would like to know why you slammed the door & cut out on a dream like that shone so bright in the darkness. I kept turning it over in my mind for a long time afterwards - the only thing I came up with was that something about it frightened you.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by SadLuckDame » April 6th, 2011, 11:02 am

Dream interpretation is an intimate conversation, lol, wow on it. :P
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » April 6th, 2011, 11:03 am

the mingo wrote:Sure would like to know why you slammed the door & cut out on a dream like that shone so bright in the darkness. I kept turning it over in my mind for a long time afterwards - the only thing I came up with was that something about it frightened you.
As I said, I lost my job, I got depressed. I could barely get out of bed. I'm on antidepressants. And I'm sorry. Now I have dreams I can't remember. I sleep all the time. Turns out there's mold in my house. My kitchen is being torn apart as I type this. There's water everywhere. I've been out of work for 20 weeks. Look at the timing of the posts. Count back 20 weeks. That's when I lost my job, went on unemployment which barely pays my mortgage and nothing else. I'm broke, depressed, and all alone. I couldn't keep up with dream interpretation. I've also been sick, not just depressed, but tired and lethargic on top of everything probably because of all this mold in my house. Sorry. I have no other excuses. As I said, I apologize and I thank you for all the time you spent with it. No, I didn't get frightened. I got unemployed, broke, and depressed and I have health issues. I hardly ever eat. I've lost 20 pounds in 4-5 months. My pay started coming in late in 2008. The company went bankrupt. They owe me $11K which I'll never see.

I hope you'll accept my sincere apology and that my reasons answered your question. I didn't slam the door on it. I just couldn't participate in anything. Still having a hard time. Working to change the site style with James to protect our security, etc., was hard enough. Looking for work every week and trying to pay bills is hard enough. I've been debilitated. I rarely get out of bed. Sad to say but it's true. Maybe when they fix the mold situation in my kitchen and family room, I'll feel better. (See the Demolition thread). I don't know what else to say. I must have apologized 3 times at least and thanked you multiple times.

Peace 'n' love.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by the mingo » April 7th, 2011, 12:57 am

Whoa slow down doreen! I ain't holding anything against ya. It's all over and done with now God bless it take it easy. There ain't anything to forgive. I just got home from work and saw all that you had written and thought what the ... it's ok really.
I'm good.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Dream Interpretation?

Post by Doreen Peri » April 7th, 2011, 8:20 am

OK. Sorry. I misinterpreted your text and thought you were angry at me for not following up on the thread. Sometimes I hate the internet. Text can be so easy to misinterpret. Thanks for everything. :)

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