Paving Over Paradise

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Paving Over Paradise

Post by sooZen » June 16th, 2011, 7:59 am

Paving Over Paradise
6/15/11 08:33 am

Yesterday was a very productive day and a good day because basically, I was feeling good and that can make all the difference. Oh, the smoke from the fires in AZ and NM and allergies were in effect but not so bad I couldn't stand it. Levels of tolerance have changed for me and if I have a day where my back isn't killing me or my shoulders don't ache or my knee or my hip, it is a very good day.

Of course, one never knows what others will color into your day and their attitudes or contributions but that is a whole 'nother story, isn't it? I mean, you can be feeling just hunky dory and someone can squash your "feel good" moments with their issues, if you let them. Part of the trick is understanding that they are their issues and not your own. Not easy, not always, especially if you feel you are blindsided by the reactions you get when you express an opinion. And if one is made up their mind and doesn't want to hear anything else anyone has to say about the matter, the concrete mindset holds sway. The subject is closed, not to be discussed, and the air is as hazy and smokey as our air from the wildfires burning around us. Not my modus operandi, not by any stretch. I am most willing to air out any subject, no holds barred and express my opinion, especially when it comes to subjects and people near and dear to my heart.

I have done things out of the goodness of my heart and from a compassionate viewpoint and found that it is not always appreciated or wanted, in the end (and things do end.) When someone tells me, confides in me their frustrations with a situation and then turns around and goes in the opposite direction, of course, it is confusing. Sometimes we are not aware of how we contribute to a situation or inflame it or even, enable it. And, in my experience, we all do things that are not healthy and not likely to make us happy. I know I have. A good relationship, a healthy relationship, is one of sharing and not just sharing and then expecting what we want to hear. If you or I are unwilling to communicate on any level then we are dam(n) builders, stopping the flow of what may be a refreshing and revitalizing flood and perhaps, enlightenment about what had one bamboozled in the first place.

Justifying bad decisions or careless acts can be a habit, become habitual and then what is garnered from this? One must suffer the consequences of our actions for experience and a willingness to learn from experience is the best teacher. But only if we listen and are willing to entertain an opposing view. Sometimes I do things without considering the consequences of my actions. I don't believe anyone can exempt themselves from this. It is only from experience and the wisdom of those that have been there before that we learn or at least garner, a bit of light on our confusion and indecision.

And what of postponement? A big word that. Letting things simmer is not the best answer, in my experience. Time does have a way of healing wounds but first they must be cleaned out and doctored and attention paid to the injury first then one can let time take its course. An injury left untreated, festers and becomes more than what it was in the first place. It grows and becomes much larger in our minds than it would if addressed immediately. True? And if I or you make up our minds and decide that we don't want to hear any thing but what we have decided to hear, those dam(n)s occur. It clogs up any freedom that we feel is necessary to remain open and honest.

Yes, I have strong opinions, I know this, it is of no surprise to me. Especially when it concerns things that I am passionate about. And I know I am not always right and have been wrong just as often but I am always willing to discuss it, to turn it over in my mind and look at all sides of an issue. I am not going to put concrete over something because I know that concrete ideas crack and seep and eventually split. (I am speaking in parables because that is the zen of the thing and how I tend to view life.)

I think that everything in Nature is precious, every living thing is precious, and shouldn't be subject to whims of our human foibles or mistakes, but of course, that is not always the case and most frequently isn't. Do I pull that weed? Yes, if it is growing in my garden but feel free to grow elsewhere, in the alley for instance, for each thing whether we label as a weed or a pest has a purpose and loves life just as much as we humans do. (Otherwise, why is it living?) To make a decision to chop down a tree should, in my estimation, take a lot of thought as to the why's and wherefores and not be done willy nilly, just for our convenience or because we made a bad decision to plant it where it grew. If something is suffering, then of course, it should be laid to rest for extending suffering is something we humans do at any cost with and for ourselves, sadly.

But, like I said, eliminating life should be done with respect and consideration and compassion and forethought and examination of alternatives and not just convenience or to make it more comfortable for one's self. "Uh oh, I made some bad decisions, made some bad choices and now I will just eliminate them and be done with it and move on to the next bad choice or decision!" What do we learn from that?

Oh, I know, I have been there, done that and not just once. I have invited people or plants or animals into my life, put every effort into their well being and ended up not being understood or appreciated or sorry I ever did that in the first place, period. It was good lessons, very good lessons and I learned a lot from those situations, as I should. I consider my choices carefully now, where I plant a plant and its needs and growth habits, whether or not I can handle bringing a flock of chicks into my life and what that would entail, the work, etc. Can I handle it? Is it right for them? Will someone else have to be responsible if I can't? Those are things I must consider in the grand scheme of my life (and theirs.)

We all, as humans, make bad choices or choices that we regret. Especially if we are still young and not prone to being responsible or haven't had a good example of what responsibility is. We all do this and have enabled others to do this too. It is part of learning to be human and growing not just up but expanding our understanding of the world and the life in it. And to be perfectly frank, not a lot of attention is paid to other life forms other than "us". For it is "just a pet", "just a plant", "just a tree", just...
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Re: Paving Over Paradise

Post by stilltrucking » June 16th, 2011, 11:46 am

It grows and becomes much larger in our minds than it would if addressed immediately. True?
Yes, but it is easier said than done. Some of us hu mans want to hide from our truth. Strange to me is how we deny awareness. I been quite good at it most of my life. Courage has come late to me.

Oh well water under the bridge and grist for the writer's mill.
I try to be responsible for every word I write
Of course, one never knows what others will color into your day and their attitudes or contributions...
not my intent to cause harm
or rain on anyone's parade

First thoughts can seem cruel. I maybe a narcissist or I may be Aspergers.
I like to keep an eye on my second thoughts too

_____________________________________pardon the personal ramble_______
just a pet", "just a plant", "just a tree", just...

just a river...

I saw a show about Guatemala, they have given "person hood" to natural systems like rivers, forests, and mountains... A river is not just a river. A river has rights,

A Good streamy stream,
you covered a lot of ground

thank you

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Re: Paving Over Paradise

Post by sooZen » June 17th, 2011, 8:40 am

Thank you Jack for the ramble (I appreciate rambles!) and your thoughts and the kind words...
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Re: Paving Over Paradise

Post by judih » June 17th, 2011, 10:38 am

First allow me to admire such lengthy discourse on such a vitally central issue. Wow. You've entered the veins of what goes on and allowed the flow to explore all the nooks and crannies.

Every experience is another chunk of coal, some further solar zap keeping this lab i call myself in operation - getting deeper more detailed information.

And it takes all kinds of interactions and experiences to crank open a new synapse here and there.

(even if that cracking hurts)

that's about all i can muster out of my friday afternoon brain - i expect more action shortly, can't promise where i'll be when it transpires. so, shalom for now, dear Soo and Still.

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Re: Paving Over Paradise

Post by sooZen » June 21st, 2011, 7:29 am

house cleaning those nooks and crannies for they do tend to collect dust, don't they? I appreciate your succinct observations, as always...
Freedom's just another word...

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