we love doreen jam

On-going spontaneous Word Jams.
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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » July 27th, 2016, 11:13 pm

heart-struck by your stories, steve and roy. adding to the pool of empathy. shared pain adds a little love into the agony. hoping to dilute the hurt.
may you, doreen, find a drop of dilution, if not this second, then in a future one.

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by Doreen Peri » July 28th, 2016, 4:15 pm

Steve.... the story about your niece getting murdered is heartbreaking. I'm so very sorry! I can't even imagine ....

Sasha ... Yes, I understand how remembering the death of your father could come back to you later and cause tears. I'm so glad he still comes into your dreams.

Judih .... your words and heart are always special to me.

Mark .... I know you lost your sister last year and I know that was very difficult for you.

Mingo... I appreciate your poetry and heart


I appreciate all of you so very much. Every single one of us has experienced losing someone. Death doesn't leave anybody out. You all have experienced grieving and the task of moving on with your lives and how the loss affects you.

On a positive note, there's one thing that's stronger than death and that survives death each and every time and that's LOVE. Love is more powerful than death. Our love continues.

The words of wisdom and the poetry you've all offered are precious. Thank you all so much for being my friends and for being there for me.

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by WIREMAN » July 28th, 2016, 6:06 pm

thank you Doreen :)
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by Doreen Peri » July 28th, 2016, 8:16 pm

((( Wireman )))

that's a ((( hug ))) :)

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » July 29th, 2016, 12:31 am

yes ((( it ))) is.

life is a movie that never fails to surprise
when it's calm, it's calm
when it's insane, it's insane
when i can step back and watch, it's a dream

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by saw » July 31st, 2016, 10:36 am

so much
Y we R are
to deal with love
and loss
it's all about
earth school
we are taught
the grand scheme
so close, so far
how do I keep
how do I nurture
the living
as I mourn the dying
how do I breathe
how will my heart
beat in rhythm
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » July 31st, 2016, 11:25 pm

the lessons are there
i admit
but for so much of my life
i walk around dreaming of past or future
i barely interact with the present moment
so simple to shuck off the layers of fluff
and be
but it's not easy
the present moment in all its shining
is here for me
if only i open my perception

if only i say yes to the lessons
and study myself

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by saw » August 9th, 2016, 9:18 am

life moves with every breath
though we may feel like something
is missing, still the air
comes in only to be exhaled
as something new, and time
can feel so cruel some days,
so precious other ones, the mind
needs nourishment, the vitamins
of peace, love and understanding
and that ain't funny....never was
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » August 13th, 2016, 11:31 pm

a breath
i feel another
i feel

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by saw » August 14th, 2016, 8:59 am

time oh time
a tome of experience
da good, da bad
the so so, which parts
stay with us, which parts
we jettison to sea
to sink or float, live
or die among the seaweed
the ledger books
are decrepit yellow pages
historical descriptions
of perspective, some true
some exaggerated, but love
is always true, cuz
we feel it in a different location
from all the other stuff
that special place, that chamber
of the heart under lock and key
we enter the room when we are able
pace outside the door when we are not
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » August 14th, 2016, 10:40 am

i relate!

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by saw » August 17th, 2016, 9:06 am

how duz one
make the most
of each day we walk
how do we extract all there is
from a single minute,
perhaps that's too lofty
a notion, maybe the best
we can do is try
to be aware, try to grasp
flower petals in the wind
she loves me...he loves me
but in the end all the grandeur
of true love
is still there, buoyed
by our desire to immortalize
and preserve the best
of the best, the rest floats
off beyond our fingers
days gone to the so so, but
love is heavy, cannot be
stirred up in the gales
of winter, the hurricanes
of summer, no....love
is tethered to our rib cage
an invisible cable keeps it near
so we can tap it like a keg
when we are parched from grief,
drink our fill til calm is restored
if only for a moment or two
we quench our thirst for what was
with lips wet from what is
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by judih » August 17th, 2016, 11:58 pm

a sand-filled breeze
tickles my words
so emptiness laughs

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by sasha » August 21st, 2016, 3:54 pm

A word if I may
to doreen...
...and to saw...
...and to mingo...
...and to wireman:

my broken rib has knit
so I no longer need
the forest mojo
that carried me
on brother raven's wings

I would like to pass it on to you
my injury was slight
so I didn't use too much
it's mostly still there
for you
in your times of need

take it
feel it
use it
share it
that's what it's for

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Re: we love doreen jam

Post by stilltrucking » August 21st, 2016, 8:11 pm

I been thing about creating another user name on studio eight. but I am trying to contain myself :wink:

thanks Doreen, someone once called studio eight her "oasis on the net" It is hard world what with all the people in it, and we all know what Sartre said about people. Thinking about a bit in "Genesis Angles' the book about the beats. Something like this — "it was a time when you would hitchhike a thousand miles to see a friend"?

something like that

this internet sucks up a lot of juice, so I don't to waste one photon pixle of electricity here...

When I come to studio eight I feel like i have rode my bike a thousand miles to see a friend.

I love you sister.

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