Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Inertia

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Inertia

Post by mtmynd » December 11th, 2011, 4:07 pm

[note: this is a reply I had written on Litkicks today. I thought I'd post it under a Sunday Stream given that today is Sunday and the reply was stream-like. Hard to believe so much time has passed this year and so much has happened everywhere. The changes I feel are the result of something much, much greater than we simple and greedy hu'mans could every concoct. But it is definitely the ongoing influence of the duality that IS...]

Preface: During this year I've been constantly reminded by a post I had made January 1st, 2010... nearly 2 years ago: Heavy Astrological Happenings, which the astrologer who wrote the paper foretold of major changes unlike we've ever encountered. Here it is and we're nearing the end of 2011 and whether or not astrology played any roll in those major changes we've been witness to for this year in particular, (weather that brought ruin to many parts of the country, the revelation of income disparity in our country, the social unrest thru the Occupy marches throughout the Nation, the abyss between not only the rich and the poor but the ideological divide between Republican and Democrats, Liberal and Conservatives... the list is long and not very pleasant as far as changes go, although I'm sure that there are many positive changes that have yet to be fully recognized, much less grasped by the country as a whole. The Mid East uprising which began in last spring was/is unheard of until then in that part of the world and then the debt problems not only in the U.S. but Europe and only recently what the media may end up referring to as the Russian Winter with their own problems with the governing elite.

On one hand these are exciting times given the amount of change throughout not only America but the world... and with duality firmly at play, these are also times of huge uncertainty and doubt that challenges anyone that thinks, despite their position in the world. The uncertainty of even our own government and our economic system is enough to consider alcoholism for many... not a recommended escape but very accessible and legal.

The Mountain Gives Way to Inertia

Truth is neither optimistic nor pessimistic... it is what is. Regarding the political state of the world, not only our own country, is a real war of the nature of duality. Look around and it is so evident that our opinions are split down the middle, from the Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives, the President and Congress, Tea Partiers and Occupiers, Capitalism and Socialism, Christians and Muslims, Pro-Choice and Pro-Life, Palestinians and Israelis... the dualities are everywhere one can look with open eyes and the Truth of the matter... and the Truth of the matter is with all those opinions coming from the mouths of millions and millions of people worldwide thru the various mediums we have constructed to disseminate those opinions to anyone that will listen, there are more talkers than there are listeners. Even our once trusted news sources in the U.S. now try to out shout each other much to the detriment of actual debate or truth finding.

We have arrived at a level of communications amongst all the world's peoples that compete for center stage with whose opinions will overrun the opposition. It matters little if there is not an ounce of wisdom in anything that is said because nobody really wants to listen... not when there is this vast world of communications to rant on and on with.

It's arguably a time when nobody really seems to want to concede to another opinion that differs from their own. Look at the responses even on this board to verify that. Read the opinions (if you can!) that follow news reports... it is meaningless to give freedom of the press if freedom apparently equals anarchy.

As a reminder, "anarchy" is defined as -
1) Absence of any form of political authority.
2) Political disorder and confusion.
3) Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.

More and more, from the U.S. to the Middle East, from Europe to Russia, from Africa to Asia... is there not a spot on the globe that one cannot see social unrest?
It could be easily argued that this phenomenon of social upheaval began it's big movement NOT because of the banking/mortgage crisis (another duality), but that, too, was initiated by everything else going on globally with unrest popping up damn near everywhere in a relatively short period of time. Who is the real culprit amongst us that should be punished harshly when this period of tremendous unrest is beyond our understanding?

If anyone truly believes they have the answer... the solution to all the upheavals throughout the world, we know that any answer will be met with a polarizing opposition.
Does anyone REALLY want the Truth and who amongst us would recognize the Truth if it was delivered to us personally? Who among us is willing to give up whatever goodness we have to achieve Truth.

Looking around thru the streets of my own hometown, to the news reports on the country, to International news and beyond, there is precious little that anyone seems to want to believe other than they are getting ripped off, they are getting cheated, they are not being treated fairly, they are hungry and homeless... all this misery continues growing all around us like a huge fungus threatening our very beings, and we are ill-equipped to deal with the enormity of the problem that we ourselves have created.

All the hu'man problems we deal with daily are OUR problems. We either believe in what we are doing as being the right thing for us to do or we are simply chasing dreams to escape from the god-awful reality that we find ourselves in. Again, we are faced with that never ending duality, yin/yang, and we continually try to disprove it's TRUTH. The less "YIN" the less "YANG"... the greater the "YIN" the greater the "YANG", true and simple.

The greater the Nation the greater the collapse, the greater the wealth the equally greater the poverty.

No wonder there is so much doubt... the greater the doubt the greater the Truth.


Photo of the Day:
Sculpture in Santa Fe

photo: cecil
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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by Artguy » December 11th, 2011, 5:11 pm

A streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmm!!!!!! I am still aghast and will have to take some time to chew on it...

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by Artguy » December 11th, 2011, 5:22 pm

The problem is in the beauty of it all...the constant reminder of how diverse we bipeds are...Now if only we could wake up to the realization that it is perfectly fine to have a multitude of opinions...To actually embrace the differences we all have in common...

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by Arcadia » December 11th, 2011, 5:40 pm

We have arrived at a level of communications amongst all the world's peoples that compete for center stage with whose opinions will overrun the opposition. It matters little if there is not an ounce of wisdom in anything that is said because nobody really want to listen... not when there is this vast world of communications to rant on and on with. Welcome to saturation times...!!!!! :lol: :wink:

good to read you again, Cecil!!!!!!!! :D

saludos & gracias for the stream!!!!!!

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by mtmynd » December 12th, 2011, 11:11 am

Thanks, Kurt y Gracias, Veronica!

... and good to see you again...
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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by the mingo » December 12th, 2011, 3:37 pm

Holy Hell Yeah, Mongolia! I thought you had dried up out there with the drought!
But NO! The Baptist is still howling in the wilderness! And come out with two goatskins of fresh duality! Thank God!! Great to hear from ya, Cec! Wondered about you just the other day - I was listenin' to "Run Through The Jungle" when a thought of you crossed what passes for my mind these days. 'Bout time !
Good to hear from you!

...and etc. 8)
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by stilltrucking » December 13th, 2011, 12:07 pm

It is about gotdam time the mountain got off his ass and wrote a stream. :wink:

This is my second attempt at a reply. Still chewing it over, but I dig the title that much I am sure of. :D 8)

thank you for the picture Cecil you are a maestro with a camera, still chewing on your words. Good luck to levi and his attemp to find common ground with the dualities of the Kochsuckers and meek.

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by mtmynd » December 15th, 2011, 2:50 pm

Howdy, el Mingo! Good to see you around these parts... they've been bare for many moons... so quite it worries the deaf.

I sure hope to post another Stream or two in the near future... creativity has been hijacked by political schemers dressed in tie-dyed uniforms humming Neil Sedaka tunes.


Jack... will the 3rd time be the charm that will hang from the chain of good fortune? Going into the 3rd day and I'm still waiting. ;)

Re: "Good luck to levi and his attemp to find common ground with the dualities of the Kochsuckers and meek."

well put, amigo...
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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by jackofnightmares » December 19th, 2011, 1:59 pm

Not sure I really get duality
Levi a good guy, a transcendental kind of guy I think electricbil called him.
He is a peacemaker, the world needs them, needs so many more peacemakers.

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by mtmynd » December 19th, 2011, 5:40 pm

Re: "Not sure I really get duality"

What is it that you don't get?
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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by MrGuilty » December 22nd, 2011, 6:19 pm

If I could tell you why I do not get duality would that mean I got it :? ?

Sometimes it sounds empty to me like a platitude.

Duality, duality,
it is all duality

life and death
digital computers
on and off
an electric current
matter anti-matter

male and female

not much I do get anymore
my own version of beat I guess

what makes sense to every one but me and Emily Dickinson
So I pretend I get it
drinking rum and coca cola
working for the Yankee dollar

boy think I have drifted far afield from your thread sorry

in over my head
thinking about Koch Brothers and filthy lucre
about right livelihood
you know the Koch Brothers are philanthropists
they contribute so much money to the arts

art and money
is that a duality
I used to be smart

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by mtmynd » December 22nd, 2011, 7:25 pm

Re: "If I could tell you why I do not get duality would that mean I got it?"

you're a smart man, JT.

Maybe you'd like to peruse these links I came across today..? [big list of connections] ... neness.htm

'advaita', understandably, disregards the concept of duality... the primary reason being 'all is one'. however, even that theory, arguably, is dualistic, i.e. no matter what we do, think, believe, no matter how we act, behave, construct... we all make a choice, consciously or not... those choices being one or the other (yin/yang). This ancient principle is as ancient as that of 'advaita' and further connects the truth of duality to being as factual as 'all is one'. we are all one in a multi-dimensional universe that is in constant motion which can be understood as 'friction'... the necessary dynamic between yin and yang serving the purpose of one conclusion - every thing is connected into one by one for one without equal or division - the greatest of mysteries, which fuels life.
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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by stilltrucking » December 23rd, 2011, 12:16 am

thank you for the links, I been checking them out.

The Myth of Better

(The following is an excerpt from the book, Nothing Personal, Seeing Beyond the Illusion of a Separate Self by Nirmala. Part 1 of the book is available as a free ebook download here, or you can purchase the entire book in our bookstore.)

We are conditioned to believe something that has very little truth to it, so little truth that it’s more accurate to call it a myth: We believe that things could be better. We deeply believe that we can have a better experience or a better life or become a better person. And, of course, the flip side of this is that we believe that things could be worse.

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by stilltrucking » December 23rd, 2011, 3:07 pm

The Myth of Better and Worse 8) Nice dualiy there I think :?

"Where can I find a man who forgets about words and have a word with him"
The Power of Myth

Has anyone studied on the the power of truth or writen a TV show called The Power of Truth?

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Re: Sunday Stream [263] ~The Mountain Gives Way to Enertia

Post by mtmynd » December 24th, 2011, 4:27 pm

Re: "We are conditioned to believe something that has very little truth to it, so little truth that it’s more accurate to call it a myth: We believe that things could be better. We deeply believe that we can have a better experience or a better life or become a better person. And, of course, the flip side of this is that we believe that things could be worse."

This is using the mind. Empty the mind and what is left is the origin of what all has sprung from and becomes what is.
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