December 12, 2012

Essays & explorations by Steve Plonk

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Steve Plonk
Posts: 2483
Joined: December 12th, 2009, 4:48 pm

December 12, 2012

Post by Steve Plonk » August 10th, 2013, 5:59 pm

December 12, 2012
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December 12, 2012

Postby Steve Plonk » December 12th, 2012, 7:38 am

It's Twelve. Twelve. Twelve...12/12/12...Ding dong bell, Turkeys in the dell,
What's that smell? What's that smell? The smell of change is in the air,
Dial the Red Cross & rid the world of care. Dial UNICEF & save the children...
Pay your fair share of taxes. Smile & the world will smile with you...Be kind to animals...
Clean up the water & the air...It's 12.12.12, Gather like a bundle of sticks
which are better than one...Get moving new peace pilgrim(s). 8)

Sing your new song!
"Further on is into Day!"
Gather together & have a toga party with pizza & cold drinks...Celebrate all creation!

Pray for our species of humankind as a whole. Keep watch over mother earth & father sky.
Once, a new star rose in the East & passed over to the West: Son of the Morning Star...
May your next harvest time be fruitful...May your new year be bright...Pray tonight...
Accept that we must peacefully coexist to better the planet... 8)

I try to think positively--no sense in negative thinking. Like many,
I think humankind has a chance, if we collectively come to our senses & respect creation. 8) :) Further thoughts on 12.12.12...

Also posted on "Chat Spot" thread, Page 11, in the Discussions forum, in a slightly differing form.

Re: December 12, 2012

Postby Steve Plonk » January 12th, 2013, 4:28 pm

Now, it's January 12, 2013...Time keeps on keeping on.
Thirty days I've checked my watch since 12.12.12.
Obama is our President & all is right with the world...
Comedies & tragedies have happened since then; but it all boils down to the fact that
Congress made a deal with the President last week & the "draconian tax thing" was averted.
We may have driven off the "fiscal cliff", but our proverbial "car of state" had a parachute attached for a softer landing. So, never give up on the progressive agenda. Keep on chooglin'. Get rhythm... 8)

I am generally optimistic, but I am not the commanding general.
This world may have lost some of its glory, but we can still make deals with "frenemies" & catastrophic economic events may be avoided. Now let's raise the debt ceiling without rancor...In about a week, Obama will be get inaugurated for a second time as POTUS.
We are pleased...

Re: December 12, 2012

Postby Steve Plonk » February 14th, 2013, 1:15 pm

February 12, 2012
Lincoln's Birthday & President Obama's State of the Union Address:

Yes, it was a great speech. Obama aims to raise the minimum wage to nine dollars an hour.
He wants the Congress to vote on background checks for gun purchasers, getting assault weapons off the streets & getting rid of magazine clips of more than ten rounds. Kind folks & gentle people, a person doesn't need an AK to hunt deer. In addition, what is it going to hurt to
have everyone with a rifle or pistol get it licensed, like you do a car. I would say people should also be required to carry additional insurance in case of shooting accidents.
Gun safety courses should also be a requirement. Do you hear that, Ted Nugent?

Hey, I was once a card carrying member of the NRA back in the sixties... I was a sharpshooter in the service. I've got the medals to prove it. Just saying...
I got all that shooting out of my system... Now, I'd rather go fishing , than go hunting.
Fishing is more user friendly. Too many careless gun nuts out there! Hey, former Veep,Cheney, might be in my patch of woods...Besides, I was always a knife man. Kind of like Bob Dylan's character "Alias" in the "Billy the Kid" movie.

Re: December 12, 2012

Postby Steve Plonk » March 13th, 2013, 12:01 pm

Twenty years ago, on March 12, 1993, we had a twenty-two inch snowfall in a blizzard.
We had thunder snow & the whole "nine yards". Since our average snowfall is only two
or three snows @ year, in our area in Chattanooga, TN, we were unprepared for it.
Power went out in our neighborhood for almost three days at freezing temperatures.
Some neighborhoods had power out for weeks.

I went with some people, in a SUV, whom I hardly knew, to get kerosene for the stove. These folks were rough, redneck, & republican. However, since I needed fuel, I shared the gas money for a ride. My wife & kid were depending upon me to get the fuel...
The SUV driver didn't take me back immediately to our apartment, after getting the kerosene, because he & his cronies had their own agenda. They made a package store run, & talked about how they'd like to get drunk & commit a crime. I think it was "trash talk"...I was relieved that the package store was closed & breathed a sigh of relief when I arrived home. (The reason I know they were republican was because they had a Bush sign in their
yard & chided me until I said my brother voted for Perot & I'd voted once for Alexander for governor, back in the day...) "These things happen", as Willie Nelson once said...

Never again, will I accept a ride from folks I hardly know. Around here, snow not only brings out cooperation, but also brings out meanness. Everybody, if they've experienced a blizzard, has a story or two to tell. (Quick talking or thinking may save your life...)
Floods also bring out both the charitable & the mean in people, but that's another tale.

The above series of essays are copies of mine found in Stories & Essays Forum.

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